Fifty Six

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Weiss was on the verge of falling asleep when a knock at the door interrupted her. After a long journey from Atlas, which included crash landing after dealing with a swarm of Lancers, and being held for ransom by a wandering group of bandits, whose leader just happened to be Yang's Mom, Weiss was exhausted. Sliding off of the bed in the rented house that Qrow managed to obtain, Weiss slowly walked over to the door. Whoever it was must have a good reason for waking her up in the middle of the night! They were going to Haven Academy tomorrow.

Opening the door slightly, Weiss was greeted to the sight of beautiful silver eyes.

"Hey." Ruby gave her a smile, one that Weiss easily returned. It had been close to a year since they had last seen each other, and they were now different people. That much was obvious by Ruby's physical growth. Weiss could see how she was related to Yang, especially with the pajamas she currently wore.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping with Yang. I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on." Weiss smirked as she leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms which caused the sleeping shirt she borrowed from Ruby to expose part of her stomach. The pajama pants were Yang's, and were a few sizes too big and long for Weiss.

"Yeah, but she's snoooring so I won't be able to get any sleep." Ruby complained softly, careful enough to not wake anyone.

Weiss smiled and started to close the door. "Good night Ruby."

The dark haired girl stuck her leg in the gap, her aura protecting her from any bruising. "Wait!" Weiss opened the door again with a raised eyebrow. Ruby held a pillow she had brought and stared at the ground with a slight blush on her face.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Ruby squeaked as she held the pillow even closer. She was so cute.

"Of course. All you had to do was ask." Weiss opened the door enough to allow Ruby to enter. Closing the door behind the dark haired girl, Weiss walked back to her borrowed bed and laid on it. She gave Ruby, who was still standing by the door, a head tilt. "What are you doing over there?" She patted the empty space to her side.

"Yay!" In a blur of roses, Ruby basically jumped onto the bed, and not even a few seconds later, the two were holding each other close, Ruby's head in the crook of Weiss' neck. She mumbled something under her breath.

"Hm? What did you say?" Weiss said with a small blush forming on her face, her arms wrapped around the scythe wielder.

"Are you worried about tomorrow?" Ruby said softly.

"Of course not. I'm sure everything will be fine." Weiss brushed a bang that blocked Ruby's eyes. "We're Team RWBY after all. With you as our fearless leader, anything is possible."

"Hehe you're so silly Weiss." Ruby sounded tired. "Can you sing me a lullaby? Like you used to?"

"Mhm." Weiss hummed. "I have a new one for you."

Ruby mumbled something that sounded like a yay. Weiss started to sing softly, just loud enough for Ruby to hear.

"There's a garden, where I go, if you meet me there no one will know…"

Everything would be just fine.

No-no-no, this couldn't be happening. Why did villains want to keep ruining her life?! They had taken everything from her, her home, her world, her friends, her team, her family, and…Ruby. Weiss hated them, villains, criminals and evil-doers. Not even in this new world could they leave her alone, even attacking them in the middle of training. Villains never changed, and they never learned. Weiss wouldn't make the same mistakes she did before.

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