Chapter 17 - Birthday Horror

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The next month flew by quickly, and before Emma knew it, it was February 9th. The day Oliver had entered the world.

David came into the kitchen at 6:00 and found Emma sitting alone. There was a small photo album sitting on the table and Emma was flipping through it.

"How long have you been awake?" David asked when he saw his daughter yawn.

Emma jumped. She hadn't heard him coming. "I don't know...a while."

"What's that?" He asked.

"A photo album." Emma whispered. "I couldn't leave it behind."

David nodded. He sat down next to Emma and got a glimpse of a picture. In the picture, Emma was sitting up in the hospital bed. She looked exhausted, but she had a smile on her face. David was sure he could even see a tear or two on her cheek. In her arms was a baby, wrapped in a blue blanket and wearing a hat.

"Is that Oliver?" David asked.

Emma smiled. "He was only a few hours old. It's hard to believe that was taken four years ago today."

She flipped the page and David's eyes landed on a picture of a baby boy with a full set of brown hair. He was laying on his back on top of a blanket that David immediately recognized as Oliver's baby blanket. He had his fist in his mouth and was fast asleep.

"He was so tiny." David grinned. "And look at that hair."

Father and daughter sat for a while, flipping through pictures of Oliver. David saw his grandson grow up before his eyes. The tiny infant on the floor turned into a chubby baby shoving chocolate cake into his mouth, a big grin on his face. That chubby baby turned into a two year old little boy who was laughing in Emma's arms as she tickled him. A two year old little boy who was laughing as he played in a pile of leaves. Then he was laying on the bed, holding the hand of a newborn baby and looking at him with the biggest grin. David knew that the baby must have been Parker. He watched as Oliver turned into the little boy who he had met only four months ago. He was on the swings in one picture and in another picture, he and Parker were in the bathtub. Oliver had a bubble beard and was laughing. Before David knew it, they had reached the end. The last picture was of Oliver with Parker on his lap.

"It's hard to believe they used to be that small." David admitted.

"Who used to be that small?" Mary Margaret asked as she walked into the kitchen. Emma showed her mom the photo album. "Oh look at him. He's so tiny." She cooed. Mary Margaret had a huge smile on her face as she flipped through the pictures.

"I can't believe my baby boy is four."

"They grow fast." Mary Margaret said with a smile.

Just then the birthday boy himself came running into the room. Emma smiled as he ran into her arms. "Happy Birthday, monkey." She kissed his head.

Later that day, they went to Granny's for Oliver's party. Everyone came up to wish him a Happy Birthday, and he received so many presents. Everything was perfect. But then the door opened and Emma's blood ran cold. Neal was standing there.

Emma grabbed a frightened Oliver and pushed him behind her. Parker was in Mary Margaret's arms.

"Weren't gonna invite me to my own kids party?"

David turned around, just now noticing Neal. He silently cursed himself for not having his sword or his gun on him. He shouldn't have let his guard down.

"Leave my mom alone." Henry roared.

"Henry, look at you. You're practically a man."

Everything that happened next happened quickly. Neal stepped forward and grabbed Emma roughly by the arm, causing her to flinch. "You're coming with me, bitch." He spat.

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