Part 10

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"If that huge giant ass man lay a single finger or hair on me, he is dead." Pointing one of her bows at the wizard, the threat is crystal clear for everyone. The bear better not touch her, or they will see just how vicious a female satyr can be.

"He's leaving." Oro whispers.

"Come away from there! Its not natural, none of it. Its obvious. He's under some dark spell." His brother, Dori the healer of the company pulls Ori away from the entrance, hissing.

"Don't be a fool." Gandalf snaps. "He is under no enchantment but his own."

"Get some rest we shall be safe for now." Thorin calls and goes over to the female. "You alright?"

"Skin changers and Satyrs have always been at each others neck. Mainly because we are their prey or their mate. Skin changers are akin to us but they change forms we do not. We are half."

"What began the feud?" Thorin asks and watch his nephews sit down across interested in the story.

"A skin changer, male, met a satyr. They both were leaders of their group and first was surprised finding some different animal breed. The feud started that night when the two-group settled down. A female satyr, the leader's daughter was in the pond nearby washing herself and the skin changer found himself attracted to the pure scent. This was years before we grew much sophisticated. We were more animal than man or woman. The youngling's father found the skin changer staring at his daughter and was disrespected. The skin changer apologized never had seen a young female satyr but the father did not listen. When someone disrespects us, we take it up as a challenge against our rank and the father dared the skin changer into a fight." The whole company listens in to the story. The youngest of the dwarves and even Bilbo sit across listening to every word. Their minds filled with images of what is happening.

"The skin changer did not want to fight but after glancing at the female he found it worth it. Even skin changers find some pride in claiming what might not be theirs. The father and skin changer animal form being an elk himself charge and fought."

"Did anyone win?" Ori asks.

"The satyr won but not without losing his rack. His antlers. Like I said before, antlers are sacred to us satyrs so when the group found the leader has no antlers, they disowned the leader and cursed at the skin changers. They saw the fight and were at cross with the vile skin changer that cost them their leader."

"That doesn't sound right!" Fili mentions not finding anything there worth hating each other about.

"I was getting to that. The daughter could only lead if she were to be claimed and mated with. The skin changer who won believed he earned the girl. There is one problem, one of the young male satyrs was the mate to the female satyr. Mate can never be taken away or else it is war. The skin changer scoffed and ignored the satyrs. He moved to mate with the female. The male growled in warning, but the skin changer ignored becoming more arrogant. That is how the feud happened. We satyrs believe skin changers are just as monstrous when they are hormonal. The male fought against the skin changer and in the end they both died due to snapping each other neck. The female ran off with her group with the second reasonable male satyr to lead the group and the skin changers left with another leader in the group."

"Wow!" Kili is surprised.

"Years have passed and the tale has been passed on. Every time a skin changer and a satyr meet, the story swirls in their minds and it is practically a fight to the death. We can spare the fight if we both agree to hold no ill will but most of the time it is not the case."

"So what will you do when you meet this human side of the skin changer?" Bilbo asks.

"See what he does first. He is the predator at the moment, and I can turn into a snack due to my deer blood. It is his territory, so he makes the rule right now, but I won't be so easy." The company nod and hope their companion won't be killed. Hoping none of them get skilled.

"Listen to the animals, listen to the trees." A soft sweet voice fill the air and is an amazing greeting as the company wake up.

"Listen to the spirits of the Earth
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

Listen to the rivers
Listen to the sea
Listen to the spirits of the deep
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

She sent the drought to warn us
She sent the storms to scold us
But we don't listen
We burn and we break
And we take and we take
And we take
Till it's too late

Oh where did the beasts go?
Where did the trees go?
Where will man go
When he has lost
The heartbeat
Beneath his feet

Oh this is our home
She gives us home
Mother Earth
Can you feel
Her heartbeat
Beneath your feet

Beneath your feet
Beneath your feet

Listen to the animals
Listen to the trees
Listen to the spirits of the Earth
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

Listen to the rivers
Listen to the sea
Listen to the spirits of the deep
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

Listen to the animals
Listen to the trees
Listen to the spirits of the Earth
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

Listen to the rivers
Listen to the sea
Listen to the spirits of the deep
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed

The company is now all standing and watching outside the window Iris sing to the meadow as the ponies circle her. Thorin eyes are soft and filled with love listening to his one sing. The snickering from his nephews pulls his attention.

"You are so whipped uncle." Fili comments laughing.

"Funny." They burst out laughing at the sour pout from their uncle.

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Where stories live. Discover now