She needed a day at least to cool down. If this was her reaction now, what would she do when she found out I was lying about the whole thing?

I took a quick shower and then got dressed. I then rushed to the kitchen so I could grab an apple on my way out. I didn't have time to eat. After last night, I'm not sure I was even hungry.

As I opened the refrigerator, I spotted mom at the kitchen counter. Chopping carrots.

"Good morning sweetheart," she said with a smile.

She startled me as I nearly bumped my head against the refrigerator door.

"Morning," I whispered back.

On the counter, she chopped the carrots aggressively. I could already imagine my head being in its place.

She continued to chop the carrots, smiling as she hummed to herself.

Something was wrong, terribly wrong. I hope she hasn't just returned from murdering Tristan.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her. I remained at a safe distance from her.

"Of course, I am," she answered.

She seemed okay, maybe I didn't have to be on edge around her.

"So, you are not upset?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad?" She asked placing the knife down. "You know what I always say, a baby is always a blessing." She smiled.

"Really?" I whispered relieved.

"What were you thinking Ashley?" Mom yelled. She held her hand in front of her mouth as if she was trying to hold back her temper. "After everything I've said to you, you went and did this. Do you have any idea what it takes to raise a child?" She yelled.

I tried to make my way out of the kitchen, hoping I'd still make it on time for my bus.

"I made breakfast," she breathed more calmly.

"I can't, I'm-m getting late for work." I stuttered. I pointed at the door, ready to make my way out.

"Sit down," mom demanded. "If your boss had the time to get you pregnant, he can also give you time to eat." She snapped.

Without another word, I sat down.

She placed a plate of toast and scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Maybe if I had fed you, those brain cells of yours would have been working and you wouldn't be walking around doing stupid things." She said next.


"You are already starving the poor thing. How are you supposed to be a parent?" She said as she poured a glass of orange juice for me.

She slammed the glass in front of me, giving me a stern look.

Mom returned to chopping her carrots. That was probably the only thing keeping her calm.

"I'm still trying to understand how this could have happened. I had the talk with you. There are so many stores around that you could have easily gotten some protection. How could you be this irresponsible?" She continued. "Just when I thought that he could actually be a decent person." She muttered.

Katy appeared. She looked at mom, realizing the state she was in. She had turned to leave when mom stopped her.

"You too, you better sit down." Mom pointed at Katy with the knife.

Katy unwillingly obliqued, pulling out a seat next to me while trying to keep a safe distance from mom.

"You knew about it this whole time yet neither of you said anything." Mom pointed at Katy.

Trapping the billionaire✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें