Chapter 44

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- Early April, 2046 - (Last month)

Daija stared up at Jamie in disbelief once he finished talking, looking like she was going to be sick at any second. Her breathing grew shakier, and she swallowed hard.

"You... You were inside of my house."

Jamie closed his eyes and sighed quietly. "I was."

"Inside of my room. Touching my things."


She covered her mouth. "Oh, my god..." She looked stuck on her words, then struggled to get them out. "What if Vi was home, and- And-"

"I made sure she wasn't. You know that I wouldn't hurt her."

"Seeing that you knocked her out that night of the gala," she said through gritted teeth, "I think you would've if she was there at the time."


"I don't want to fucking hear it!!!" She screamed, and Jamie would've flinched if she hadn't done this before. Most times, she held it together, but there were moments such as this one when she broke.

He raised a brow at her. "Didn't you also go through my place?"

"This is different-- was different. I was just- Oh, my fucking god, you're sick. You're sick and so obsessed that it's fucking disgusting."

"Coming from the woman who calls me her puzzle, who has my blood on her body right at this moment and refuses to let me die," Jamie said.

Anger flashed in her eyes. "Do not try to spin this on me."

"What did I tell you before?"

She knew where he was going, and shut her eyes. "You don't need to keep saying this."

"I think I do. With every messed up detail that you learn about me, you get a little more angry, more disturbed and more disgusted." She didn't answer, and he sighed. "You're not sleeping. You haven't for a really long time. Just kill me and end this, Daija."

"...I hate you."

"I know," he said softly.

"No, you don't know. I fucking hate you!" she snapped. "The whole time, I was thinking that you were my best friend, and all you could think of was how badly you wanted to get your hands on me!" she took a breath, but Jamie saw the tears that lined her eyes. "And you expect me to believe that this friendship was genuine?"

"Of course it was. Nothing mattered more to me."

"You're so full of shit-"

The door opened with a soft click, and Tony stepped inside, ignoring Jamie and looking directly at Daija. "Thirty minutes. Remember that you still have to get cleaned up."

"...Okay, just-"

"Meaning that it's best that you leave now, Daija," he cut her off, and when she looked over at him, his voice softened. "It's either that or you have to face him."

Her lips pressed together in a tight line, and she nodded once. Then, Tony shut the door, leaving them alone again. Jamie hummed softly in amusement. "Sneaking around to see me? I have noticed that you haven't been here as often. Did your boyfriend put you on time-out?"

"...Do you want to ask him? I'm sure he'd love to give you a few words."

"You wouldn't let him."

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