Chapter 26 - Gold's Cabin

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Emma opened her eyes and looked around. They were in Gold's cabin. She could feel Oliver grab onto her legs, and could hear Parker screaming. Turning her head, she saw her youngest son struggling to get out of Gold's arms. Layla was screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Let him go!" Emma demanded. When Gold didn't release him, her voice grew into more of a plead. "Please let him go. He's terrified."

Gold looked at the squirming toddler in his arms and set him down. Parker immediately ran to Emma, who picked him up. "Shh, it's okay baby."

Neal scoffed. "That's the problem, Emma. All you've ever done is baby them." He looked down at the screaming baby in his arms and Emma could see that he was growing frustrated.

"She's hungry." Emma whispered. "Give her to me, please!"

Neal seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding. Emma put Parker on the floor and took Layla. She grabbed a blanket and sat down to nurse her.

"Why are you doing this?" Emma cried.

"They're MY kids. You have no right to take them from me."

"You hurt us. You hurt Oliver. He had welt marks up and down his back and front because of you."

Neal's face grew red and he pointed a finger at Emma. "Do NOT talk to me like that."

Emma flinched.

Oliver bravely stepped forward. "You leave my mommy alone."

Neal didn't like being spoken to like that, and he stepped forward grabbing Oliver roughly by the arm. "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

Emma quickly stood up. She grabbed Neal's arm and tried to get him to let go of Oliver, but he slapped her. Emma stumbled back, barely catching herself before she fell. Layla began to wail. Parker was crying as well.

"SHUT THEM UP!" Neal roared."Or I will."

Oliver ran into Emma's free arm, and Parker hid behind her legs.

"They're only children, Bae." Gold spoke up. He appeared to be shocked by his son's behavior.

Neal turned to face his father. "Do NOT call me that. That hasn't been my name for a long time." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I need some fresh air." He stormed out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.

Gold turned to Emma, who was busy trying to comfort three children. "Do you need some help?"

Emma's eyes hardened. "You stay away from them. Both of you!"

Emma was eventually able to calm the children down. Parker fell asleep, and Emma placed him on the armchair. Oliver stayed by her side, and she refused to put Layla down. When Neal returned he was in just as much of a bad mood as he had been before.

"Please let us go." Emma pleaded. She hated how pathetic she sounded, but she didn't know what else to do. There was no way she could fight him and Gold, not when she didn't even have a gun.


Oliver started to cry, and once he started he couldn't stop. Neal stepped forward and before Emma could stop him, he slapped Oliver hard across the face. "If you don't shut up, it'll be the belt. Just like last time." He hissed.



Emma wrapped an arm around her sobbing son. "It's okay, baby." She whispered. "It's going to be okay."

It was around 8:30pm when Neal decided he wanted to talk to Emma alone. He told his father to watch the kids, and that he'd be back. Emma tried to fight. She kicked and clawed at him. The last thing she remembered was being hit over the head, and then everything went black.

When Emma woke up, she noticed that she was in the woods, tied to a tree. Neal was standing in front of her, twirling a gun in his hands.

"W...where are my kids?"

"They aren't your kids anymore, Emma." Neal hissed as he bent down in front of her. His face was inches from hers and she could smell the alcohol. "I thought we could be a family, all of us. But I know we can't. As long as you're alive, I'll never have my kids." He pointed the gun at Emma. "But once you're gone..."

"They will never be yours." Emma glared. "My parents will find them. Even if you kill me, they won't let you have them."

Neal slapped Emma hard across the face, and she could taste the blood in her mouth. "They'll be better off with me. Better off without a mother like you. A mother who abandoned her first child."

Emma swallowed the lump in her throat. "I didn't abandon Henry. You left me. I didn't have a choice."

Neal slapped Emma again. "DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!"

"What are you waiting for? If you're going to kill me, get it over with."

Part of Emma wanted to fight. She had to fight, if not for her then for her children. The other part of Emma knew that her parents would find the kids. They wouldn't give up. As long as they had her parents, they'd be safe.

Neal laughed. "Oh, you're going to suffer first."

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