Chapter 35

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Tian Shun reluctantly asked his mother Li Erya for some money, and took his two sons to the county hospital for treatment. But the medicines and supplements prescribed by the doctor were sky-high prices for Tian Shun who came out of the valley.

Under Tian Shun's red-faced and hesitant explanation, the doctor cut and subtracted, and gave them two days' worth of medicine as appropriate.

The doctor made it very clear that his two sons were both severely malnourished and had to be hospitalized for treatment because of a cold and pneumonia.

After paying for the medicine, Tian Shun only had the fare to return home, and he couldn't even pay for a day's hospitalization. When Tian Shun and Wang Dani were worried in the hospital, an enthusiastic aunt gave them an idea.

The aunt's son's colleague has a relative who has been married for ten years and has no children. The couple went to the hospital for an examination. The man had a problem and couldn't give birth. The aunt said that if Tian Shun and Wang Dani are willing to give up a son to be raised by others, she can help to tie the knot.

Daughter or something, sooner or later she will get married, so it's nothing to give it to others. If the son is given to someone else, the coffin lid of the ancestors will not be able to hold down. But Tian Shun had no choice but to give up one, his two sons would not survive! Without a son, whoever takes care of him in retirement, whoever throws a basin at him, the saliva of the villagers can drown him!

The couple discussed it all night, and finally made up their minds. Tian Shun asked the aunt for help the next day.

The family's surname was Li, and they lived in the next town. They rushed over that night when they got the news. Although the child was sick, he couldn't help growing up well, with big black eyes, pitiful and cute, and the Li family woman fell in love with him immediately. The two families agreed that Tian Shun would give the younger one to Li's family. In the future, birth, old age, sickness and death are irrelevant.

The man from the Li family was a little cultured, and he was afraid that Tian Shun would regret it, so he even wrote a letter of guarantee. The aunt who asked to tie the thread became a middleman, and both Tian Shun and Wang Dani had their fingerprints. With the letter of guarantee, Li's family didn't care about money anymore, not only paid for the medical expenses of the two children, but also gave Tian Shun another ten yuan.

ten dollars! This money is a huge sum of money for Tian Shun and his wife. The couple forgot the helplessness and pain of losing their youngest son in an instant, and happily carried their eldest son home.

Tian Shun is a foolish and filial person. When the old couple asked questions after returning home, they naturally said everything. His mother, Li Erya, immediately said that the Tian family hadn't separated yet, and she had to hand over ten yuan. Wang Dani was furious, it was the money for selling her son, why should she pay it! But Li Erya is a mother-in-law, and her husband Tian Shun refuses to work together with her. Wang Dani cried and shouted, but still failed to stop Tian Shun from handing over the money to Li Erya.

Angrily, Wang Dani went back to her natal family to file a complaint. The Wang family couldn't sit still when they heard that there was so much money. Wang Dani's parents and four elder brothers rushed to Tian's house aggressively, saying that the child is also from the Wang family's blood, and Li Erya can't take ten yuan alone!

Tian's child, what's the matter with Wang's family? Li Erya not only refused to take out the money, but also mocked the Wang family. Li Erya has a strong personality, and she talks about vulgar and ugly things all the year round. Her ridicule made the Wang family angry.

Wang Dani's mother and sisters-in-law are also good at quarreling, and they immediately turned on each other like a black chicken.

The two started a scolding war, which later developed into a fight. They are all from the same village, and as soon as they shouted, both families came to help. Things got worse and worse, and the village chief saw that it was not an option to continue the trouble. In the end, he had to come forward in person and asked Li Erya to hand over five yuan. In this day and age, the village head has absolute power, and Li Erya reluctantly took the money out.

Wang Dani only shared one piece, and the rest was taken away by the Wang family!

Now Wang Dani and Li Erya were not happy, and finally they summed up and found that the money was too little, so they went to Li's family to ask for money! The price was negotiated at the beginning, and after only two months, the Tian family came to ask for money, which was quite annoying. The Li family couple were not very happy, but they had raised the child for so long and didn't want to pay it back, so they had to give them another two yuan to send them away.

Giving money caused trouble, the Tian family came to ask for money every once in a while, and the Li family was very annoyed. On the other hand, they are also afraid that when their children grow up, they will know that they are not their own, and they will not be close to them. In the end, the Li family made a plan and moved out ruthlessly.

The Tian family could not find anyone again, and no one knew about it after asking around, so they had to forget it.

Thirty years later, the original owner grew up, became an elementary school teacher in the county, got married and gave birth to a well-behaved and lovely daughter, living a peaceful and happy life.

However, life was not always smooth. The couple of the Li family were diagnosed with diseases one after another, and passed away within a few years. The bad thing was that the woman from the Li family walked behind, and she softened for a moment, and said that they were not the original owner's biological parents.

After the original owner lost the support of his parents, he became obsessed with demons. He refused to listen to his wife's advice and insisted on finding his biological parents. Once he found them, something happened.

Tian Shun and Wang Dani took Tian Xing to live a miserable life, wishing to spend every penny in half. The land has just been distributed in the village, so it stands to reason that if they cultivate the land well, their life will be better. It's a pity that Tian Xing is a mess, Tian Shun and Wang Dani spoiled him. It is completely impossible for him to work in the fields, and he will not help the oil bottle if it is down.

He molested the little widow in the village, drank and gambled, and stole chickens and dogs. In his thirties, he couldn't even find a daughter-in-law. After the original owner came to the door, Tian Xing was so happy that he urged his parents to ask the original owner for money, and he insisted on following the original owner to find work in the county.

I also knew that it was impossible for Tian Xing to go out to work.

After he arrived at the original owner's house, he became dependent on their family. The original owner's wife, Yu Fangfang, was honest and simple, and never said a word when she washed and cooked for him. After a period of time, Tian Xing gradually became bolder. He began to flirt with Yu Fangfang slyly, taking advantage of her whenever he got the chance. The original owner didn't notice at all, Yu Fangfang felt that it would not be good to make a big fuss, so she endured it.

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