Eighty Two

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Neito needed to end the fight as quickly as possible, before his time limit with the quirks he copied ended. That was easier said than done with how Half-and-Half boy was fighting, but it was doable. Neito was amazing after all.

Dodging another fast moving glacier with help from Shishida's beast quirk, Neito switched to Honenuki's quirk and touched the ground. The concrete yard that Cementoss created started wiggling like mochi as Todoroki started to sink.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Neito laughed proudly as Endeavor's son struggled to get free, using his ice in an attempt to free himself. "What's wrong rich boy? Finally realizing that you're all hype with nothing to back that up?" Touching the ground once more which returned it back to its solid state, Neito charged, activating Shishida's quirk as hair grew all over his body.

Todoroki shattered the concrete around him with a blast of ice, and moved his body backwards, missing Neito's haymaker by just inches. Todoroki countered by reaching out with his frost covered hand, which forced Neito to switch to Kamakiri's quirk, with blades forming from his arms.

"Why aren't you using your fire?" Neito laughed, his eyes focused on the arrogant bastard, backing off slowly. Just one touch and he could match his firepower. "Is it because you think you're better than all of us? Better than me?!" He switched to Kendo's quirk, causing his lands to grow as large as a person on its own."

"Shut up." Todoroki finally spoke, shooting a blast of ice from his right hand. More and more frost was starting to cover him.

"No, I don't think I will!" Neito said dramatically. That's right, get angry, get angry and make mistakes. Neito didn't have a quirk that could stand on its own, so he had to play dirty in order to win. As soon as Neito got into that bastard's head, this fight was as good as his.

Taking a deep breath, Neito switched to Tsuburaba's quirk, and exhaled deeply, forming a wall of air between himself and the ice.

"You think you're better than all of us, just because you're Endeavor's son!" Horns popped out from the top of Neito's head, launching themselves towards his opponent. "I bet you already have a cushy job as a hero lined up once you graduate." Neito laughed even harder even as Todoroki froze each horn.

"Well guess what, Daddy dearest isn't here to save you!" Neito used Fukidashi's quirk again. "BOOM! BOOM!"

Words exploded around the scarred boy. He truly wasn't worthy to stand by the side of the Goddess like Neito was.

"What kind of hero are you? I would say a bitchy one but then that'll insult dogs everywhere. You're just going to let people get hurt? Some hero you're going to be, Endeavor Junior."

Neito wasn't strong, he could never be the main character like his Goddess, but that didn't matter! He would give a wonderful performance and force himself to be able to stand by her side!

"SHUT UP!" Todoroki's half frozen body touched the ground, freezing the damaged battleground as his other half started to light like a match. Touching the ground again with Honenuki's quirk, all Neito could do was grin. Even that much power was useless when the ground turned into quicksand.



"I'm going to be a hero." Neito said with a forced grin, his footsteps leading him to who knows where. They made fun of him in class again, since his quirk was useless.

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