Chalter 20 - Baby Shower

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Winter turned into Spring, and before they knew it, it was the end of March. They still hadn't seen or heard from Neal, and Gold had continued to stay away. Emma couldn't help but feel like it was too good to last.

Emma was now thirty two weeks pregnant, and she was ready to have the kid and get it over with. Her back hurt and her ankles were swollen, not to mention she felt like a human whale.

"Emma. Are you almost ready?" Mary Margaret called from the other room.

Emma groaned. She had hoped that her mom would forget about wanting to throw a baby shower, but she hadn't. It was all she had been talking about all week.

"Emma?" Mary Margaret walked into the room. "Why aren't you dressed? We're supposed to be at Granny's in ten minutes.

"I'm not going."

"Of course you're going, Emma. It's your baby shower."

"Well you can have it without me."

Mary Margaret sat next to her daughter. "It's your party, Emma. We can't have it without you. I thought you were okay with me throwing you the shower. What happened?"

"That was before I became a human whale." Emma complained.

Mary Margaret took her daughter's hand. "You are not a human whale, Emma. You are beautiful."

Emma felt the tears sting her eyes. "You're my mom, you have to say that."

"I mean it, Emma."

"But I'm huge."

Just then David walked into the room. "Are we almost ready to leave? You guys are supposed to be there in...everything okay?"

"Emma seems to think she isn't going."

"What? Why? Are you feeling okay?"

"She's fine." Mary Margaret reassured her husband. "She seems to think she's a human whale, and won't listen to me."

"I'm huge."

"Emma, you are not." David argued.

"You're just saying that."

David shook his head. "I mean it, Emma. You look fine."

"I'm not leaving this house without you, Emma. So you may as well just get ready."

Emma groaned. "You aren't going to give up, are you?"


Mary Margaret and David left the room and Emma got ready. She put on a blue dress and flats before throwing her hair up. She looked in the mirror and sighed. She would rather do anything else right now. She made her way out of the room and into the kitchen, where everyone was waiting for her. The plan was for David to take the boys for the afternoon, while Emma and Mary Margaret went to the baby shower.

The moment Emma walked into the room, all eyes were on her. Leo and Oliver's mouths dropped open.

"Woah." Leo gasped. "She's wearing a dress!" He had never seen his sister in a dress before. The last time Emma remembered wearing a dress was when she first started dating Neal again. That was five years ago.

"You look like a princess, mommy." Oliver beamed.

"You really do!" Mary Margaret said with tears in her eyes. She pulled out her camera and before Emma could comprehend what was going on, she had snapped a picture. Emma opened her mouth to argue, but was cut off by David.

"You look beautiful, Em." He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Emma heard another click and looked up to see that her mom had snapped another picture.

"Would you stop? I didn't agree to pictures."

"But this is a special day to remember."

"Years from now I don't want a reminder of how big I was. Let's just get this over with."

David and Mary Margaret shared an amused look.

"She is definitely your daughter." David winked.

David and the boys drove with Mary Margaret and Emma down to Granny's, and David helped carry things in. It wasn't long before the guests started showing up.

"Have fun." David said as he took Parker from Emma and reached out for Oliver's hand. "Come on, Leo."

"I don't wanna leave." Leo pouted. "I want cake."

"Trust me, squirt. You don't want to stay for this." When Leo didn't look convinced, Emma smiled and promised to save him a piece.

Many people showed up for the baby shower, and Emma was convinced that her mom invited every woman in Storybrooke.

Granny and Red were there. Regina was of course there, and even Zelena showed up. Ashley came with her daughter and Aurora came as well. Even Belle was there. Things with Belle had been a bit complicated because of Gold's threat, but Emma and Mary Margaret didn't hold it against her.

The party wasn't as bad as Emma thought it would be. Regina had talked Mary Margaret out of the games, which Emma was grateful for. Everyone talked and ate food. Then it was time to open presents. Emma was blown away by how many gifts there were.

Emma had received a lot of baby clothes, most of them were pink and girly. She received some diapers, bottles, baby toys and many other items. Emma was thankful for all the gifts, but there were two that Emma loved most of all. Two gifts that made her cry.

Granny had knitted a baby blanket that looked just like her own, except the ribbon was pink instead of purple. There wasn't a name on the blanket yet, but Granny said she would add that once Emma chose one.

Mary Margaret had given Emma a mobile, but it wasn't just any mobile. Emma would recognize those unicorns anywhere. She had seen them in the nursery that was supposed to be hers when she had been stuck in the Enchanted Forest.

"Is that?" She gasped.

Mary Margaret nodded. "Your unicorn mobile. was supposed to be yours. I thought that since you didn't get the chance to have it, maybe your daughter can."

Emma burst into tears as she threw her hands around her mom. "Thank you. I love it." She pulled away. "But how did you get it?"

"I found it in Gold's shop a couple years ago, and I couldn't leave it there. It's just been sitting in a box. I found it the other day and I knew you had to have it."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, sweetie."

Before Emma knew it, the baby shower was over. Although she had been dreading it for weeks, she had to admit it wasn't that bad.

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