Chapter 41

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  Xue Chen knew that Li Chen had something to hide from him, but he refused to say it, Xue Chen couldn't find out, so he could only feel depressed secretly.

It was past eleven o'clock in the morning on the weekend, and they had just returned to Xue's house, and the left chief of the police station had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Xue Chen enter the door, Grandpa Xue, who had a full stomach of tea with him, hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen, you are back. This Comrade Zuo has been waiting for you for a long time."

Xue Chen wondered, "Boss, why are you Here it is, is it about the case?"

Director Zuo rubbed his hands, and glanced at Grandpa Xue in embarrassment.

Grandpa Xue stood up tactfully, "It's time for lunch. I'll go see what your grandma is doing. Comrade Zuo, why don't you stay at our house for lunch?" For lunch, I'll leave after talking to Comrade Xiao Xue."

Grandpa Xue didn't force it, "Since someone in your family is waiting for you for dinner, I won't keep you, next time."

Waiting for Grandpa Xue to go out, Xue Chen turned to the left Director, "Can we talk now?"

Director Zuo said, "Comrade Xiao Xue, have you ever been a teacher, have you learned any talismans, Taoism and so on? A few days ago, Dagang almost had an accident. The talisman It's all blackened."

Xue Chen's eyes widened, "Brother Gang, is he alright?"

"He's in good shape, he hasn't lost a single hair."

Xue Chen cheered up, and took out a talisman and handed it to him, " Director, please bring this to Brother Gang, the talisman is useless after being triggered once, this one is new, keep it for self-defense." The

left director twitched the corner of his mouth, and took the talisman paper folded into a triangle. On the day the talisman paper was burned, Da Gang said that he would ask for another one, but Comrade Xiao Xue gave it automatically before others came.

"Comrade Xiao Xue, I just asked you that question, have you ever learned Taoism?"

Xue Chen said with a guilty conscience, "I have learned a little bit, but I am still half a bucket of water, and I don't learn it well."

Director Zuo thought in his heart You have yin and yang eyes, you can catch ghosts, you can draw talismans, so powerful, you still lie to me that I am half a bucket of water? I was almost cheated by you!

"Comrade Xiao Xue, don't be modest. In fact, I came to you today to introduce you to business."

Xue Chen cheered up, "What business?"

"I have a classmate named Yu Siming who does business in Jingshi. I After I mentioned you to him, he wants to ask you to help me." At this point, Director Zuo rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "Jingshi has a wife who is the owner of a big company. I fell into a coma for no reason, and slept for several months. I went to the hospital to check everything, but I couldn't find anything. The boss believed in this very much, and asked for help from experts. Lao Yu really wanted to cooperate with him, so he wanted to invite you to try Try."


Xue Chen didn't expect to be so far away, so he hesitated for a moment.

'Brother Chen, what should we do, shall we go? Li Chen thought for a while, "

If this business is done, you will be able to gain some fame." But Jingshi is so far away, it's hard to say how long it will take, the school and your grandparents, can you handle it? '

Masters also need fame to set off. People rush to give 1,000 yuan to those who are famous, and no one to patronize those who are not famous. According to Director Zuo, this big boss's business is not small, if this shortcut works, Xue Chen won't have to work hard.

Li Chen wanted him to go, but in the end Xue Chen had to make the decision.

Xue Chen thought for a while, 'Yes. '

His grades can only be regarded as mediocre, and he may not be admitted to university even if he studies hard. Ever since Li Chen asked him to learn Taoism, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world. Three hundred and sixty lines can be the number one scholar, he has a high school degree with a high gold content, there is no need to die with the university.

Xue Chen discussed it with Li Chen, and Li Chen also agreed with him to go this way.

Director Zuo was still waiting helplessly, Xue Chen nodded and said, "Okay, Director, please tell your classmates, I'll go." "Okay,

I'll call him when I get back. When he makes arrangements , I'll let you know again."


Shun has been having nightmares recently, in which someone is sitting on his chest, strangling his neck tightly. He struggled to wake up, only to realize that it was himself who was pinching him, not someone else!

Tian Shun looked in the mirror in distress, his neck was covered with black handprints, not to mention how scary.

The sky outside the window was slightly pale, and Tian Shun was so frightened that he woke up and couldn't sleep. He put on a high-necked undershirt, and went to the ground with a hoe on his shoulder. When Tian Shun was hoeing, he always felt that someone was blindfolding him. He was upset, and when he went down with the hoe, he almost hit his foot! Thanks to his sharp eyesight and quick hands, he narrowly avoided the hoe, but unfortunately his center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered and fell to the ground. When he fell, his palm hit a sharp stone, which made a big hole.


Tian Shun bared his teeth in pain.

His hand was injured, and he didn't have the heart to plow the ground anymore. He returned home with a hoe and bound his palm with a cloth strip indiscriminately. It's not interesting to stay at home. After casually eating lunch, Tian Shun's hands were very itchy, and he went to the entrance of the village to play cards again.

His luck with cards has been terrible recently, and he doesn't know what's going on. He can't see the good cards in his hand. After a game, someone else mentioned it, and he realized that he has a good card in his hand. Tian Shun didn't believe in evil, so he fought all afternoon, losing no matter how hard he fought.

"Stop playing, let's go home for dinner." The

poker player dropped his cards and said this. Tian Shuncai realized that the sun was almost setting, and when he touched his pocket, he lost all the seven or eight yuan in it.

Aunt Mi from the shop at the entrance of the village looked at Tian Shun carefully, and kindly reminded, "You look bad, do you want to go to the town health center?"

Tian Shun was puzzled, "I'm in good health, what doctor to see! Don't curse me!" A

good spirit doesn't work a bad spirit, within a few days, Tian Shun really fell ill. He was also unlucky, he choked into the trachea after eating noodles, and he coughed desperately to cough up the noodles. He thought he was fine, but who knew that in the next few days, his cough would get worse and worse, and finally he had difficulty breathing and fainted.

The health center transferred him to the county hospital, where Tian Shun was hospitalized.

On the other hand, Wang Dani also encountered the same problems Tian Shun encountered, and being choked in the middle of the night was nothing. In the prison where Wang Dani works, the main labor is manual work. When Wang Dani first came in, she was punished several times for not being able to complete tasks because she was unskilled. But after she became familiar with the work in the prison, she felt that it was nothing to go to prison like this. She also became friends with a few inmates, doing handicrafts, chatting gossip, very comfortable.

But she didn't know what was going on like crazy. When the warden brought the senior officials to inspect, she passed by with the rice bowl, but she slipped her hand and slapped the whole bowl of rice on the senior officials' faces. At that moment, all the prisoners were happy. They raised the bowls in their hands and began to attack the wardens and wardens. The entire prison was in chaos—

in the end, she was the one who caused the chaos. Twelve years turned into fourteen years, and she was transferred. to a harsher prison. This prison does gravel work, and she has to work hard every day to carry stones and stones. Wang Dani is so tired that she has no strength to catch her breath every day. Life can't be worse!

Half a month later, Xue Chen got on the plane to Jingshi. It was the first time for Xue Chen to take a long trip by plane. He was very excited, but he couldn't show his aura on his face, so he kept pestering Li Chen to talk.

Li Chen had no choice but to talk to him one after another.

After getting off the plane, Yu Siming came to pick him up in person. Seeing Xue Chen, Yu Siming's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that Lao Zuo wouldn't lie to him, what kind of expert, this is obviously a half-grown child!

There is no other way, since they are here, Yu Siming can't figure out how much Xue Chen weighs, so he can only treat Xue Chen first with an attitude of not offending.

"You are Comrade Xiao Xue, right? I am Yu Siming, old Zuo's classmate. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Yu."

After seeing the sea of ​​clouds on the plane, Xue Chen's eyes were still shining, and he immediately agreed, " Okay, Brother Yu." When I

came here, I found out that Yu Siming and the big boss were just acquaintances, and he had no way to rely on him, so he brought Xue Chen to help.

It happened that the big boss Fu Yi was going to have a banquet at home on his 40th birthday. Yu Siming knew that the opportunity was rare, so he managed to get an invitation to bring Xue Chen in. In the banquet hall, Xue Chen tugged on the suit on his body, feeling very uncomfortable with his hands and feet tied up.

'Brother Chen, I see stars on TV looking handsome and chic in suits, why do I feel so uncomfortable? Li Chen 's

black umbrella has been replaced with a new one, but Xue Chen's long umbrella is still very eye-catching on this occasion. However, Xue Chen didn't notice it, and was still tugging on his suit jacket nervously.

Li Chen persuaded, "Be obedient, don't move around, and be patient first." '

Since he is not used to wearing suits, when he has money, he can have custom-made Tang suits, which are both comfortable and elegant.

As they were talking, Yu Siming, who was looking around for the situation, came back in a hurry and said softly, "Comrade Xiao Xue, come with me quickly. Fu Yi and his wife have come out!"

"Oh." Xue Chen didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed he goes.

When they arrived, Fu Yi was talking to a middle-aged man with a goblet, and a woman in her thirties hooked Fu Yi's arm and chatted with the middle-aged man's girlfriend.

After finally waiting for them to leave, Yu Siming hurriedly brought Xue Chen forward. When they stepped forward, two more people walked over. It was an old man and a young man, the older one was about sixty years old, and the younger one was twenty years old, both dressed like outsiders.

Judging from the attitudes of Fu Yi and his wife, it seems that they respect them very much.

Yu Siming stepped forward and said, "Mr. Fu!"

Fu Yi responded with a smile, "Mr. Yu." Yu

Siming pulled Xue Chen over, "Mr. Fu, let me introduce you. This is Xue Chen. Don't look at him because he is young ." , He is the authentic descendant of Maoshan sect."

Xue Chen's eyes widened, when did he say that he was the authentic descendant of Maoshan sect? !

Before Fu Yi could speak, the 20-year-old young man sneered and said, "Pfft! This is the funniest joke I have ever heard. He is the heir of the Maoshan sect, so what are we?"

Yu Siming frowned, "Are you...?"

Fu Yi's wife Wen Xin smoothed things over, "Mr. Yu, I haven't introduced you yet. This is Master Ge from Maoshan, and this young man is his disciple Ge Feng."

Wen Xin spoke carefully . With a soft voice, her face was very pale, that kind of bloodless pale, if it wasn't for the makeup, I believe her face would be even uglier.

Wen Xin pointed to the one who introduced the old and the young.

Fu Yi continued, "Master Ge is very powerful. He was the one who helped my wife before."

Yu Siming was a little embarrassed. Judging from Fu Yi's tone, this Master Ge is really capable. He was just bragging, how did he bump into the real master!

Yu Siming wanted to give in, but Ge Feng refused to give up. He pointed at Xue Chen's black umbrella with his chin, "I brought a black umbrella to the banquet, but other people can do your little tricks. You are unlucky to meet us! You liars Master and I can meet four or five times a month, I advise you not to embarrass yourself here!"

When Ge Feng mocked Xue Chen, Master Ge maintained his identity and kept smiling, without saying anything to stop Ge Feng.

Ge Feng continued, "Mr. Yu, don't be fooled by him. He took a black umbrella and said that there was a ghost inside. It's people like you who use the banner of our Maoshan sect to swindle and deceive everywhere, and ruin Maoshan's reputation. It's all ruined!"

"Get lost!" Li Chen's stern voice suddenly rang in the ears of several people, and the Yin Qi resounded like a bell, which shocked everyone!

Ge Feng was even worse, Li Chen used his mental power to attack him, he screamed, covered his ears and knelt down on the ground.

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