Chapter 28 - Finding Emma

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"Would you slow down? You're going too fast." Gold complained.

"Not a chance." David called over his shoulder. "That's my daughter."

Gold opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a blood curdling scream and then a gun shot. David immediately paled. "Emma!" He took off running.

David rounded a corner and what he saw made his blood boil. Emma was tied to a tree. She was currently slumped over, with a gunshot wound to the side. There was so much blood. David didn't even have to think about it. He pulled his gun out and pointed it at Neal.

Neal put his gun to Emma's head. "The next bullet kills her." He threatened.

David paled. If he shot Neal right now, Neal's finger would likely pull the trigger.

"You let me take my kids and leave, and you can still have time to save Emma."

"No!" Emma cried out. "It's o..okay"

David was torn. He couldn't lose his daughter, but he couldn't hand the kids over either.

"What's it gonna be?" Neal asked. "Your daughter, or the kids?"

"L...let h...him sh...shoot..."

"NO!" David shouted. "I won't lose you."

Neal smiled. "So it's settled. I take my kids and..."

"Not a chance." David growled.

"Then I'm sorry I have to do this." Neal's finger went to the trigger. David was just about to pull his own when he noticed that Neal's gun had disappeared.

"I can't let you do this, Bae." Gold said. The gun was now in his hand. He then froze Neal, so that he couldn't move.

David's finger went to the trigger when his own gun disappeared as well.

"You hurt my son, and I will kill you." Gold threatened.

David rushed to Emma's side, and pulled her into his arms. The blood was now soaking her shirt.


"They're okay. They're with your mom."

"T...tell them I"

"No! You're going to tell them yourself."

Emma was so pale, and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. David reached for his phone and cursed himself when he realized he didn't have it.

"P...p...promise you'll t...take of..."

David could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. Emma had lost so much blood. Things weren't looking good. "You're going to be just fine, Em. Just hold on. Please hold on."


David let out a choked sob. He knew his daughter was dying, and there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't have his phone, and they were in the middle of the woods. Even if he carried Emma back to town, it would be too late. There was nothing he could do, and it was killing him.


"I promise." David choked out. "You don't even have to ask. They'll be okay."

"I know."

He held Emma closer. "I love you so much, Emma." He pressed a kiss to her head.

" too." Emma's eyes started to close.

David was sure that this was it. He was about to lose his daughter, and there was nothing he could do about it. But then something unexpected happened. Gold stepped forward. David had forgotten that he was even there. One minute they were in the woods, and the next they were in a hospital. David knew that Gold had transported them. He didn't know why, but he didn't have time to think about it. He picked Emma up and screamed out for help. The next thing he knew, she was being rolled into the operating room on a gurney, and he was being ushered to the waiting room.

David collapsed into a chair and sobbed. After a few minutes, he got up and went to the nearest phone to call his wife. She picked up on the second ring, and he told her everything that had happened. Mary Margaret said she was calling Regina to see if she could take the kids, and then she would be right there.

Mary Margaret arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later. She rushed over to David, and they sat in silence, neither of them knowing what to say.

Half an hour later, Whale came into the waiting room. "She lost a lot of blood, but she'll be okay."

David and Mary Margaret both let out sighs of relief.

"We almost lost her a few times, but we were able to bring her back. We have had a blood transfusion."

"Can we see her?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Of course. She isn't awake yet, but I'll bring you to her room."

David and Mary Margaret walked into their daughter's hospital room, and their eyes immediately fell on a pale Emma. David took in a shaky breath and made his way to one side of the bed, while his wife went to the other.

"I thought I was going to lose her." David choked. She was...she was so close."

Mary Margaret nodded. "I know. But we didn't. Emma is going to be just fine."

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