Chapter 5

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- Mid February, 2046 (Three months ago) -

Working out was an activity he hated, but so desperately needed before his own mind drove him crazy. He had gotten used to feeling, focusing on, and healing physical pain as a distraction. Justin's abuse, Daija's torture. As twisted and fucked up as it was, a distraction was a distraction, and if he could direct his mind onto one thing, then it was fine to him.

Once he reached number forty, Jamie stopped doing pull-ups and left the bar, wincing at the slight pain that came from it. Working out and training with the unit was probably the only time of day where he could vent safely without saying a single word. However, it never stopped him from mentally reciting his personal list of rules that both grounded him and drove him wild.

As he sipped some water, Valerie's words -- and her offer -- came back to him. He had a month and a half to pull this off. Around six weeks maximum. As a CEO, she was more than likely huge on due dates and schedules, so being late definitely wasn't an option.

"Hey, Jason!"

He looked up to see someone approaching him. The man was about his height and age, and he was muscular. He had tan skin and dark brown hair that he often kept messy, and his eyes were a lighter brown. Victor. As he approached, he gave his usual, bright smile. "Just wanted to say what's up. How are you?"

"Good," he answered simply, and he gave himself about thirty seconds before it was time to look for ways to cut the conversation. He knew that developing relationships here wasn't a good move. Keep it simple, except for occasions where there has to be a partner or group activity that requires longer conversations. Even still, he always had to remain extremely careful.

"Well, that's good. You wanna come grab some food with us after training? CJ knows this really good soup place not too far from here."

His mouth dried. Another polite offer that he's going to have to refuse.

"That sounds nice, but-"

"Let me stop you right there," he cut him off as he held a hand up, and his face softened. "Look, man, how come you never want to hang out with anyone? There's almost forty people in this unit and you don't talk to a single soul. It's really rare seeing people alone here. I know we barely know each other, but I genuinely think that you're cool underneath all that "quiet, brooding strong guy" getup."

Another voice chimed in. "I think what Victor means is that it's never good to be by yourself all the time."

Jamie turned to see two more people approach. The one who just spoke was a woman, who looked similar to Victor. Around five foot seven, tan skin, long, wavy brown hair and light brown eyes. A sister, no doubt. Besides her was a tall man with pale skin that was similar to his own, and he had short dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. CJ.

At the sight of the woman, his head tilted slightly. He had only seen her a few times now that he thought about it. She caught his body language, and smiled softly as she asked, "Curious?"

"Sorry," he muttered. "Didn't mean to stare."

"No, don't apologize. It's fine. I bounce around from multiple units quite a bit, so I'm used to the questions."

CJ grinned as he faced her. "You should see Layla, man. She's a beast! One moment, she's a badass fighter, the next moment, she's a tracker, then the moment after that, she's a spy."

"One of Adrienne's favorites, I might add," Layla said proudly as she crossed her arms, then laughed with CJ.

That stuck with Jamie. One of Adrienne's favorites. Definitely, definitely not meant to be trusted.

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