Chapter 7:Darkness, Knights and Dragons

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With their training over, and stronger for the experience, the Digidestined and Tamers returned exited the training room, greeted by Gennai and Piximon, who both smiled upon seeing the heroes and heroines.

"Welcome back from your training." Gennai said, his tone filled with a proudness, before adding. "I can sense you all have gotten stronger."

"We are most impressed. You completed it faster than anticipated." Piximon added, making the Digidestined and Tamers all smile.

"Thank you." Tai said, before noticing Piximon looked a little worn out, making the leader of the older Digidestined ask. "Piximon, are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, but keeping up the barrier to prevent the Chaos Knights from attacking you has taken it's toll on me." He replied, ceasing flying to gather some of his energy back.

"However, there are more important matters to tend to." Piximon then said, earning a nod from Gennai, as his expression turned serious.

"We know more about the Chaos Knights, and we now know who is commanding them. We got this information from Yamaki." Piximon told the Digidestined and Tamers.

"Really? Who are they?" Davis asked.

"They are KingEtemon and PrinceMamemon." Azulongmon's voice called, causing all to look above, seeing the Digimon Sovereign, where he then explained. "KingEtemon and PrinceMamemon are self-proclaimed rulers, believing that they should rule over the Digital World. But knowing that they couldn't achieve their ambitions alane, they obtained the chaos left by ChaosDiaboromon to not only increase their power, but to bring forth the Chaos Knights."

Now knowing who their enemies were, Impmon was the first to speak and asked. "So where do we find these guys?"

"They have secluded themselves to an area known as the Dark Dimension, where they lie in wait within a dark castle, waiting for the Chaos Knights to destroy any opposing threats to them, before they move onto conquering both our world and the Digital World of the Tamers." Gennai replied.

"We won't let that happen." Takato said back, his tone full of determination, making Guilmon nod, agreeing with Takato, while showing the same emotions as his Tamer.

"Takato's right. Let's not just stand here, let's go kick some chaos freaks ass!" Davis shouted, expressing his emotions, which embarrassed a few of the girls at how Davis was acting without thinking, while the others felt a mixture of confidence in the Digidestined of Miracles, as well as gaiety from his ways.

But amongst them, Kari, looked at Davis and smiled, feeling nothing but happiness, trust and respect for her beloved, knowing she could rely on him to inspire their allies.

"Not the way I would phrase it." Azulongmon commented.

"But I do like your enthusiasm." The Digimon Sovereign then said, before lowering his head, causing his beard to touch the ground.

"Climb aboard." He said, to which the Digidestined and Tamers did as they were told, wasted no time and began to climb up Azulongmon's beard.

And after feeling all were atop his head, Azulongmon took to the skies and departed, making his way to the Dark Dimension, where the heroes and heroines would come face to face with the Chaos Knights and their wicked masters.

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