Chapter 36

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  Yu Fangfang's forbearance fueled Tian Xing's arrogance, and suddenly one day, Tian Xing took advantage of the wine to pretend to be crazy while the original owner was away at work, and raped Yu Fangfang!

After the original owner returned home, Yu Fangfang told him in tears. The original owner got into a fight with Tian Xing. As a teacher, he couldn't beat Tian Xing who lived in the countryside all year round, so he was taught a lesson.

After the conflict, Tian Xing dragged Yu Fangfang into the bedroom in front of him.

The original owner hugged the daughter whose head was smashed, and no longer had the courage to rush forward to stop it.

When something like this happened, the original owner's daughter knew that she should call the police, but the original owner held her back and refused to let her go. People in this era are conservative, the original owner is cowardly and incompetent, and wants to save face, fearing that everyone will criticize the police. The same is true for Yu Fangfang, she would rather die than be known that she was raped by her husband's brother.

Tian Xing became more and more unscrupulous, and he regarded Yu Fangfang as his own property.

When sleeping at night, Tian Xing occupied his bed, his wife. The original owner would stand up and protest at first, but after being taught a few times by Tian Xing, he was completely persuaded.

The original owner went back to the village to find Tian Shun and Wang Dani, hoping they would take Tian Xing away. Instead, they were persuaded by Tian Shun and the others, saying that Tian Xing had been with them since childhood and had not lived a good life, and hoped that the original owner would bear with it. The original owner yelled angrily that Tian Xing had slept with his wife, and the old couple were embarrassed, and actually persuaded him to be considerate of his brother, Tian Xing was in his thirties and still couldn't get a wife, so he couldn't compare with him.

The original owner was completely shocked, how could his biological parents be so shameless!

The original owner regretted it, he shouldn't have come back to find his biological parents, but it was already too late. His family was no longer married, and Yu Fangfang became gloomy and numb, slovenly all day long, and refused to look him in the eye anymore. Daughter Li Nian's temperament also changed drastically, looking at him with anger and resentment.

Finally one day, on a whim, Tian Xing actually grabbed their daughter, Li Nian, who was only twelve years old! Yu Fangfang couldn't bear it anymore, and she wanted to fight Tian Xing desperately when she lifted the kitchen knife. She slashed at Tian Xing's arm. Due to the influence of alcohol, Tian Xing didn't feel any pain, but he was irritated by the knife.

Tian Xing grabbed the kitchen knife and went after Yu Fangfang. It just so happened that the original owner rushed over when he heard the news, and Yu Fangfang hurriedly called him for help, but by accident, the original owner was slashed in the artery by Tian Xing and died!

The original owner lived in a detached house bought by the deceased couple of the Li family. When the neighbors heard the movement, they thought it was the original owner and the couple who were arguing and fighting, so they didn't pay much attention.

After the incident, Tian Xing locked up Yu Fangfang and her daughter. He himself changed his face, pretended to be the original owner and continued to live, and even helped him with classes. Tian Xing and the original owner were identical twins, but they actually looked very similar. The original owner didn't socialize very much, and no one noticed when he was replaced.

After two days like this, Tian Xing bought gasoline, and took advantage of the dead of night to carry the corpse to the wilderness and burn it to ashes. Even the bones of the original owner were smashed to pieces with a hammer.

After dealing with everything, Tian Xing found that it was better to be the original owner. The original owner has everything, and the job of a teacher. The original owner taught ideology and morality in elementary school, and Tian Xing couldn't take classes, but he had the original owner's textbooks, so he could still read according to them. The child was innocent, Tian Xing asked the child what he didn't know, and he kept it from him.

The trouble is Yu Fangfang's mother and daughter.

Tian Xing called back to the town and asked someone to take a message to Tian Shun and Wang Dani. Within a few days, Tian Shun came with Wang Dani. Facing his parents, Tian Xing cried and admitted that he accidentally killed the original owner. When Tian Shun and his wife heard this, the first thing they thought of was not that their youngest son was killed, but to find a way to cover up for Tian Xing so that he would not be caught by JC and shot at him.

After their family discussed, Wang Dani stayed in the county to help him monitor and take care of Yu Fangfang's mother and daughter. Yu Fangfang's family was far away, and no one came to find her for more than half a year. The original owner claimed that their mother and daughter were stimulated, and hereditary psychosis broke out, so they were locked up as a last resort. Yu Fangfang's mother and daughter have been imprisoned by him for so long, it is indeed not normal. Especially Li Nian, who couldn't even speak.

The time when Li Chen came was the third year after the death of the original owner. Li Nian was already dead. After she became pregnant, Wang Dani used local methods to abort her and died of bleeding accidentally. Yu Fangfang was delirious and was still living in a daze.

As for Tian Xing, he used the identity of the original owner and worked as an elementary school teacher for more than half a year, and he was tired of this boring life. He heard that the policy has been relaxed now, allowing individuals to do business. So she gave Yu Fangfang to Wang Dani to take her back to her hometown, while she sold the original owner's house and went out to do business with all the money. There has been no news for two years.

The memory of the original owner will be gone when he dies, and the extra information is a small compensation given by the system to let him understand the situation.

Li Chen asked: "What is the main mission?"

System: "The original owner hopes that Tian Xingxue will pay his debts with blood, and that Tian Shun and Wang Dani will be poor for the rest of their lives, without a son to die." ——The


where Li Chen appeared is the original owner's burial. Corpse ground. Here is a woods, the shade is deep, and the sun can't be seen in the summer.

Li Chen didn't know what the other ghosts were like, he couldn't stay too far away from the burial place. Beyond a certain range, no matter how he drifted, he would just stand still. He tried to get a ghost to hit the wall with his mental power and trick people to come over, but those people who tricked him couldn't see him.

Li Chen thought about using his mental power to make a phantom to express his grievances and ask someone to call the police. But he is a ghost now, and he is still a ghost with no ghost! A phantom requires a lot of energy, and the creation of an image is too complicated, and Li Chen often exhausts himself without saying a few words.

Moreover, it is not safe to call the police. JC investigations take time, especially with the identification technology of this era, and the results cannot be obtained within two months. It has been two years since Tian Xing disappeared, and it will be very difficult for Li Chen to find him if he is accidentally alarmed.

As for controlling the thinking of living people, it is even more impossible. Li Chen's level of mental power is too low, he can only use a trick to deceive people's eyes and ears, and treat people like puppets, which he can't do.

All methods were blocked, Li Chen was completely stunned.

He is stuck here now, how to complete the task?

If he can't complete the task, he will be wiped out by the system! He thought the system's punishment was just a small punishment, but he didn't expect the system to be so ruthless, if he was not careful, he would capsize in the gutter!

During this period of time, there was too much noise about Li Chen's tossing, and there were rumors that this forest was haunted, and the number of people who came here became less and less. Occasionally, when a group of daring ones came to explore, Li Chen would show his face every now and then.

It was a clear day and day, and Li Chen was lying on the tree worrying, when he suddenly heard the rustling of footsteps outside the forest, along with the movement of people rubbing against the grass and trees, and the sound of people.

"Damin, is it the forest in front?" the child walking in the front turned and asked.

"It should be, I also heard from others." Damin is not very sure.

"It's so dark in this forest, it's very dark, and it really has a spooky atmosphere. It's interesting, let's go in and have a look!"

Li Chen lay lazily and didn't move. These children are only sixteen or seventeen years old. This posture, came here on purpose to 'Damn'.

"Xue Chen, what are you doing hiding behind Damin? Didn't you say you can see ghosts?"

This child named Xue Chen was handsome and well-behaved, and the big man on his right wrist was clamped in his hand. Hearing the word 'Damn', his face paled for a moment, and he stammered to explain, "I, I told you, I can't, I can't see ghosts. When I was young, no one played with me. I lied and lied."

"Coward, look at your virtue."

Xue Chen was dragged by others, and he didn't dare to look up, "Let's go back, I'm afraid."

The boy in the lead smiled evilly, "No! You must go in and have a look today. I I've grown so big, I've never seen what a ghost looks like!"

A group of six people walked into the forest, step by step towards Li Chen's direction.

Li Chen was very interested in that child named Xue Chen, his mental power swept over him, this child was really different from others.

Xue Chen was grabbed by Damin's arm, and he squinted his eyes, not daring to look around. Like a prank, Li Chen suddenly appeared upside down from above, right in front of his eyes!


Xue Chen's pupils constricted for a while, and immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

The other five children were startled, and the leading boy said, "Xue Chen! What are you screaming, you scared me to death."

Xue Chen covered his eyes, his whole body was shaking like chaff, "No, it's nothing. Let's go, let's go, please!"

Xue Chen's reaction gave Li Chen hope that he could see him! He just appeared as a ghost without using any mental power.

Li Chen floated in front of him and asked, "Hey, kid, can you see me?"

Xue Chen was about to cry, and under extreme fear, he broke free from the restraints and ran out scrambling.

One of the boys shouted, "Hey, coward, why are you running away?!" " Damin

, why did you let him run away?" . One of the six children ran in front, and the five chased after. They ran around for a while, and when they stopped, they realized that they were still in the woods! Now the six people were all scared, and one of the boys said tremblingly, "Did we encounter a ghost hitting the wall ? " Run!" Damin said with a trembling voice, "There are so many trees in the forest, what if we hit a tree?" The boy in the lead slapped him on the head, "You are stupid, close your eyes after seeing the direction clearly! I count 123 Let's run together." Before he could count, the other five all ran away! The leading boy screamed, "You guys are too disrespectful! Don't run so fast, wait for me!!" The group of kids were quite funny, Li Chen smiled and shook his head. He didn't care about the other children, so Xue Chen was left behind. Xue Chen ran forward with his eyes closed, but he was worried, so he squinted his eyes to peek from time to time. He ran for a while before he realized something was wrong, the voices of Damin and the others disappeared, and the forest was eerily quiet. It seemed that he was the only one left around here— Xue Chen's hairs stood on end! He took out the Avalokitesvara jade pendant hanging around his neck, and muttered something in his mouth, "(1) Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty, and you will overcome all hardships..."

A miraculous thing happened. As he chanted, the jade pendant slowly emitted a light invisible to ordinary people, enveloping him in it.

Li Chen got too close and was bounced away by the light!

This time, Li Chen suffered a lot, his already translucent body became much weaker, I believe he will be out of his wits after two more attacks!

Li Chen didn't dare to provoke him anymore, so he hurriedly called to stop, "Stop, stop, I have no grievances with you, I just want to ask you for help."

Xue Chen ignored him, closed his eyes and continued to read.

Li Chen was in a hurry, "Xue Chen! Don't read it, I don't mean it! I just teased you!"

"You still read it? I'm a good person, and if you read it again, I'm going to lose my mind. Xue Chen, you don't have to be so cruel." Right?! Even a ghost has the right to seek justice, right? I was killed by someone..."

Xue Chen frowned and stopped slowly, still holding the jade pendant tightly in his hand.

Li Chen floated closer, "You can see hell, just do good deeds and help me avenge, I will thank you."

Xue Chen said with a trembling voice, "I don't want your thanks, just promise not to harm me...

Li Chen raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "I'm a good ghost, I won't harm anyone." Xue

Chen looked him up and down suspiciously, this set of rhetoric was the same as that of a bad guy who lied to a child. He was sixteen, not six!

"...You are so good, what do you want me to do for you?"

Li Chen hurriedly prepared himself, displayed his superb acting skills, and tearfully told the original owner's grievances. In the end, he lied to him and said, "Tian Xing harmed my whole family, and I can't be reconciled to death. The resentment goes deep into my soul, and I can't enter the underworld to be reincarnated. If I don't see Tian Xing, a demon, plead guilty and obey the law with my own eyes, I'd rather be a demon for the rest of my life." Lonely ghost!"

The innocent Xue Chen was moved by him, and he showed sympathy, "Then I'll help you call the police."

Li Chen said, "There is no rush to call the police. I don't know where Tian Xing has gone. I'm afraid someone will tell you if something goes wrong. He tipped off the news. Besides, you are still a child, so no one may believe what you say."

"Then what should I do?"

"Can you take me out?"

"You want to go out?" Xue Chen looked at him suspiciously, "You You don't want to go out and hurt people, do you?"

Li Chen rolled his eyes, "Don't you have that jade pendant, you can stop me if I hurt someone."

Xue Chen held the jade pendant, a little bit more courageous, and proudly stood up Keep your chest up.

"That's true. But how can I take you out?"

Li Chen thought for a while, pointing to the burial tunnel, "He burned my bones and buried them there, why don't you pack them up and take them out for a try?"

Xue Chen Looking left and right, the surrounding area is very desolate, except for trees or trees, there is not even a piece of garbage.

Li Chen said, "Take off your clothes."

Xue Chen quickly put his arms around his chest, "No way! This is my school uniform. If it gets dirty, I have to buy it again."

"Just buy it, how big a deal is it?"

Xue Chen pursed his lips, "Our family is poor..."

"I'll find a way to get you some money after I go out?" Xue

Chen sighed, "Forget it, it's not easy for you, so I'll do a good deed that day."

The school uniform was taken off and spread on the ground. Because of the hot summer, he wore a short-sleeved shirt, and when he took it off, he was shirtless. The wheat-colored body is not too thin, and at a glance, it is full of ribs.

Xue Chen randomly found a branch and dug a handful of black soil. Li Chen said, "This won't work, dig a little lower."

Xue Chen obediently dumped the soil he had just dug, and then dug hard. Li Chen saw that it was almost done, so he told him that it was all right.

Xue Chen packed up the dirt and went out, Li Chen drifted along, and sure enough, this method worked. As soon as the one walked out of the woods, Li Chen retreated with a scream.

"What's wrong?!" Xue Chen ran back a few steps, squatting beside Li Chen, looking quite worried.

Li Chen's face was pale, "I seem to be afraid of the sun, or else you will pick me up at night."

"Oh." Xue Chen nodded, looking at Li Chen with big eyes, "When I come at night, don't scare me anymore I was scared to death by you just now, and my legs are still weak now."

Sure enough, it was a child, so I felt relieved of him so soon. When I came to this ghostly place at night, I was only worried about him scaring people.

Li Chen said, "Don't worry, you are my savior now, I can't wait to confess you, and I will never scare you again."

Xue Chen poured the ashes back into the pit, and said regretfully, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to take off my school uniform. If it gets dirty, I don't know if I can wash it clean."

For some reason, Li Chen suddenly felt pity, "After I get out, I will find a way to teach you how to make money."

Xue Chen was happy, "Okay, what you say Talk." The

two discussed it, and Xue Chen trotted all the way and left. Li Chen looked outside the woods, feeling a little worried. If Xue Chen didn't come back, he would have to find another way.

Li Chen's melancholy didn't last long, Xue Chen came back before dark. He changed his clothes and brought a dark blue homespun bag.

Li Chen stared at him, "It's getting dark, you didn't bring anything to light it?"

Xue Chen was a little embarrassed, "I sneaked out, if I ask grandpa to set me a torch, he will know that I am going to sleep at night. Going out."

Li Chen understood that Xue Chen's family was poor, and flashlights and energy lamps were luxuries.

In summer, it was dark and late, and Li Chen could not step out of the forest until it was completely dark. Counting the time, it was almost nine o'clock, and one person and one ghost wandered to Xue's house.

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, there is no light around in the darkness. Knowing that he couldn't see anything, Xue Chen still couldn't help looking around.

Li Chen patiently showed him the way, "Go to the right, what are you looking at, look at your feet carefully."

Xue Chen whispered, "It's so dark, could there be a ghost?"

"Aren't I a ghost? "

Ah!!" Xue Chen screamed, jumped up like a rabbit, and jumped forward sullenly. Before Li Chen could catch up, he stepped into a small hole with a plop, and fell into a dog eating shit!

Li Chen shook his head amusedly, and quickly floated over to check, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay." Xue Chen got up with a blushing face, still holding the homespun bag firmly in his hand.

"You are so timid, how dare you agree to come to me at night?"

Xue Chen scratched his head, "I don't know, I always think you won't harm me. Besides, I want to help you."

Li Chen was silent, he suddenly I remembered Duan Yuhua.

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

Li Chen said honestly, "It's nothing, you remind me of an old friend."

Xue Chen grinned, "Really, I also think you are very familiar." The

two were relatively silent, and the temperature around them suddenly dropped a few degrees, making Xue Chen shiver.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie..." Weird laughter sounded not far away, and a gust of cold wind blew by, all the hairs on Xue Chen's neck stood on end!

"What?" Xue Chen asked Li Chen in a tearful tone.

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