Part 18

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After heaving the oars a million times, she makes it to the mountain. She climbs through Dale to make it to the mountain.

"Hello female." She pauses hearing and smelling the male Satyr. "Shame you mated with the Dwarf king. We could have been a strong pair." She looks at the tall muscular Satyr and keeps her face stoic.

"Shame, I know. Why don't you head to the humans and mate with one of them?" she looks back to Esgaroth.

"I mate with my kin."

"Pity there is no other female that has not been claimed. I must go." she walks down a hill and pause to glance over her shoulder. The moose Satyr is gone and leaves a creepy feeling running down her spine. She may be glad to not be the last but she is not happy with the kind of Satyr he is.

Walking out of Dale and to the mountain, the rocks and gravel, turn to soft grass and smooth cement. She notes they have closed off the gaping door and so she has to climb up to the door which she hopes is still open. Making it, she smiles glad to see it is. Walking in, she catches her breath and pauses lifting a hand to her stomach. Guess, she needs to take a lot of things slowly now. Smiling fondly down at her body, she knows Thorin will be a great father. The smile falls when she realizes what will he do when she tells him. Will Thorin, the real Thorin, appear and be happy? What will the dragon's sickness do to his mind when she tells him? Will he turn away? Will he cast her out? 

"Thorin would never do that." Feeling uneasy with the thought of telling him, she decides to not tell him. His mind is already going to be possessive over the Arkenstone. He will become a monster in protecting her and the child. No, until she knows just what the sickness does to him, she will not tell anyone of her child.

Making her way through the halls she never entered before, she admires the stone and walls. Vast halls will once again be filled with dwarves. She can almost hear the clanging and hammering of the forges. She once used to press her ear tightly to the rock so that she can hear the dwarves hard at work creating such treasure. Finding gold and jewels. Leaning on a wall, she presses her ear to the rock and listens in like she did when she was young. She is home and inside the mountain. 

"Iris!" Opening her eyes, she smiles seeing a familiar and alive Hobbit.

"Bilbo, good to see you." She hugs the small guy and he leads her to the others.

"Iris!" The company shouted with smiles on their faces. Iris has her teeth shining with happiness. Hugging everyone, her eyes rake to find her mate but find him nowhere.

"Where is Thorin?" Her question destroy the joy in the air. Her smile falls and worry fills her heart. Has he already fallen into the sickness?

"Come lass, he was quite worried about you." Balin leads her down a few halls before coming upon a huge room with hills of gold and jewels. Wow. A dark-robed man catches her eyes. Even from where she stands she hears him mutter to the gold. She does not strain her hearing not wanting to hear those selfish words.

"Balin, may you leave us alone?" the elder dwarf nods understanding and heads back to the kitchen.

Gulping, she heads down and her hoofs dig in somewhat from the gold. The clinking of the coins attracts his gaze to her. She smiles at him and Thorin gawks at her like she is a ghost.

"Iris." His voice does not hold the love they held. The tenderness. The sickness has taken over him. "Where have you been? I was so worried something might have happened to you."

"I went for a walk to take away my worries for Bilbo. Glad to see you are alright as well. I also know if you guys had to go in and fight Smaug you would have forbade me to go in so I went for a walk to keep me from getting mad at you."

"You know me so well." He leans his forehead on her and she basks in his warmth. She loves him so much and the child he does not know about.

"Yeah, I do. I heard the dragon died. That is when I came back. I was a bit far away when the dragon flew over."

"Did you go see the male Satyr?" The dark tone has her ears pulled back and a growl rumble in her chest.

"No. I did not. I went off on a walk but I stayed close to the mountain. I was at the base of the stairs when the dragon burst through. Why would you immediately think I would go with a brute when you and I both know my loyalty is to you only?" she snarls at him not liking the thoughts in his mind.

"Sorry, I just wanted to test you."

"Hmph, yeah well I wish I was reassured about that. I know you too well Thorin but you should know me well too. I would never betray the man I love nor my kin."

"The satyr?" a dark look passes over his eyes that squeezes her insides and not in a good way.

"The dwarves Thorin. The company. I may have my kin inside my mind but my heart is with the dwarves of Erebor. Just because some male Satyr appears does not mean I would switch loyalty."

"I am sorry love. I..." her shoulders lower and she sighs. Chuckling, she leans in to kiss him on the lips savoring him with her heart.

"I am sorry too. I too was worried about you. So, what is with the new clothing?" She steps back to look at him. The dark color brings his pale skin out and the darkness from his hair, he looks really regal but she loved him more in blue. The color of his eyes.

"Like it?" an arrogant smirk appears on his face.

"Hm, maybe but..." she pulls him closer smirking devilish. "...I like you better with nothing on at all."

He chuckles and pulls her into a kiss. She savors every moment she has her old Thorin before he pulls away and he stands beside her gazing back down at the gold surrounding them.

"Welcome home."

"Hm, You are my home Thorin." Kissing the side of his forehead, she turns to go up the stairs. "I am going to go look around. See you later my love and my king."

She looks back to see Thorin staring at the gold making her wonder if he even listened to her. Turning around, she goes to explore the inside of Erebor. She soon finds Bilbo and...

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Where stories live. Discover now