Chapter 2: the message

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n the Digidestined's Digital World-

Gennai was visiting his old friend, Piximon, checking up on how the Ultimate Level Digimon was doing and wanted his thoughts on how the new Digidestined were faring.

"ChaosDiaboromon, indeed all of Diaboromon has been wiped." Piximon said, making Gennai smile and nod.

"And it's all thanks to the help of the Digidestined and the Tamers. I believe I was right to place my trust in them." Gennai replied.

"How right you are, Gennai. And the Digital World will always be grateful that..." Piximon began to say, showing his pride to the digital heroes and heroines, only to stop when a sudden blast of dark energy shot at the pair, causing both to jump out of harm's way.

Seeing the hostiles before them, Gennai and Piximon each withdrew their weapons, but demanded answers.

"Who are you? And why are attacking us?" Piximon asked.

"I'm here to give you and the Digidestined a message that the real chaos has risen." The shadowed figure said in reply, before it stepped forward, revealing it was Magnamon, however, his skin was a shade of gray, his armor was black and the Crest of Miracles was replaced with an engraved bat-like marking, the Mark of Evil.

"Magnamon?" Gennai asked, causing the dark skinned Magnamon to say in reply. "I not Magnamon, I am DarkestMagnamon, one of the warriors of the Chaos Knights."

"Chaos Knights?" Piximon questioned.

"I heard legend of the Royal Knights, but I never heard of such an order." He then said

"We are stronger than the Royal Knights, and both the Real World and the Digital World will be destroyed by chaos." DarkestMagnamon told Gennai and Piximon in reply, before he leapt into the air, where his right arm was encircled in dark energy.

"Shadow Punch!" He then announced, releasing the dark energy from his fist at Gennai and Piximon, which hit the duo and knocked both to the floor.

Letting out a groan as he pulled himself up, Gennai questioned. "Such power... how can a Digimon have power compared to Magnamon?"

"Because I have the power of the chaos." DarkestMagnamon replied, turning around to make his leave when he then said. "And send the message to the Digidestined, the chaos has returned."

After DarkestMagnamon departed, Gennai began to head off as well.

"This is bad. I must tell the Digidestined of this new enemy." He said, causing Piximon to nod in understanding and say. "And tell them to come over. This place won't clean itself."


Within the Tamers Digital World, Azulongmon was in the sky, watching the digital world.

"Looks like everything is peaceful after the battle against ChaosDiaboromon." Azulongmon thought aloud, only for a dark voice to say. "Not for long."

Turning his attention toward the voice, Azulongmon looked over and say Gallantmon, only his armour colour was blackened and had purple markings where the shining crimson normally was.

Knowing that the Gallantmon wasn't Takato and Guilmon, Azulongmon questioned. "Who are you and what do you mean by not for long?"

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