Thirty Three

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After dealing with a rather annoying crowd that seemed like they wanted to prevent Weiss from entering the building, she finally allowed herself to let loose a breath of relief. She didn't mind signing autographs, but some people were rather pushy and wanted them in places that made her uncomfortable. Her eyes darted around the auditorium as potential students slowly started to file in. Myrtenaster's inspection passed which didn't surprise Weiss, and she would be allowed to grab her beloved weapon on her way to the practical exam after the written one was over. 

Seated near the back of the dark auditorium, Weiss ignored the whispers of those around her, many of them giving her not so discreet glances. The tabloids were going to eat this up come morning, Weiss could already see the headline. 

Schnee: Future Hero or Attention seeker? 

Her eyes scanned the auditorium, looking for any sign of Kyouka and Mina when suddenly, several spotlights that were aimed at the front of the stage came to life, along with the large screen with UA's logo, causing the whispers to end. 

"WELCOME TO THE SHOW POTENTIAL UA FIRST YEARS!" Present Mic screamed as he popped onto the stage, from a trapdoor that lifted him. Weiss flinched softly at the loudness of his voice. She had met the Pro Hero a few times, with the spiky haired man even remixing a few of her songs with permission. She still prefered her version of 'I Burn', but it was an honor for such an accomplished hero and DJ to take an interest in her music. "EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" 

Everybody was silent, with only a single person awkwardly coughing. 

"Tough crowd." Present Mic shrugged with his ever present grin still on his face. "Then I'll quickly present a rundown on the practical exam which you'll take after the written one!" He struck a dramatic pose and screamed in Valish, uh English. 


"No." Weiss mumbled under her breath. How many people here truly wanted to be heroes out of the goodness of their heart? How many were here just for fame and money? How many were ready to give their life for humanity? Finding such 'Heroes' here would be rare, Weiss was sure of it. The continued silence of the auditorium caused her comment to echo, causing several exam-takers to giggle as Present Mic blushed. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice that it came from her since someone else in the room started mumbling rather loudly. It was distracting, which caused Weiss to harden her eyes. 

"As it says in the application that you all filled out, you fans shall be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after the written exam!" Present Mic held his hands in the air dramatically as the screen behind him started to change. "You can bring whatever you want with you, and depending on some exceptions, most of you brought the paperwork needed for your more dangerous requested supplies!" 

Weiss felt his eyes linger on her for a few seconds. 

"After the written exam, you'll head to the specified battle center marked on your examinee card, okay?" 

Weiss gave her card a glance as the room continued to be an awkward silence. She was assigned to Battle Center B.  


Everyone still stayed silent, which made Weiss want to laugh internally. So far this was nothing like Beacon, with Professor Ozpin's entrance speech and initiation happening the next day. It was understandable. Many trained their whole lives to be able to make it to the one of the Four Huntsmen Academies, the students here were unblooded. Even before attending Beacon Weiss trained fighting weaker Grimm, and the experimental Atlesian military androids. Having the finest private tutors also helped, and she never stopped training even after ending up in this world. 

"You'll find three types of faux villains in each Battle Center!" Present Mic continued, his enthusiasm still at an all time high. The screen behind him showed a small city block along with the outline of three androids. "You'll earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty." 

Weiss sighed as Present Mic continued to explain the other rules to the exam. Someone in the middle of the auditorium near the front stood up with his hand held in the air. 

"Excuse me! May I ask a question?" The boy with glasses said loudly, yet respectfully. He was dressed in a beige suit that looked rather expensive, Weiss would know after all. 

"You just did." Weiss grumbled as she crossed her arms. Thankfully, no one heard her this time. 

"You got it!" Present Mic flashed him a thumbs up. Weiss drowned out the beginning of the bespectacled boy's rant, talking about how it was a dishonor for UA to have a misprint in their application. Weiss scoffed softly, it was obvious that Present Mic was going to bring it up later. The teachers never revealed everything all at once, just how no one knew that Professor Ozpin would launch them all off a cliff for initiation. 

"-and you curly haired boy in the back!" Even from her seat in the back Weiss could see his harsh glare. "You've been muttering this whole time, it's distracting. If you're applying just for the fun of it, please leave now." Ah so that was the muttering that Weiss heard. What a loud boy. 

Weiss already didn't like Glasses. H-He reminded her too much of how she used to be, before Beacon, before RWBY. She pinched her thigh to stop her hand from shaking. 

"Okay, okay! Thanks for the great message Examinee Number 7111!" Present Mic kept his grin as the screen added the outline of a fourth opponent. "The fourth villain is more zero points, an obstacle if you will! There shall be one in every Battle Center! Its not impossible to beat, but there's no reason too." 

Present Mic posed again with rock and roll fingers. 

"I recommend that my fans run away!" 

Weiss was tired of running, she was tired of losing. She tapped her heel against the ground as Present Mic continued to speak. 

"GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!" Present Mic lifted his hands in the air as the screen brought up the school's motto in large colorful fonts. 

Now that, that sounded like a plan, after all…

This life was hers. 


I finished this chapter early, so you know what that means. No update this weekend! Regarding Weiss' hero costume, I know its not going to please a lot of people, but I am happy with it. Ziksua really did an amazing job with Weiss. 

To my Ukrainian readers, I hope you stay safe. 

Instead of a question of the day, we'll have another AMA. Feel free to ask me anything. FF readers will have their responses in the next chapter. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Where stories live. Discover now