Chapter 19: The End of an Adventure

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After the defeat of the Chaos Knights and their fallen King, the heroes and heroines had returned to Piximon's home and taking a break, while Azulongmon was talking to Gennai and Piximon, informing the pair on the good news.

"They fought hard against the Chaos, and in the end, they have succeeded in riding the Digital World of the Chaos Kings and their evil." The Digimon Sovereign said, causing Gennai to nod and smile.

"They deserve to rest after their battle." He then said, but had to point out. "The only hard part for them now is to say goodbye."

"They will have to go back to their own worlds soon. I'm sure their friends and parents must be worried sick." Piximon added.

"Very well." Azulongmon replied, awaiting to take the Tamers back to Shinjuku, while Piximon had a television set in his home, which the Digidestined were more than welcome to use when they felt ready to leave.

-With the Digidestined and the Digimon Tamers-

Though all were a little solemn on their ride back, arriving at Piximon's home to see not just the tiny Digimon and Gennai, all were glad to see Jeri, who smiled with joy both from seeing her friends had returned, as well as what she had for them.

Guys!" Jeri called happy to see friends had returned safe and sound as she embraced Henry.

"I missed you all so much." She said, her hold on Henry a little too tight, which made him wince in pain and caused Jeri to loosen her hold on him.

"We missed you, too." Henry replied, returning the embrace, while Terriermon and most of the others smiled.

But breaking the hug, Jeri had something she had to say.

"I almost forgot. Sometime after you left, Yamaki called." She informed, causing Impmon to ask. "And what does he want with us?"

"This." Jeri replied, holding up her D-Power, before the screen started to glow and causing both the Tamer's D-Powers, as well as the Digidestined's Digivices and D-3s to glow as well.

Withdrawing their respective Digivices, Izzy asked. "What did you just do?"

"It was Yamaki's idea." Jeri replied, before she explained. "While he wanted to do this himself, he decided I could do it on his behalf."

"Do what?" RIka asked.

"Upgrade your Digivices." Piximon answered.

"That's right. Thanks to Yamaki's research, he analyzed the the barriers that keep our worlds separate from each other and managed to find a 'backdoor' of sorts to allow us in." Jeri said happily, her joy increasing as she added. "That means we can go into your Digital World and visit you in Odaiba or you can come and see us."

From what they had heard, the Digidestined and the Tamers were amazed.

"That sounds great." Takato said, looking forward to seeing many of the areas the Digidestined fought their various foes.

"Totally." Mimi said in reply.

But being Mimi, she then added. "I'd love to see the latest fashions in your world."

Everyone sighed at Mimi's words for a moment, before Takato and Guilmon smiled, both approaching Tai, Agumon, Davis and Veemon, where the brunette put his right hand out.

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