Chapter 9

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- Mid May, 2046 (Present day) -

Was he three times as paranoid, or was he being watched?

Jamie quietly walked through the silent hall of the campus, being careful to avoid attracting attention from security that could be making their rounds. It was a little after three in the morning.

Since a flashlight would give him away, he had to rely on his eyesight and the fact that he had studied the building at least a thousand times. As he neared the lab, he took out the hairpin from his pocket and started picking the lock of the door. It took a few minutes, but when the lock clicked, he exhaled softly and stepped inside, silently closing the door behind him.

Ten minutes. Get what you need and nothing more, he thought to himself.

Now concealed in the space, he took out the tiny flashlight he stole and turned it on. It illuminated his path, and he quietly stepped towards the back where the supplies were.

He knelt down in front of some large boxes, and his brows furrowed at the sight of a folded up page taped to the largest one in the center. He carefully removed it, and his mind blanked temporarily when he recognized the page. It was from a book. A book he read at least a hundred times. When he unfolded it, his heart dropped. Panic gripped him tight as he released the page, and he immediately turned to leave.

On the back of the page was a small message, messily written in blood.

I see you. 

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