Chapter 11:showdown with the teacher

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Bursting through the door to the next Chaos Knight, Beelzemon drew his guns, ready to take down his target.

However, upon seeing the room void of any Digimon, Beelzemon held off from attacking, before entering he entered the room, followed by the Digidestined and the Tamers, where they saw the room was more of a dojo, guessing the next Chaos Knight used the area to train.

But not caring about the scenery, Beelzemon yelled. "Alright, come on out you coward and face me!"

"I am no coward." A deep, male voice replied in a calm and collected tone after Beelzemon's outburst, before the door at the end of the dojo slid open, revealing the Chaos Knight.

And from what they had encountered so far, none were prepared for him.

While the other Chaos Knights had been giant creatures of darkness, this Chaos Knight was around the same height as Beelzemon and looked exactly like a regular human being, excluding the dark purple hair, metal visor over his eyes and the dark aura that radiated from his body.

"I am BlackGankoomon, teacher of DarkJesmon and Fist of the Chaos Kings, crushing those who dare oppose them." BlackGankoomon said, introducing himself.

"I take it from your presence that my student has taken to combat your friends, I wish them well." BlackGankoomon then said, only to add as the aura of darkness around him increased in intensity and power. "However, DarkJesmon's strength is minor compared to mine. And those who wish to match might with me will surely fall."

"We'll see about that." Beelzemon said back as he aimed his guns at BlackGankoomon.

"Double Impact!"

With his call, Beelzemon pulled the triggers and fired two rounds at BlackGankoomon, the bullets headed right for the Chaos Knight.

However, BlackGankoomon countered.

"Deadly Strike!" He called, clenching his right hand into a fist, bringing it back and then forward at great speed, shocking Beelzemon to see his bullets stopped by a single punch.

But keeping his cool and trying not to show his worry, Beelzemon set his guns back in their holsters and braced himself, preparing to fight in close combat, to which he was about to rush in with his claws ready, but stopped when Armadillomon stepped up beside him.

"Guys, I'll stay here and help Beelzemon." Cody said, earning a nod from Armadillomon, who added. "And y'all can count on me to lend a hand."

As much as Beelzemon disliked the idea of having somebody as young as Cody fighting with him, part of him thinking Cody to hold him back, the other part concerned for the safety of the boy, Beelzemon swallowed his pride.

"Fine." Beelzemon said.

"Just don't get in my way." He added, his way of saying for Cody and Armadillomon to be careful, making both nod in reply and understanding.

Seeing the Digidestined and Digimon of Knowledge and Reliability join Beelzemon, BlackGankoomon looked at them curiously.

"Any others who wish to join them?" He asked, but got no reply, causing the Chaos Knight to say with a calm demeanor. "Very well."

Stepping to his left, BlackGankoomon slid the door to his dojo open.

"Beyond this room lie my brethren. I am most curious to see who fares against who." He said, allowing UlforceVeedramon and the others to pass, before sliding the door shut and turning his focus back upon Cody, Armadillomon and Beelzemon, where he then got into a fighting stance and said. "But for now, it is time you showed me your strength. Show me the power that has gotten you three here."

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