Chapter 27 - Locater Spell

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David flung the door of Gold's shop open, and stormed up to the front. He was followed by his wife, Hook, Regina, Henry and Robin. A startled Belle looked up.

"David! How can I..."


Belle jumped. "I...I don't..what are you...?"

Mary Margaret put a hand on her husbands shoulder. "It's not Belle's fault, David."

"What's going on?" Belle asked. She sounded frightened.

"I'll tell you what's going on." Regina stepped forward. "Your husband and his son took Emma and her kids. They disappeared and we don't know where they are. But when we find them..."

Belle's eyes widened. "But...but Neal isn't in Storybrooke. You said he couldn't get back in."

"Your husband obviously found a way around that. Now where are they?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry, I really am. If I knew, I would tell you."

"Give us a locater potion." Regina demanded.

"I...of course." Belle turned and started going through all of Gold's potions.

"It''s gone."

David slammed a fist down on the counter.

"How convenient." Hook snapped. "What the bloody hell do we do now?"

"We search." David said, turning and heading to the door. "We search the whole damn town. I'm not giving up until I find them."

The moment they stepped outside, David broke down. He stood with his hands against the truck, his head hung low. He jumped when he felt a hand on his back.

"David." Mary Margaret said. "David, we're going to find them."

David looked up with red eyes. "It's my fault. I promised...I promised her she'd be safe. I promised he wouldn't hurt her again, and now..." David ran a hand over his face. "Now I've failed her again."

"You didn't fail her, David. This isn't your fault."

"I'm her father. Her FATHER, Mary Margaret. I'm supposed to protect her, and I never have. I've never been able to protect her."

"You took a bullet for her." Regina said, stepping forward. "You were stabbed while trying to get her to the wardrobe. You have done everything you can. All you've ever done is put her first. This isn't your fault."

"But if I had just brought my gun...or my sword..."

"We thought he was gone. We didn't think he could get back in."

"I let my guard down." David choked.

"We'll find her, Grandpa." Henry said confidently. "We will find them. We always do."

David took a deep breath and nodded. "I need my gun."

After David had his gun, everyone decided to split up. Storybrooke wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny either. There were several places they could be. Robin went with Regina, Mary Margaret went with David, and Henry offered to go with Hook.

They had been searching for hours when Mary Margaret got a call. She answered the phone, and her eyes went wide.

"Thank you! We'll be right there." She hung up the phone and turned to David. "That was Belle. Gold brought the kids to the shop. They're okay!"

Mary Margaret and David headed for Gold's shop, and rushed inside. The moment they stepped inside, they found Belle holding a sleeping Parker and Gold holding Layla. Oliver was sitting in a chair. David let out a sigh of relief.

Oliver looked up, his face pale. The moment his eyes landed on his grandparents he jumped up. "GRANDPA!" He ran strait into David's arms.

David wrapped his arms around the boy and held him close. He could feel Oliver shaking, and knew he was crying. "It's okay bud. I'm right here."

Mary Margaret wasn't sure if she should grab Parker or Layla first, but decided that she trusted Belle a lot more than Gold. She held out her arms. "Give me my granddaughter." She was surprised when Gold didn't argue.

David pulled away from the hug to get a better look at Oliver, and he felt his blood boil. There was a mark in the shape of a handprint on his grandson's cheek. He pulled Oliver closer and looked up at Gold. Before he could say anything, Gold started to explain.

"I didn't believe you about him. I didn't want to believe you. But then I saw him hit...I'm sorry. That isn't the Bae I remember."

"Where's Emma? Where's my daughter?" David asked.

"Daddy hurt mommy. He took her." Oliver cried, burying his face in his grandpas shoulder. David stiffened.

"" He asked Gold again.

"I don't know." Gold admitted. "I really don't. Bae asked me to watch the kids while he talked to Emma. He took her, but I don't know where."

David shook his head. "Emma would never leave the kids." He saw the look on Gold's face and paled.

"She tried to fight. Bae...he hit her over the head. He carried her out."

"YOU BASTARD." David stood up. "Why the hell didn't you stop him?"

"It all happened so fast. After he took her, I knew I needed to get the kids out of there. I never wanted them to get hurt."

"But you didn't care about Emma! You didn't care if she got hurt."

"Believe it or not, I didn't know he planned to hurt any of them. That includes your daughter."

"We need to find her." Mary Margaret said. "We need to find Emma."

Gold nodded. "I have a locater potion." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle. "You'll also need something of Ms. Swan's."

"I have her jacket in the truck." Mary Margaret said. She had grabbed it earlier, just incase they were able to get a locater spell.

David took the bottle and turned to his wife. "I'll go. You stay with the kids."

"I'm coming too." Gold said.


"Because I don't trust you not to hurt him."

David scoffed. "After what he's done..."

"He's still my son."

David didn't have time to argue. He and Gold left the shop, before pouring the potion onto Emma's jacket.

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