Chapter 25 - Naming Ceramomy

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The moment Emma walked into Granny's, she was surrounded by people. Everyone wanted to see the new baby. Up until now, only a select few had the honor.

"She's adorable!" Ruby cooed.

Leroy shrugged. "She looks like a baby, to me."

"Leroy! Don't be rude!" Mary Margaret scolded. "That's my granddaughter you're talking about."

"What's her name?" Ashley asked.

Emma was about to answer, but Mary Margaret put a hand over her daughters mouth. "You'll find out later."

It was a while after the party started that the doors opened and Hook walked in. Emma looked up from her spot at the table and her eyes widened. "Hook!" She stood up and walked over to him, a big smile on her face. "You came!"

"Of course. I had to see the little lass for myself. I've heard she's inherited her mother's beauty."

Emma blushed. "She's with Henry." Just then Henry walked over, carrying a sleeping Layla.

Emma smiled. "Hook, this is daughter."

Hook looked down at the sleeping baby in Henry's arms and smiled. "Your father was right. She is perfect."

"Do you want to hold her?" Henry asked.

Hook paled. "I don't...I shouldn't...I've never..."

Emma laughed. "You'll be fine."

"I don't want to hurt her."

"You've held Parker." Emma pointed out.

"Aye. But he's quite a bit bigger than this little one. I might break her."

Emma snorted. "She isn't as fragile as she looks." Emma reached out and took Layla from Henry, before stepping closer to Hook. "I trust you."

Hook hesitated for a moment before nodding. He removed his hook, and then held his arms out. The next thing he knew, he the greatest treasure he could ever be trusted to old, was in his arms. "Wow." He breathed. "She's...she's so small."

David walked over and his eyes landed on Hook, before making their way down to Layla. "You be careful with her. I don't think you want to lose another hand.


A small grin appeared on his face, showing that he was joking. Mary Margaret made her way over. She smiled when she saw Hook.

"I'm glad you could make it."

Layla started to fuss and Hook paled. "Did I hurt her?"

Emma laughed. "No, of course not. She does that a lot." She reached out and took her daughter back, bringing her close to her chest.

"Are you ready, Emma?" Mary Margaret asked. Emma nodded, and she followed her parents to the back of the diner.

"Attention everyone!" David hit a cup with a spoon to her everyone's attention. "Thank you all for coming out to celebrate the newest addition of our family. It means a lot..."

"Enough with the boring speech." Ruby fake yawned. "What's her name?"

David grinned. He looked at Emma and she nodded, handing him the baby. He took her gently in his arms, and gently bounced her when she began to whimper. The moment that Layla was in his arms, Parker came forward and put his arms out toward Emma. He had been taking the new addition to the family pretty hard. Emma picked him up and kissed his head.

"It is my great pleasure to introduce you to my granddaughter, Layla Margaret Swan!" David proudly announced.

There was a round of applause. Just then the doors burst open, and the last two people Emma wanted to see walked in. Neal and Rumple.

Emma paled, and she held Parker closer. David quickly passed Layla to his wife, before stepping in front of Emma. He once again cursed himself for not having his gun or sword. They thought they were safe, and he let his guard down.

"Miss me, Emma?" Neal sneered.

"What are you doing here?" David demanded.

"I'm here to meet my new baby, of course."

Emma handed Parker to Henry and stepped forward. She wasn't going to let anyone get hurt because of her. "You stay away from her."

Regina raised her hands, ready for a fight. Gold was quicker. He threw Regina back, causing her to hit her head.

"MOM!" Henry yelled.

Gold then used his magic to freeze everyone in the room. Neal stepped forward and took Layla out of Mary Margaret's arms, while Gold did the same with Parker.

"Tell your family goodbye, Emma." Neal said. Gold waved his hand, disappearing with Neal, Emma and the kids.

Once they were gone, everyone else was unfrozen. David immediately headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Mary Margaret cried.

"I'm going to get them back."

"You don't know where they are." Red spoke.

David turned around to face her, anger flashing in his normally calm eyes. "I DON'T CARE!" He snapped, instantly regretting it. "Look." He said in a much calmer voice. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. But she's my daughter,
And those are my grandchildren. I don't care how long it takes me, I am going to find them."

"WE." Mary Margaret corrected. "We are going to find her, David. They're my family too. We will do this like we do everything. Together!"

"Im coming!" Hook was the first to volunteer. "I won't take no for an answer."

Regina stood up. "Im coming too."

"As am I." Robin stepped forward.

"Me too!" Henry said.

Mary Margaret turned to face Ashley. "Could you watch Leo?"

"Of course!"

Mary Margaret then bent down to be on eye level with her son, who looked frightened.

"Will you find them?" Leo asked innocently.

"Of course we will. But until then, I need you to stay with Ashley."

"But I wanna come. I wanna help."

"I know you do. But I need you to stay with Ashley, okay?"

Leo nodded before throwing his arms around his mom. When he let go, the group of volunteers set out to find Emma and the kids.

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