Part 14

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"We lost the current, swim to the shore!" Thorin calls and a big splash turns their attention to the satyr swimming over. She passes him and she smiles.

"Hi, Thorin." The dwarf prince watches her casually paddle over. Chuckling, he gets out of the barrel and walks over to the satyr scratching her chin. He pauses watching her bend over to shake her entire body and step back before her right hoof could hit him in his lower parts.

"You alright?" He notices she is bleeding.

"Fine. Just need to find kingsfoil and I will be right as rain." Thorin tilts his head confused as to why but an arrow whizzing through the air catches their attention.

"Woah, Woah, what did we ever do to you to get shot like that? Shameful." Iris calls out walking over to the man with the bow. The man turns and points the arrow at the satyr but eases seeing she is a female and has her own weapon.

"Who are you and what are you?"

"Iris Satyr. Pleased to meet you bowman and we kind of need your assistance to cross the lake for my fellow companions to meet their kin in the mountains."

"The lonely mountain?"

"No, the blue mountains. No dwarf dares go back to the lonely mountain anymore. Not since that giant lizard took homage there." Iris's lies fly out her mouth impressing the dwarves. Even Thorin is in awe of how easy for her to tell a lie and make it damn believable.

"I have only heard stories of satyrs and what I have heard is you aren't very nice."

"Those are male satyrs who are no more. I am a female and I bare no ill will."

"You are a mountain satyr. Your heat season is nearing." Iris's jaw tenses and Thorin catches it. She never told him about that.

"Very considerate of you to know but my season, I will have you know, is at the end of winter and beginning of spring. You still won't find me grunting like a beast." The bowman has taken all the barrels on his boat.

"You would need a smuggler."

"For that, we will pay double," Balin speaks desperately.

"And we do need some supplies for our journey," Iris speaks remaining calm even with pain shooting up and down her leg. The bargeman sees the wound and nods. His wife's face is the only reason she is helping them. He would not allow another female to get harmed when he can do something about it.

"Very well. Get in." the dwarves clamber in with their satyr companion.

"Iris, you alright?" Oin asks, he too found the blood on her fur.

"Fine. As I said, some kings foil, and I will be right as rain."

Balin is counting the silver the dwarves carry and Iris stands beside Bilbo looking out to the icy waters. The rocks pass them and she has faith in Bard as he called himself that he won't drown them. Her eyes catch Thorin's gaze and she smiles. He nods and turns back to speak with Dwalin.

"We are ten coins short." Balin's statement reaches Iris's ears and she turns but catches Thorin's calm demeanor. He simply looks at Gloin and her too.

"C'mon Gloin, turn out your pockets." Iris grins when Gloin begins making excuses. She looks at Thorin and finds his gaze elsewhere. She turns to look and see her birth home. Erebor. The dwarves admire its tip and that is all it takes for Gloin to hand his silver to Balin.

"Quickly the money." Bard comes over. "If you value your lives, you will do as I say. There are guards up ahead."

"What do you have in mind?" Iris asks.

"Get in the barrels." The dwarves, hobbit, and satyr climb back into the barrels. Thorin brings Iris in with him.

"Comfy?" She asks, smirking. Thorin looks at her and smirks himself. their tight position heating things up with the teasing satyr stiring the mood.

"I can think of other things and more." Iris rolls her eyes with a blush rising on her face and she shoves him slightly. A clanking above turn their gaze up. Fish falls on them and fill the empty space. Gross.

"Hello Bard, all is well I trust."

"Tired and hungry and ready to head home."

"Alright, all good here."

"Not so fast." That does not sound like a voice she wants to hear. "You are licensed as a bargeman, not a fisherman."

"Of come now Alfred, people here are starving." So the idiot's name is called Alfred. Sounds more like an ass-kissing arrogant tadpole.

"That is not my problem. Empty the barrels." Iris's hand in Thorin's tightens and he returns it. At least he is alive due to all these fish. There is barely much air in the space between them.

"And when the rioting starts...will it be your problem then?" there is a pause and then Iris relaxes.

"Wait! Stop! Always the people's savior eh? Just remember Bard, we know where you live." The boat moves once more.

"It is a small town, Alfred. Everybody knows where everyone lives." She smirks and when she hears the barrels being dumped, she shoots up taking a deep breath of air. She tugs Thorin up as well. A blush rushes up when she looks down and sees Thorin's face just above her breasts.

"Thorin, eyes up here darling." Thorin looks up and smirks. She jumps out wincing as she applies pressure to her leg. She needs that kings foil. "Bard, when you are done getting us inside, please find some king foil. Quickly."

He nods before leading them through the town. The folks eye them, mainly Iris but she ignores it. They pause when Bard's son comes over saying their house is being watched. She huffs when Bard's idea is for them to swim underwater.

She keeps holding Thorin's hand and he has quite a tight grip. Emerging under the deck Dwalin is the first to...go up from their toilet. She does not want to even think about anything. Grunting, she climbs up and out shaking her legs from excess water.

"Woah! You are a satyr!" A young girl greets her and brings over a blanket.

"You are too sweet, young one and yes I am. My name is Iris." She giggles and walks off. Iris meets Thorin's gaze and blinks. There was something in his eyes, a deep emotion she could not understand. An affection perhaps. Turning away, she accepts the kingsfoil from Bard. "Thanks. Oin, can you help me."

"Sure thing lass." They tend to her arrow wound and with the kingsfoil, the poison will be removed and she won't die.

Thorin's gaze never leaves his one. He only knew she was his soulmate when they kissed. Electricity ran down his body and it took a lot for him to not kiss further. It also explained why he did not fully fight or push the satyr away. She was meant to be his, his queen. He looks away seeing Oin tending to her wound. A weapon on top of a building catches his eye from the window and he feels his breath leave him. A dwarvish wind lance.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bilbo walks over with a hot cup of something in his hands to warm himself.

"Aye, he has. The last we saw that weapon was when Dale was on fire."

Thorin thinks back to when the Dragon attacked. Most would have hoped the lord of Dale would be true to his aim with the arrows he forged. Sadly, it was not so successful.

"If the aim had been true that day, many things would be different." He says looking over to Iris who has her eyes closed and leaning on a wall. Her features are at peace and his heart fills with love and worry. If the aim had been true, he would have never met Iris; he would have never found his soulmate.

"We paid you now where are the weapons?" Thorin asks once Bard returned.

"Wait here."

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Where stories live. Discover now