The Plan

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As my body made contact with the ground below, all of the air in my lungs was knocked out. As I lay there on my back, frozen in shock from the impact, my mouth gaping like a fish. I desperately tried to pull air into my chest with no avail. I was helpless, and it was terrifying.

My eyes traveled up the cliff, landing on the ledge I'd just been kicked off. The League of Shadows assassin could be seen, leering down at me through her red googles. I had no idea how far I'd fallen- far enough for it to hurt really bad. I remember learning about paralysis in school, and could only hope I hadn't hit anything important: I was screwed if I was paralyzed. A small groan passed through my lips.

"Bitch." I unconsciously thought into our mind link.

But whatever insult I was going to say next was lost to me. To my utter delight, the lean assassin leapt from the cliff like a panther, her red spear flashing in her hands. Even though I had no air in my lungs to scream, my inner monologue released a string of horrific profanity, in which the Team probably heard.

"Bluejay, where are you?" Robin asked me, but I was too busy trying to get my muscles to unfreeze.

After a terrifying split second, I finally managed to swallow some air and to roll out of the way as the head of her red spear was thrust into the ground. I eyed the space where my torso had just been, which was now occupied by a crouching, murderous assassin. She raised her spear to skewer me, but the weapon never left her hands.

As quick as lightning, Robin dropped onto her shoulders, his cape flashing in the wind. His face was murderous as he locked my fallen staff under her chin. She thrashed, twisting to try and get Robin off her. While she was distracted, I un-dignifiedly rolled further away. I was pleased to find I wasn't paralyzed, as I found I could now move my limbs again.

With a heavy groan, I pushed myself to feet and watched as Robin successfully took out the assassin within moments. She managed to throw him off her, but Robin landed smoothly, blocking a punch before whacking her over the head with my staff. She was out cold, and fell into the snow.

"Nice save there. Ten stars." I wheezed and clutched the stich in my side, flashing Robin a thumbs up.

He didn't respond and ran over to me, his features hardened and stoic. I noticed the snow beginning to frost the tips of his black hair. Robin's gloved hands took my face, and I instinctively grabbed his forearms. I could feel him shaking ever so slightly. The sound of clashing weapons and yells seemed to quiet as Robin pushed back the hood of my jacket, checking for blood.

"Anything broken?" He asked, scanning me up and down.

Through heavy breathing, I shook my head. I noticed the way Robin's fingers lingered on my skin, and the sounds of the battle around us seemed to quiet for a moment. I leaned into his touch. Although I felt really crappy and sore from my sudden trip through the mountain air, nothing felt snapped, cracked, or busted. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline. Taking a quick look around, the two of us took shelter behind the jet's torn wing before we could be targeted.

"Thanks." I breathed.

Though his expression was still hard with anger, Robin nodded. He cast a glance at the unconscious form of the assassin laying nearby. Even though she was now rendered harmless, I couldn't help but want to kick snow in her face.

"It... happened again, didn't it." Robin stated, a muscle in his jaw twitching.

I pressed my lips together before offering a small nod. For whatever reason, I was now positive that blackout was related to my meta power. But oddly enough that was the most severe I'd ever felt it. My eyes returned to the cliff to see anything that might have triggered it when I saw Rocket streak by, knocking down a camouflaged assassin.

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