Chapter 18: Clashing with True Chaos

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The Digidestined and the Tamers all stood in shock at what KingEtemon and PrinceMamemon had become.

Consumed by the Chaos, both Digimon had lost their identities and had become a creature of nightmares, not that either cared about it, for the power they now wielded was greater than anything they had before.

"Shadow Punch!" The True Chaos King then announced as all four fists were encircled in darkness, which he then released, striking down Vikemon, Valkyrimon, MegaGargomon and PurityAngemon.

"Guys!" Gallantmon called in concern, rushing over and checking on the two Tamers.

"Keep your eyes on the battle, kid." The True Chaos King mocked as he prepared another attack.

"Blazing Dragon's Breath!" He let out, unleashing a great surge of flames from his mouth that consumed Gallantmon's form, which made the True Chaos King smirk, thinking the flames had destroyed the knight Digimon.

However, the smirk vanished off of his face when he saw Gallantmon had survived, shielding against the attack, while his lance was charging with lightning.

"I won't let you hurt my friends." Gallantmon stated, aiming his lance at the True Chaos King.

"Lightning Joust!" He then exclaimed, releasing the lightning as a powerful blast, aiming at the abomination.

"You think that will hurt us, think again." The True Chaos King questioned, raising one of his arms and blocking the blast with palm of his hand, which stunned Gallantmon and the others.

"No way!" Gallantmon called, finding it hard to believe his attack was stopped with such ease.

"Shocked?" The True Chaos King questioned with a smirk on his twisted face, before holding out his arm as he said. "Well you're about to get even more shocked after this."

"Lightning Joust!" He then called, releasing his own surge of lightning from his palm, catching Gallantmon off guard and blasting him down.

"Gallantmon!" Sakuyamon called in great concern, scowling at the True Chaos King as she questioned. "How did he do that?"

"It's quite simple, the moment you set foot in our castle you had already assisted us in obtaining true power." The True Chaos King spoke up, causing UlforceVeedramon to question. "What are you talking about?"

"While you all fought against the Chaos Knights, I was free to analyze and replicate all your attacks into my core. Every move you know, every trick you can pull is ours' to command now. And I have to admit, I am impressed with how far you have gotten, the power you showed to defeat all thirteen Chaos Knights will prove quite useful to me. I was already powerful with the Chaos Knight's attacks at my disposal, but with your powers, I am invincible!"

From his words, anger built up within most of the heroes and heroines, causing Beelzemon to snap.

"You set us up! You knew we'd go all out against the Chaos Knights. You used them, you used us!" He yelled.

"Of course I used you. To stay in power, a king must do what is needed. And now that I have what I want from each of you, your services are no longer required." The True Chaos King replied, raising all four arms and showing more of his power.

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