Part 8

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"Do you smell it?" The white orc asks in black orcish. "Fear. I remember your father reeking of it, Thorin son of Thrain."

"It cannot be..." Thorin is still in disbelief, his voice thick with emotion.

Azog eyes move onto the female and lust fills his eyes. "Those two are mine. Kill all the others."

The wargs resumed their assault on the trees, and it shook under the force of the wargs, branches snapping like twigs in their powerful jaws and heavy paws. The dwarves were forced higher up the trees until they begin to tilt.

"Jump!" they do till the last tree where it is either climb and run into fangs of wargs or fall to their death.

Thorin helps Iris up as he sees her arms slipping. Her hoof hits his leg but not painful to harm him. She looks at Gandalf sending a white butterfly away. What the hell is a butterfly going to do!? She grins when Gandalf set an acorn on fire.

"Kili!" He drops an acorn with fire, and they soon toss the fiery acorns to the wargs. A fire boarder keeps the wargs off them, but the tree lowers more.

"Ah!" Iris can't help gripping with her hands and even her tail the tree branch. She is not wanting to die by falling off a cliff. She doesn't want to die period.

Thorin seeing his kin cry in fear he remembers all those years. The battle at Moria, the Smaug attack, every cry and every kin dying. He will end this now. Getting up with Orcrist in his hand, he ignores the cries behind him. He walks forward till his feet meet grass before running to end the white orc. His kin the only thing spurring him on.

"Thorin! No!" He ignores Iris and fight even more. His enemy smiles as he spurred his white warg to leap forward and knock Thorin on his back. The white warg turns and Thorin gets up only to witness his enemy being thrown off the white warg.

He sees a sight more beautiful than the Arkenstone. Iris standing on her two hooves with her broken horns pointed out. Her bow and arrow on her body but he is caught admiring the stern look on her face. Her eyes glowing gold with the light of the fire. She is the definition of a strong warrior. A satyr he dreamed of seeing. He now believes satyrs are true warriors.

Thorin finally gets up and fights his foe as the white warg deals with the satyr. Even without antlers, she still leaps forward banging her skull into the wargs stomach hearing it cry and whimper. The action making Iris smirk. Satyr horns are tough as rock, and it only takes an angle for them to snap off. Even them, the small tusks are painful when hit against.

The cries of Thorin pull her attention over to a rock. Thorin lays on his back, the wind knocked out of him and before Azog can end the king, she pushes the warg off the cliff and she runs to smash her whole-body weight against him sending them both to the side.

She crawls backward gaining ground to stand. She pants and coughs as some smoke fills her lungs. She takes her bow and notch an arrow straightening her spine and ready to shoot. Azog gets up and growls at her. She sees his eyes rake up her body but doesn't let it faze her. She stays standing before Thorin defending him like always.

The orc says something, and another smaller orc begins to walk over. His gaze so intent on the dwarf and satyr they did not see the flash of red. Bilbo. He lifts his own small sword and stabs the orc, killing it before stumbling back and stand next to the satyr with a glare on his face.

"Nice one Bilbo." Iris comments but never leave her eyes from Azog and his orcs friends.

Iris glances back and see Thorin eyes closed. They have to get out of here to help Thorin. As if her wish was heard shrieking of eagles fill the air. A smile lifts on her face seeing huge eagles fly around taking out the orcs and make them fall to their death.

She smirks and shoots arrow after arrow at the orcs killing them with their wargs. Azog seem infuriated and he cries out as a black arrow pierces his chest. Not where his heart is but puncturing a lung. He growls at the female, and she shoot another arrow in a very painful place before an eagle grabs her and Bilbo sending them off onto the back of an eagle below.

"Take that Azog!" She laughs out still hearing the painful cry of the orc who just lost his balls.

Thorin came to after the company was dropped off a cliff. She saw the formation being a bear so she knows where they are. Kneeling beside the dwarf, she watches as the wizard lays a hand over his eyes chanting a spell to wake and give him strength.

"Where's the hobbit?" that is the first thing he says. Figures.

"Don't worry. Bilbo is here. He is safe." Gandalf smiles.

Thorin struggled to his feet, grudgingly accepting help from his nephews. The look of relief on the hobbit's face was like a blow to the gut.

"You!" He began, his tone harsher than expected. "What were you doing? You could have been killed." Bilbo's face fell and Iris stood walking over to his side to keep him calm. "Did I not say you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?" Thorin catches Iris raised eyebrow and he look down back at the hobbit. "I have never been so wrong in my life."

Bilbo stood stiffly as Thorin wraps his arms around his frame as the dwarf's cheer. Iris smiles as she watches the king pull away.

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"No, it's alright. I would have doubted me, too." Bilbo smiles and a half-hearted laugh. "I'm no hero. Or a warrior. Or even a burglar."

"Now that is bull." Eyes turn to her. "You stood your own ground against ferocious orcs and even more you defended a friend that is absolutely stupid for attacking on his own. Those actions are the definition of a warrior and a loyal friend. Don't doubt that for a second young hobbit. You earned a satyrs respect with that stunt you pulled and I representing my kin deem you as satyr of your own kind. A hobbit satyr."

Bilbo smiles and she bows her head in respect. The company smiles drop when Thorin walks over to Iris. The furious look in his eyes showing she is in danger.

"And you!..."

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Where stories live. Discover now