Chapter 14:The Darkside of Omnimon

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From inside their throne room, KingEtemon and PrinceMamemon watched as Tai, Sora and their partners began to enter the tower, curious as how the Digidestined and Digimon would fare against their appointed Chaos Knight.

"They are getting closer than I expected." PrinceMamemon admitted, causing a smirk to appear on KingEtemon's face and ask. "What's wrong, getting cold feet?"

"Of course not. I am just a little surprised they have defeated nearly all our Knights." PrinceMamemon said back, which made KingEtemon cross his arms and nod, admitting he too was somewhat impressed.

"But don't forget our best Chaos Knights left." KingEtemon replied, facing the the Digidestined had entered and smiled. "And I am confident HE will not fail us."

With KingEtemon's words, PrinceMamemon looked at the orb, where he smirked and knew whom KingEtemon meant, causing him to say. "You're right. He will destroy them."


Around the time, Kari, Yolei, Gatomon and Hawkmon had entered their tower to confront the Chaos Knight within, Tai, Agumon, Sora and Biyomon had made their way inside and were looking around, finding themselves within the darkened room, where, standing on the other side was the Chaos Knight, just lurking in the shadows.

"So you've come this far?" The Chaos Knight asked as he came out of the darkness, leaving Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon a little stunned, for before them was a dark version of Omnimon.

"But this is your end, because I'm not like the others." The black armoured Omnimon then said, drawing out his blade from the black Wargreymon head and the cannon from his BlackMetalGarurumon arm.

Remembering Gennai talking about Omnimon being a Royal Knight, it was only natural the dark Omnimon would be one of the tougher of the Chaos Knights, causing Tai to stand in front of Sora, determined to protect her.

"Stay behind me Sora. I can feel his energy and I can tell he will not be easy to beat." Tai said, moving before the Digidestined of Love, before looking at Agumon and saying with a strong voice. "Let's do this Agumon!"

"Ready when you are." Agumon replied, matching the courageous tone of his partner.

And with that, Tai held up his Digivice and called out. "Biomerge active!"

Unleashing the power of his Biomerge, Tai and Agumon fused both their beings and energies, becoming VictoryGreymon once again, where he drew his blade and prepared to take on the corrupted Omnimon.

However, he didn't move, the Chaos Knight just stood in place, leaving VictoryGreymon with an uneasy feeling.

And unable to stand the silence, VictoryGreymon was the first to move.

"I will protect those I care so much about. I'll take down BlackOmnimon. Dramon Breaker!" He exclaimed, charging at the Chaos Knight.

However, the black armoured Omnimon suddenly countered, raising his BlackWargreymon head and stopping the attack as the tip of the sword clashed with VictoryGreymon's.

"My name is Omnimon Zwart." The dark Omnimon then said, before stating as he held up his right arm, revealing the cannon charging with dark blue energy. "And you will be the one who falls in this battle."

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