Part 3

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The female elves helped her with the bath even though she said she could do it herself. Her brown shirt was brought to wash and in its place a white dress to cover her all the way to her knees. The material is amazing but the way it restricts her has her tense.

Her hair is combed and weaved into braids. Looking in a mirror, she gawks as she seems to carry a newfound glow. Her fur was never this clean or even brushed to seem sheen as a horse mane. Her antlers were scrubbed, and they shine as she moves her head. The dark brown color was cleaner than any of her kin horns. Her hooves are cleaned and even shaved so she wouldn't be so off balance.

Once it is time to join the others, she found her walking is much better and can walk without hopping on her hooves. Guess she really needed to shave her hooves. The company sat on two long tables while she finds Gandalf and Thorin sitting with Elrond. Her hooves catch everyone's attention and their mouth gawk.

In a silk dress complimenting her curves and lean form, her hair was pulled back showing more of her slim neck and diamond face. Her fur was neatly brushed and shone under the light. Her honey eyes once again glowed gold.

"Wow, Iris, you look beautiful." The funny hat dwarf comment admires the satyr's beauty.

"Thank you. It is a first for me to be in a dress. Thank you, Elrond."

"My pleasure. Come sit please." She walks over and sits down smiling at Thorin who hasn't stopped gawking at her.

"Thorin, yoo-hoo." She snaps her fingers, whose nails have been cut and filled, in his face. That snapped him out of his gaze, and he smiles.

"You look good."

"Thank you." Glancing at the salad before her, she begins eating. It isn't as good as the berries bushes or the twigs she ate from nature around her, but it is fine.

"How did you come across such swords?" Elrond speaks probably returning the conversation held before she arrived.

"We found them in a troll hoard on the great east road," Gandalf says.

"And what were you doing on the great east road?" Elrond asks seeming curious and intrigued about what led them so.

"Simply traveling." Iris comments knowing Thorin would not like to confess the journey they are taking.

"Ah of course. May I ask what brings you here so far from home?" Elrond asks.

"Orcs and darkness have swept over everything. No trees are rooted anymore, the fire burned the land and every creature is eaten. It was no longer home so I fled. Radaghast found me and has taken care of me since."

"Your dark color tells me your blood resides more among mountains than the woods."

"You are correct. My family up to my ancestor used to run along the great white mountains but had to travel to our woodland kin due to that ferocious dragon."

"How old were you when the dragon forced you to flee?" Elrond asks.

"I was but a small faun. Couldn't run as fast as my parents and had to be carried by my father." She leaves it at that beginning to remember a huge travesty that occurred for her family.

"Any siblings?"

"Three young sisters. Snatched and eaten." Thorin looks horrified at the revelation. The elf's eyes too widen, and regret fills them.

"I am sorry. I did not know."

"It is alright. Years have passed on for grief to leave me. That is why I remain alive and stick to living my whole life till I grow white and pale. For my kin, I am the last and hopefully, I may bare more so satyrs never end in middle earth." Elrond nods and the conversation ends. Thorin excuses himself and leaves the table. Iris watches him walk off to stand and her gaze moves to the dwarves sneering at the salads. Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu