Part 20

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Four weeks pass and i am now showing. The company congratulated me but i am now nervous when i tell Thorin. The sickness grew even with all my efforts to keep it still. He is paranoid and i had to constantly calm him from doubting my loyalty and love for him. If Smaug were still here and he was the same height as me, i would knock out some teeth.

"And yet it is not found!" I grasp Bilbo shoulder as I, Bilbo, Balin, and Dwalin talk to Thorin. The Arkenstone still cannot be found and only two of us know why. Bilbo glances at me and i give him a nervous smile.

"Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?" Really, Balin? You had to ask that.

"The Arkenstone is in this mountain. Am i not the king? If i find anyone is hiding it, they will pay greatly for it." That will not happen. I won't let it.

I motion subtly with my head for Balin and Dwalin to go. Bilbo goes too with a nudge from me. I can calm Thorin and surprisingly, i am great with it. Turning to look at Thorin, he sits back on his throne and his eyes glance down to my stomach. I cannot hide the bump anymore.

"Are you getting fat?" Gawking at him, i scoff.

"Geez, nice compliment Thorin. You know how to make a woman feel great." I have a good mind not to tell him.

"Then why are you growing? Have you been eating more than you used to? Maybe you need to go to eat some leaves... no, you need to stay here safe. I will not risk that Satyr getting you."

"Thorin, calm down alright. I have been eating more due to worry for you and something else."

"What?" He walks over to me. Black eyes. Not good but the news might snap him out.

"I...i am pregnant." That sounded unconvincing. 

"With who?" My jaw drops again.

"Who do you think Thorin? You. You are the only male I had sex with. Not to mention, how could I have sex with someone else when I love you and only you."

"I am the father?" Blue is starting to show. Good. That is great. I am making progress with him.

"Yes." Thorin beams that smile I love and those eyes turn the blue I hold close to my heart. The blue like the night sky with twinkling stars. Gorgeous. Hm, maybe i should call my first child a star or something. Perhaps midnight? I will ponder over that later.

"Why did you not tell me before?"

"You already had enough on your plate with your kin and the Arkenstone. I did not need to worry you. Plus, I would be the one worrying since I am carrying our kid." I smile feeling tears fill behind my eyes. I love that Thorin is happy and that makes me happy.

"Thorin, humans are streaming into Dale." No! Blue eyes stay! I watch almost heartbroken as Thorin dragon sickness appears and he walks off with Dwalin. Bard better not be responsible for this or else he is going to get it. Satyr style!

Following Thorin to the door with rocks, I look out seeing people are coming into Dale. I note another thing making me growl.

"What is it love?"

"Elves." Something black catches my eye down below and I glance down with narrowed eyes. "We have an unwanted visitor."

The company look down and see the Satyr standing by the door. I do not want him here. The sight will get Thorin deeper in the sickness. Looking at Thorin, I see his face darken. Placing a hand on his, he looks at me.

"Let me handle this. I am the satyr of the mountain not him." Walking to the wall, I climb up and call to the animal. "Hey, moosehead, what do you think you are doing here? You are standing on my turf. This mountain belongs to the dwarfs and I. What do you want?"

"You are with child. Shame." Glaring, turn to Kili and nod my head. Kili lets loose an arrow missing the Satyr.

"That was a warning, moose. Go back to Dale."

"It is crawling with humans. I do not work with humans." He curls his fingers into fists and waves his tail thumping a hoof on the ground. 

"Yeah, well, dwarves do not work with elves nor do I work with having you here. Go!" 

"Where?" He cranes his neck to look up at me. I blink not changing my expression.

"I don't care. Away from here that is for sure."

"What could I have possibly done to vex such a creature? You do not have any dominance over me sheila." Grabbing my bow and arrow from the wall I placed it in position and notch an arrow aiming down at him. He scoffs finding this amusing. Let us see who is laughing once he is dead. "A Satyr never kills her own kin."

"You are not my kin." I say not caring if he heard me or not. I shoot and make a bullseye with his throat. His eyes widen and hand grasps the blood dripping between his fingers. "My kin are the dwarves and Satyrs of Erebor. None of your kin are ever welcomed here." 

He chokes a bit falling down to his knees. He looks at me with eyes that hold respect in them making me confused. Why would he respect me after i just shot him? After the Satyr falls on his stomach dead, i get down from the rocks and place my bow and arrow back in its place across my back. Looking at the dwarves i am met with shocked faces. Thorin face though is beaming with pride making me smile a bit. 

"You actually think of us as your kin?" Kili says and i see some tears growing.

"Of course i do. My satyr kind might be gone but i still have the dwarves of Erebor to help and be loyal to." Kili walks over and hugs me. I smile and wrap my arms around him. Kili soon follows his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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