Friends Just Hanging Out

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Sunny and Kel went downstairs together. Hero was cooking some food, both Sunny and Kel could tell because it smells delicious. Hero looked at the boys and grinned "Heya! You can wait down here while I finish up this rice. "Cool, bro! What are we having?" Kel questioned Hero 

"Rice and chicken with vegetables!" 

Kel's eyes beamed and grabbed Sunny's shoulder and nudged him closer to him. "Heck yes! Sunny get ready because this is Hero's BEST dinner dish ever if I do say so myself!" Hero grinned and placed his hand on his chest while doing the best charming look on his face. "Aw, stop it, Kel your making me blush!"

"Come on, Hero! You're good at cooking and you know it!" Kel laughed as Sunny and him were walking to the couch to watch TV. "What do you wanna watch, Sunny?" Kel said while scrolling through the TV shows and movies. Sunny shrugged and said 

"I don't know you can chose what you want. I don't care, honestly..."

"Oh okay!" Kel said while clicking on a random movie that looked intriguing. 

"Oh! Hey, Sunny! Aubrey and Basil are coming over!" Hero yelled out through the kitchen

Kel jumped and said "W-W-W-Wait! They're coming!? You didn't tell me!" Hero chuckled and smirked at Kel "I was gonna tell you, Kel but you just went running up to your room to see Sunny"

"Oh," Kel said with a stupid face of realization 

Hero laughed and continued cooking 

"They should be here by now-"

"HEY, BITCHES" Aubrey shouted while kicking the door open. Basil was behind Aubrey trying to calm her down. Hero yelped with a scream and almost dropping the hot mixing spoon. Hero went out the kitchen and scolded Aubrey "Aubrey!, What did I say about LANGUAGE." 

Aubrey rolled her eyes "Sorry..." Aubrey said. Aubrey looked around and saw Sunny. "HOLY CRAP SUNNY!" Sunny was dumbfounded, he looked around himself and pointed at himself. "Yes! You! Get over here!" Aubrey shouted. 

Sunny got up and went towards Aubrey. 

"Oh my god, Sunny how are you doing?" Aubrey said, it looked like she heard about Sunny's problem. If that's so then maybe Basil has heard of it too. "G-Good..." Sunny looked down at his feet "W-Who told you?" Sunny asked out of curiosity. 

"Oh! Hero did! We called him to see if we could hangout but he told us about..." Basil tuned down at the last sentence and looked at Sunny. It looked like Basil didn't take it well when he heard about the incident. Sunny went towards Basil and gave him a hug. Basil hugged Sunny back "I hope you're doing so much better now...!"

Aubrey stared at the two boys hugging and scoffed. "Do you want a hug, Aubrey?" Sunny asked while tilting his head. Aubrey was caught by surprise "What? Pfft, No! Why would I need hugs? Their gross and - -" 

Aubrey was paused by Sunny hugging her tight. "Ugh, fine only this time." The pink haired girl said. Aubrey hugged him back and let go. 

Aubrey went with Hero to help him cook. Basil went exploring somewhere in the house. Kel and Sunny were sitting on the couch just talking. Sunny felt a little woozy and yawned, Kel stopped talking and looked at Sunny's tired face

It was adorable

Kel blushed and said "Are you tired, Sunny?" Sunny looked at Kel and nodded slowly while rubbing his eye. 

"I-I could lend you a shoulder if you want!" Kel said while scooting himself more closer to Sunny.   "Hm..., okay, thank you, Kel..." Sunny plopped his head on Kel's shoulder. Kel smiled and looked at Sunny.

He's asleep.

Meanwhile in the kitchen with Hero and Aubrey

"How the hell do you use this seasoning?"  Aubrey said while struggling to get the seasoning cap open. "You don't twist it! There is a cap there that doesn't need twisting you can just pop it open!" Hero said professionally. "Ah! I got it, haha!" Aubrey grinned 

"Oh! And make sure you don't open the full center, just use the ones that has the hole symbols on top!" Hero said while he turned to Aubrey. Hero was stunned

Aubrey used the whole cap center instead of the holes. "Whoops" Aubrey nervously grinned Hero inhaled and tried his best not to lose it. "H-How about you cut the vegetables! I will fix this little mistake!" Hero said while dragging Aubrey and handing her the knife for her to cut the veggies. 

"Okay..." Aubrey said while slowly cutting the vegetables.

Boi I'm losing my mind lololololo

Thanks for reading!!!!

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