Chapter 78

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  The change happened too fast, if Yin Xu was just frightened by Li Chen before, he subconsciously followed his words. Then when the gunshot rang out, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.


What happened, the elder brother didn't even care about his life?

The dense bullets were behind everyone, and as they ran all the way, small holes were shot out on the ground, splashing a lot of mud.

Even innocent passers-by were shot one after another, causing panic.


"The base has killed people!"


Li Chen used his supernatural powers to weave a lightning net and stood behind him, blocking all the incoming bullets.

But the bullet behind him blocked it, and Yin Hao's ice pick was not as easy to deal with as the bullet.

It can be seen that the ice pick is aimed at Li Chen. They often appear unexpectedly at tricky angles, attacking his neck, heart, temples and other deadly parts.

Most of Li Chen's abilities were used to maintain the lightning grid, and he could only use small lightning strikes to knock down the ice cones that suddenly appeared. No matter how fast he reacted, the ice pick pierced his arms, thighs, and the side of his neck, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Achen!" From the corner of Yin Xu's eyes, seeing the ice pick piercing towards him again, he rushed over to help him block it without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Li Chen's reaction was quicker, and he hugged him and turned sideways, only to hear the ice pick 'poof', and it still pierced into Li Chen's back.

Li Chen snorted, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth, "I'm fine, let's go!"

Yin Xu held his arm so that he could put the weight of his body on him. The two supported each other and moved forward. Yin Xu poured healing power into Li Chen's body while running, hoping to relieve his pain.

The members of the special forces team ran fast and had already reached the parking area, using the cover of the vehicle to shoot back.

From nowhere, a burst of fire burst out, rushing towards the car they were hiding in. Dahai had a bad heart, and quickly used his supernatural power to raise the water wall to keep the flames out.

"Damn it, they have fire-type supernatural powers!"

"Da Hai, good job!" There

are too few supernatural powers now, and most of them are used to attack them with thermal weapons.

Kang Cheng controlled some of the bullets with his gold ability, and Yin Jie also used his ability to raise two earthen walls to resist.

Despite their best efforts, people kept getting shot and fell.

A member of the special forces team was also shot, and the nearby members wanted to save him, but both of them became targets of the enemy, and neither of them could stand up again...

Time passed by, seemingly a long time, but in fact It took only a minute from the time they started running away to running back to the car.

In just this minute, their number has been reduced by half!

Finally everyone got into the car.

"Let's go!" Following Li Chen's roar, the four cars rushed out like arrows leaving the string.

The special forces team was still riding in their off-road vehicles. Due to time constraints, twelve people, including Yin Xu, were all squeezed into two vehicles.

It was even worse for Yin Feng and the others. Four SUVs and one large car drove away only two SUVs.

The outer city of the base is already in a mess, and the fine steel gate of the outer city is slowly closing under the control of the machine.

Seeing this, Li Chen shouted sharply, "Kang Cheng!"

With his roar, the closing speed of the five-meter-high gate slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the mechanism of the gate made a 'click' sound, and finally It's stuck.

At this time, the distance between the two gates was less than two meters by visual inspection, and I don't know if it would be enough for a cross-country vehicle to pass through.

Li Chen glanced back and saw that Kang Cheng's face was pale and his head was sweating profusely, so he knew he was holding on!

"Xiaodao, hurry up! How is it? Can you get by?"

"Yes!" Xiaodao swallowed, drove the off-road like a racing car, and squeezed out of the gate.

Because it was too narrow, the body of the off-road vehicle was slightly deformed, and the rearview mirrors on both sides were rubbed off.

There were also shooters on the outer city wall, and since they approached the gate, there was a constant 'bang bang bang' sound around the car. Fortunately, the military off-road bulletproof performance is good, even the tires are specially made, and the car is intact.

Li Chen held the gun backwards, without even aiming, he shot one by one, and quickly eliminated all the gunmen on the outer wall.

It's not that he wants to kill them all. Their off-road vehicle can block bullets, but the two cars behind them may not.

Li Chen stared firmly at the back of the car, and saw that the three cars following behind also rushed out of the gate, and the last SUV even squeezed out the door!

"It's okay! Kang Cheng." As

soon as Li Chen's words fell, Kang Cheng couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Dong Hao was startled, "Kang Cheng!"

Yin Xu, who had been in a daze since getting in the car, was awakened by the movement, and quickly put his hand on Kang Cheng's forehead, pouring the last bit of healing power into him.

After doing this, Yin Xu's voice also became weak, "Kang Cheng is fine, but he has overused his ability, just raise him."

Dong Hao quickly grabbed Yin Xu's body, "Young Master Yin?! "The

back seat was full, full of people. Li Chen sat in the co-pilot seat, leaned over half of his body and touched Yin Xu's forehead, but felt that his forehead was cold, so he had to tell Dong Hao, "Let him rest on the back of the chair."

The team member in the back seat handed over two Dong Hao quickly took the thin blanket and covered Kang Cheng and Yin Xu's bodies.

After taking care of the two of them, everyone was quiet.

Suddenly someone whispered, "Captain, Maomao and Taozi died."

"Maomao didn't have to die..."

Li Chen let out an 'hmm' in a low mood, and didn't know how to comfort everyone for a while.

Dong Hao said with a choked voice, "Captain, why did Yin Hao attack us? We have no grudges against him, and he doesn't even care about Young Master Yin's life, he shoots as soon as he says."

Li Chen sighed, "This I may know something about it, and I will tell everyone when I get to a safe place."

Several months have passed, and the spiritual imprint Zhou Manhua left on the players has faded. They should be listening, he says now.

The members of the special forces team were alert and there were many supernatural beings, so they only lost two members.

But among the twenty-five people under Yin Feng's command, only twelve survived in the end.

Guided by Li Chen, they drove for more than two hours and hid in a small hidden country building.

There were still a few bags of grain in the small farmyard, and everyone was not focused on eating, and they treated it as a meal after a few casual bites.

Li Chen was not in a hurry to talk about things, and only let them rest where they should rest, and those who should recuperate.

Yin Xu has been sleeping, Li Chen has cleaned up the wound on his body, and has been guarding his side.

It's not that Li Chen is holding on, as his ability upgrades, his physical fitness is getting better and better. Also, Yin Xu used supernatural powers to heal him. In fact, most of his health has been cured, and he will be cured in at most three to five days.

Li Chen looked at Yin Xu's restless sleeping face, and unconsciously tapped his fingers on his legs. If today's matter had nothing to do with Zhou Manhua, he would be the first to not believe it.

This scourge must be resolved as soon as possible...

Li Chen was engrossed in his thoughts when he suddenly heard two knocks on the door.

He got up and opened the door, only to find Yin Feng with a serious face standing outside the door.

Yin Feng said, "Captain Li, I want to talk to you."

Li Chen nodded, "It's just right, I want to talk to you too, come in."

Yin Xu was still sleeping, and the two stood by the window away from him .

Li Chen asked knowingly, "What do you want to say to me?"

Yin Feng glanced at the sleeping Yin Xu, frowned and said, "Captain Li, everyone knows that people don't speak secretly, you all know that me and my underlings A few of them are from the young master."

"I know that you may not believe me after today's incident. But I still want to tell you that the young master is not like this. He can't wait to protect the young master with his own life." , how could it be possible to shoot the young master under such circumstances?"

Yin Feng had a complicated expression on his face. He was the young master's confidant, and he knew that his weakness had always been his family members. The young master of their family may not be a good person, but he will never deal with his younger brother with a ruthless face!

Li Chen raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to say?"

Yin Feng said, "I suspect that the young master has been impersonated. Now this is definitely not my young master."

"Yin Feng is right, my brother will not be willing to hurt you ." I have one finger."

It was Yin Xu's voice.

The two turned their heads and saw that Yin Xu, who had been sleeping soundly, woke up at some point.

Li Chen hurried over, helped him sit up, and tucked a pillow behind him to make him more comfortable.

Yin Xu took his hand, "Ah Chen, did my brother follow Zhou Manhua's way and be bewitched by him?"

Only in this way can the explanation make sense. They have been brothers for more than 20 years anyway, and the elder brother treats him well. How he knew. Who in the Yin family didn't know, the elder brother wanted to raise him as his son, how could he ignore his safety like today?

Li Chen nodded with a complex expression, "It's very possible."

"What do you mean?" Yin Feng hurriedly asked, he read the words of the two of them carefully, and already had some guesses in his mind.

Yin Xu turned his head to look at Li Chen, saw that he had no objection, and explained aloud, "The Zhou Manhua that Ah Chen and the others are going to escort should have a deceptive ability. Didn't you guess that he went to our base in C City? My brother, maybe he is controlled by him."

"There is such a supernatural ability?"

Li Chen said, "Yes, people controlled by him will gradually lose their minds and eventually become his puppets."

Yin Feng looked anxious, "Isn't the young master very dangerous? Young master, please think of a way to save the young master!"

Yin Xu looked at Li Chen, "Ah Chen, is there anything you can do?

" The place was in a mess, and Li Chen looked confident, Yin Xu subconsciously asked him for help.

Li Chen nodded, "I can only try it. I'll make preparations and talk about it when I enter the base tomorrow night."

Yin Xu said, "I'll go too."

Li Chen pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, I may use your ability Got it."

Li Chen did not forget the curse on Zhou Manhua, this time no matter what, he will kill Zhou Manhua!

Yin Feng hesitated to speak, but when he heard what Li Chen said, he couldn't object any more. The young master's ability is life-saving, for the sake of the young master, the young master can only take risks.

Yin Feng took the initiative, "I think I should be able to help."

Li Chen nodded, "If possible, I hope you sneak into the base and open the door for us."

Yin Feng's ability is invisibility, although there is a small Weaknesses, but taking advantage of the crowds and limited vision in the evening, it should be no problem to sneak in.

Yin Feng agreed without hesitation.

Li Chen explained a few more words to him, and Yin Feng left in peace.

After Yin Feng left, Yin Xu said, "Ah Chen, how sure are you? You may not have seen it today. My brother's eyes are colder than his ice pick. I always feel that he has been bewitched, as if he has changed. We Will it wake him up?"

Li Chen reassured, "It's hard to say with a certainty, but it should work. Don't think too much about it, I'll take care of everything. Are you hungry? I'll bring you some food."

Yin Xu rubbed his belly and nodded, "Okay."

Yin Xu didn't notice that Li Chen was avoiding his question.

In fact, Yin Hao's problem is not small. Li Chen guessed that he was not bewitched, but was taken away!

People who are bewitched are still rational before they are completely transformed into puppets. At least I have feelings for the people and things I care about, and I can't do anything excessive. If Zhou Manhua forced them to do it, it might have the opposite effect.

They left City C for just over two months, and Yin Hao was so cold-blooded. With Zhou Manhua's ability, the time was too short, he couldn't do this!

Li Chen now only hopes that Yin Hao's soul is still in his body, otherwise Yin Hao's death will make his wife feel so sad.

Don't look at his dislike of this big brother, but he actually cares about him a lot in his heart.


In the base of C city, the Yin family.

Father Yin rushed into the house, saw Yin Hao, and asked immediately, "What did you do? A Xu is your younger brother, and you let someone shoot him?"

Yin Hao glanced at him, "I didn't intend to kill him, I did. It was Li Chen who killed it."

Yin's father struggled a bit, because of Zhou Manhua's brainwashing, he didn't have much affection for Li Chen left, and he didn't get too entangled when he heard the words, he just said, "Then you, A Xu, are with him, You have to bring him back before you do anything!"

Yin Hao said, "I don't want to, but unfortunately those who ambush are too stupid to be discovered by him."

"What happened today has already happened, I don't have to pursue it. You want to kill Li Chen, let's talk about finding your brother first."


"What, what?... Yin Hao, what do you want to do? A Xu is your younger brother!"

Yin Hao didn't bother to talk to him, and waved to Yin Lan who was behind him, "Lock him up."


Yin Lan He agreed, and said embarrassingly to Father Yin, "Master, you heard it too, please."

Father Yin looked around in disbelief. The members of the Yin family, who did not know when they started, all followed Yin Hao's orders. , he has already been emptied...

Father Yin raised his hand to cover his heart, and almost fell ill.

It was Yin Lan who came over and helped him back into the room.

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