Part 1

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Thirteen dwarves have just emerged from the disgusting reeking smell of a troll cave when Gandalf, the grey wizard announces something is coming. The dwarves huddle with weapons drawn and tense hearing the clumping of hooves.

Bursting out of the bushes is one creature they for sure did not expect. Standing eight feet tall with long furry legs, brown animal skin covering her chest with a wooden pendant dangling from a black thread. Honey's eyes look over each dwarf before they find who she searches for.

"Gandalf the grey." The she-creature bows her head allowing the sun to beam on her long antlers with blunt but sharp ends.

"Iris, what brings you here?" the dwarves relax but they could not stop staring at the odd creature.

"The greenwood is sick and much fouler creatures have come forth. Radaghast has gone to see what led them so close. He said he will come to join soon."

"What foul creatures?" Gandalf asks to lean on his staff.

"Spiders. Huge at least twice my size. Darkness is sweeping in the greenwood and turning the land into something I would never dare venture back." A cold shiver rakes her spine making her tail whip behind her.

"What creature might you be?" The leader of the dwarves, a black-haired man with sea-blue eyes asks turning the female's eyes on him.

"I am a Satyr. A last of my kind from the wild woods of the west. Your kin has nothing to fear of me." She finally takes note of how tense they are to her odd blood and form.

"A Satyr. You are far from home, lass." Dwalin speaks out recalling the tales of Satyrs. Dwarves and Satyrs use to fight beside each other till they never spoke again. The Satyrs just disappeared.

"Orcs and danger lurk and conquered the land. I stand alone in this world and if it had not been with the wizard's aid, I would perish along my own kin." Thorin's eyes relax and widen upon hearing the last sentence. She too has been driven out of her home by foul creatures.

"I know Dwarves and Satyrs were allies. I trust the alliance stand for me as well." She bows in respect.

"You are welcome among us youngling."

"I am not that young." She scoffs not liking being underestimated.

"What do you mean she is young?" Honey eyes widen seeing a Hobbit.

"You are a hobbit. I never had the chance to acquaint with one before." The hobbit turns surprised this new creature does not know what he is.

"Me neither a Satyr. My name is Bilbo Baggins."

"Iris Satyr." They shake hands and the size is very noticeable with her delicate hands wrapping around his small one.

A rustling behind her has her body tense and spin looking at the path she once tracked. Her tail whips and her stance bend ready to fight. She relaxes once a scent wafts into her nose. Rabbits burst out and Radaghast comes through.

"Fire! Murder!" Iris did not expect her guardian to be in a such wild looking state. The fortress must be viler than she had thought.

"Radaghast. What happened?" She steps closer to the wizard.

"Iris. Gandalf, I was looking for you. Something terrible has happened."

"Yes." Rad opens his mouth once he has calmed down but closes it. He opens once more making Iris grin finding his expression funny.

"Oh, I had a thought and now it is gone." She turns away not wanting to watch Gandalf pull out a stick insect from Rad's mouth. Yuck.

Her eyes meet the staring gaze of the leader dwarf. She offers a smile but he glares not trusting the Satyr. Sniffing, she smells troll stench and walks off to the cave. Her eyes look in from the entrance and note a few things she would like to carry. Glancing over, she enters to get what attracts her eyes. The leader dwarf follows not wanting her to leave his sight.

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