Part 15

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Iris sits up with a jolt from her nightmare of seeing Thorin on his back with Azog above with his sharp sword arm digging down on Thorin's sword that is being held with all his strength. She would be damned to have that happen. Looking around, she notes something amiss. Dwarves.

"You're awake." The little girl comes over smiling.

"Where did my friends go?" she rises and finds it surprising her leg is better than ever. Kings foil sure works wonders.

"They are now welcomed by the master. I can lead you to their house."

"No, it is alright, just give me the directions." The little girl tells her the way and Iris heads out. Bard meets her on the way but he doesn't say anything. Shrugging her shoulders, Iris walks to the house and finds Dwalin and a few others sword sparring.

"I hope Iris is alright." She hears Bilbo tell Balin.

"I am fine, thanks for checking on me." The dwarves look toward the city and find Iris standing and looking healthier than ever.

"Iris!" She grins and walks over to hug the dwarves.

"What happened and why didn't you wake me?" She asks.

"You needed rest lass." She nods and drops the conversation when her eyes catch a certain dwarf male. "He has been worried about you."

"Hm." She walks into the house and follows Thorin leading her to his room.

Once inside, she looks around the big room. Nice and homey if you are a human. She finds Thorin looking out the window. A frown on his face and his eyebrows narrow in soft anger.

"Thorin? You alright?" She walks over and leans on the table.

"Why are you so reckless? I could have lost you." She frowns and reaches over to pull his shoulder. He turns but doesn't meet her gaze.

"But you didn't and you never will. I am a strong satyr. I have handled my own for years and I still do besides protecting you all." Thorin looks up at her finally and she sees the tears he hides. "You must not worry. It will take a lot for me to go down. Okay."

She pulls his coat closer and he walks over. Her eyes sparkle and gaze into his blue eyes. What she fell in love with first is his eyes. Crystal blue is like sapphires. She loves Thorin and she always has that small voice that doubts his love for her.

"I love you Thorin. The moment we met, I liked you. Obviously, you are a handsome dwarf prince and future king." Thorin chuckles and his tears disappear. In its place is a new emotion that is growing strong with the passing second. Love.

"You do?" He asks wanting to hear her say it once more.

"I do. I. Love. You. Thorin. Oakenshield." She kisses his lips between each word. He groans not liking those small kisses. He grips her hips and presses more on her. Looking up at her, he sees her eyes a pine color. A mix of caramel and honey gold. Lust shades her eyes and Thorin yearns for more.

"I love you as well Iris Satyr. Mi amralizi." He whispers before pressing tight on her lips. She returns full fold and allows the king to lead them to bed. Fire coils in her gut and spread over her body. She is not in mating season, but she does not care. She will do anything for him to distract his mind from the quest and be worry-free.

The same night the master invites them to a feast and when the master and his shady consultant Alfred see Iris, lust fills their eyes. Many male men eye Iris and it looks like she is oblivious to the looks.

"They are staring at you." Thorin's mood turns fowl in anger. The satyr is his.

"I know but we both know who we love and will take as our significant other." Iris eases his worry, and he kisses their joint hands showing the humans to who she belongs to.

"Indeed mi amralizi." Iris chuckles recognizing the dwarvish word for a mate.

The dwarves drank and had fun. Iris did not enjoy the vile taste of wine or mead but her smile stays plastered on her face watching her friends enjoying the moment. Thorin too is enjoying the night and has whispered things in her ear no king should be saying.

By midnight, the dwarves are all drunk. Thorin needed her help to stay upright and when they make it to the room, Thorin shed his clothes.

"Thorin you are drunk." Iris wants to have fun but not when Thorin won't remember it.

She laughs as he uses more strength she gave him credit for to land on the bed. He crawls over her and kisses her. His hands do fast work in removing the weapons and fabric hiding her.

"Mi amralizi. My queen." Iris smiles softly and even as she wants to correct Thorin, she allows him to do as he liked. He sure did and by morning, they both have a bright glow.

"Had a nice sleep?" She asks smiling at the dwarf.

"I did with you." Thorin glances down and find them both naked. "Did we?"

"We did but don't worry, it was nice. Sweet talker." Iris whisper a few other words Thorin told her at the party and she has never seen a king blush madly before.

"Why didn't you stop me?" He groans sitting up.

"I kinda liked it." Iris leaps out of bed but has no luck, his arms wrap around her and pin her down.

"Is that so?" they chuckle and silence when Thorin kisses her once more. Her lips tasted like berries turning into an addictive taste he wants to kiss and lick forever.

"We have to get to the mountain." The mention of the mountain sets Thorin's mind into action. Getting off his love, he gets dressed and catches Iris watching him with a small smile.

"Like the view." Iris makes a thinking face and shakes her head.

"I think my favorite view," she gets up and walks over to him. Fanning her breath in his ears sent shivers down to his groin. "Is when there is nothing on you."

Thorin blinks when Iris gets changed quickly and exits. He spends a few minutes to calm himself down before joining his company to head to the boat ready for them. The master greets them and bids farewell. He makes sure Iris is on the boat and everyone else in the company.

"Goodbye and good luck!" the master bids them farewell and Thorin stands on the end looking at his home. He is going to be home. He is going to have his mate and he is going to have his Arkenstone.

Last Satyr of Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora