Chapter 11 - Appendicitis

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A week had passed since Emma's birthday, and her and Mary Margaret were leaving today.

"You know that Oliver can't have anything with peanuts, but if he were to ingest anything with peanuts in them by mistake I do have an EpiPen. You take off the blue top and inject the side with the needle into his thigh."

David nodded. "Got it. But I'll make sure he doesn't have anything with peanuts." Ever since he found out Oliver had a peanut allergy, he had started checking labels. Granny and Ruby also knew by now that he had the allergy, and were aware to be careful when making food.

"Are you sure you're okay with watching them for three days?"

"Emma. Four the hundredth time, I'm positive. You just go have fun. The boys will be safe."

"I know, it's just...Oliver still has bad nightmares sometimes."

"It's okay. Leo went through a stage where he had them too." David knew of course that the cause of his grandson's nightmares were much different than Leo who had been sacred of monsters. "I've got this, Emma. We're going to have fun. Right buddy?" He looked down at Oliver who grinned.

Emma bent down pulled her son into a hug. "You be good, okay?"

"Okay mommy."

Emma stood up and took Parker from her dad. She held him close and kissed his head before handing him back to David.

"If anything happens call me. I'll have my phone on me."

"Of course I will. But nothing is going to happen." David reassured his daughter. He pulled Emma into a hug and then went to kiss his wife. He watched as they left before closing the door.

"What do you boys want to do first?"

That night they stayed up late playing games and watching movies. It was around 9:30 when David carried a sleeping Oliver to his room and tucked him in, before tucking in Leo who was half asleep himself.

David woke up to his grandson screaming at 1:00 in the morning. He immediately jumped out of bed and dashed towards his bedroom.

"Oliver, wake up." He shook his grandson gently. "Oliver."

"Stop daddy stop." He cried. "Daddy no."

David felt his heart break. "Oliver buddy, it's okay. You're okay." He whispered. "Come on, wake up bud." He shook his grandson again and the boy's eyes flew open. He sat up and let out a terrified scream.

"Hey, it's okay bud."


David wrapped his arms around his grandson and pulled him into his arms.

"I'm right here." He whispered.

"I want mommy." Oliver whimpered. "I want mommy."

"I know, bud. Your mom will be back in a couple days, I promise."

"Daddy's g...g...gonna h...hurt her."

David held his grandson tighter. "He's not going to hurt her. Your mom is safe."


"I promise. How about we get you back to bed."


"You need to get some sleep, bud. Come on, you can sleep with me tonight." David stood up with his grandson still in his arms.


David smiled. "He's right here." He picked the stuffed dragon up and handed it to Oliver before carrying him into his room.

David tucked the little boy in before crawling into the bed himself. Oliver cuddled up to him and was out within minutes.

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