chapter 72 a saint visit a black sheep

Start from the beginning

Tsuyu: I'll... I'll be back kero...

*Tsuyu said softly walking away as izuku closed his eyes and decided to take a nap*


*Izuku squinted his eyes as he heard some muttering he groaned softly opening his eyes to his surprise to see who was there*

*Izuku squinted his eyes as he heard some muttering he groaned softly opening his eyes to his surprise to see who was there*

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Izuku:....that can't be comfortable for you

*Ibara opened her eyes slowly and looked at Izuku smiling*

Ibara:ah you've woken up how wonderful how are you feeling?

Izuku:like shit but that's normal now why the hell are you in my hospital room?

Ibara: pure coincidence i was here doing the lord's work when i saw you're name in the registry and well.... I'll admit i let curiosity get the better of me and i decided to wait till you've woken to talk

Izuku: please don't tell me you're gonna apologize for you're part in UA because i...

Ibara:no I'm not, I'm not gonna give you a hollow apology because that will do nothing it won't change the past and it won't help you're present i Merly just wanted to see how you are doing

Izuku:well if it wasn't for the morphine i would be cursing out you're lord who i don't believe in

Ibara:you don't believe that there's a higher power ?

Izuku:If he does exist he has one fucked up sense of humor for doing this to me, taking everything from tsuyu, making me have to kill just to get my freedom and have most of Japan hate my guts so yeah I'm pretty much that man's punching bag so why should I even acknowledge his existence when he has done nothing for me

Ibara:our lord gives us challenges to overcome if life were easy it would be called fantasy

Izuku:yeah well i didn't overcome them i accepted them im not a hero, not the top 1, i don't even have a quirk anymore something you're oh so lovely book said is a sin what was it oh yeah "those without quirks will see those with as they're masters and be branded as slaves" all that and more in the magneto religion doesn't that just sound peachy?

Ibara:yes the good book as some....violent guides but it's still filled with love and understanding if you'll let me read it do you i can show you

Izuku:does the tv work?

Ibara:yes but the only thing on is some trashy Korean soap opera

Izuku:.  .  .read away but as soon as Tsuyu comes back you scram

*Ibara smiled warmly and started to recite the magneto bible word for word, Izuku didn't believe a word of it of course but izuku is to high on medication to care*

Scene change with Eri

*The elevator door opened and Eri walked up to the secretary's desk*

Eri:hi shinsou you said nejire wants to see me?

*Shinsou who was feeding a baby kitty looked up at her and nodded*

Shinsou:yup go inside she's waiting for you fair warning she's in a foul mood on an unrelated note...

Eri:no i don't know anybody who needs a cat


*Eri giggled softly and walked inside nejire's office who had her hands together in a serious expression looking at the monitor of her computer*

Eri:you wanted to see me ma'am?

Nejire:yes sit down please

*Eri did as she was told as nejire took a big breath and started*

Nejire:Eri i want to ask you something And i want an honest answer


Nejire:do you know where you're father is?

Eri:no of course not


*Nejire turned around her monitor and Eri paled seeing a tape of her walking inside izuku's car*

Nejire:you sure about that?

Eri:what the fuck you've been spying on me?!

Nejire:no, but mirió...

Eri:oh my God not that bastard again! So what you're working for him?! IS THAT WHY YOU WANTED TO BE MY "MENTOR" SO YOU AND YOU'RE HUSBAND COULD SPY ON ME?!!

Nejire:Eri calm down

Eri:no i will not fucking calm down!! Do you have any idea how fucked up this is? You're husband was watching me you should be grateful if i don't go to the cops!!

*Eri said with fury slamming her hands on the desk her quirk activated turning the desk back in to pieces of wood while everything it was holding fell on the floor, Eri turned around and walked away with every step feeling more and more furious, after a bit of walking her phone rang she looked and it was her mother so she took a big breath and answered*

Eri:hello mother what can I do for you?

Momo:ok Eri i don't want you to freak out but i need you at home

Eri:ok but why?'re father in the hospital


To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





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