Part 19

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"Bilbo." He jumps and tries to hide the glowing gem but she stops him. "Are you mad? why do you have this?"

"I found it and I was going to give it to Thorin but when I saw him change, i..."

"It is okay. It is best he does not have it. The gem will only darken his mind and the old Thorin will be lost. Bilbo, please listen to me though, do not give the gem to anyone else. If Thorin sees anyone else in possession of it, then it will not end well. Please promise me you will not give it to anyone."

"I promise." His smile does not reach his eyes and she sees it but lets it go due to him being nervous. Straightening up, she smiles and tilts her head to the side.

"Want to join me in exploring the castle?" He nods and joins the Satyr to wander the halls.

"Have you ever dreamed of entering the mountain?" Bilbo asks, curious as ever.

"I have always wanted to but when Smaug attacked, it seemed impossible. I am glad now i get to see it." bilbo does not miss the sad look in her eyes. "My parents would be so happy to have been able to see Erebor on the inside. My father did take it as a proud moment being able to walk on the mountain and protect it on the outside."

"I am sure they are walking right now with you." Bilbo stops seeing Thorin and nods walking back and silently leave the two alone. He knows Iris is the only one Thorin can be back to his old self.

"Yeah." she turns to look down but find nobody. "Bilbo?"

"He left back to the compnay." Spinning, she laughs upon seeing Thorin.

"Now what are you doing here stranger?"

"Finding my love. Have you seen her?" She grins walking closer.

"Hm, perhaps. What does she looks like?"

"A female Satyr with growing antlers and is keeping a strong grip on my heart." Iris laughs and leans her forehead on his.

"Hm, i think i might know who you are talking about. Does she kiss like this?" She captures his lips in hers. She is kissing him a lot more than usual. ah, love. A strong and powerful thing.

"She does." they chuckle and when she looks in his eyes, she notes his eyes aren't black but the normal blue.

"Hm, yes I have seen her. She was looking for her stubborn and handsome dwarf king. have you seen him too?"

"I have and he is wondering if he can take his love on a walk to his chambers?" She giggles and nods. 

They walk down hallways and make it to an old room. It is covered with dust but it did not take away the grand beauty of the room.

"This was your chambers?"

"Yeah." She squeals as she is shoved on the bed and Thorin appears above her. His hair tickled her neck. Her fingers reach and twirl the strand around.

"You have long hair."

"You do too." She looks into those blue eyes and one thought returns to the front of her mind. Does she want to be with this dwarf forever? Yes. Nobody else, no creature or person, will ever deter her away from Thorin. "What are you thinking about?"

"How much I love you." Thorin smiles at her and leans in for a kiss which turns into something where they are bare naked later.

"I love you too." They lie in bed facing each other. A frown appears on his face causing her to copy it on her own.

"What is it?"

"Smaug...he said you would leave me for that Satyr. Have a child with him and even try stealing from me to begin a new-"

"Thorin Oakenshield, do not even think a single second in finishing that. Smaug is wrong and he is a lazy, now-dead, lizard who knew nobody and nothing. I swear and vow right now that nobody is going to steal me away from you. No satyrs and even if he tried, he will have to face me and you know how scary I can be." Thorin nods with a small smile. "I love you and only you Thorin. If I did not then I would not be making love to you twice."

I flip us over with me on top and kiss him. I may be pregnant but I can still have a bit of fun before I won't get to have any fun for fear of harming the baby. Thorin's hands lay on my waist and responded with the same tenderness I gave him. 

Another session of lovemaking and I fall asleep. Three rounds can make your body exhausted when you are pregnant. I only wake up but do not move when the bed dips. Thorin dragon sickness is back. I hear him pathetically walk quietly around the bed to kiss my head before he leaves. Opening my eyes, I glance down at my stomach. No signs of showing but I know he or she is there. Pressing a hand on my stomach, I go back to sleep.

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