Chapter 6: Training beings part 2

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Spacing out from each other, the two groups began to fight the copies of the Chaos Knights, who showed that their replication had been exact, proven as DarkestMagnamon managed to avoid each long range attack by jumping into the air and used the power of darkness to strike back, while ChaosCrusadermon leapt at Garudamon, Shurimon, Rosemon, MegaKabuterimon, Zudomon, Angewomon and Sakuyamon, before unleashing a barrage of graceful kicks and punches at those that dared to strike her.

"Man. For a digital copy, she fights just as good as the real ChaosCrusadermon." Sakuyamon commented, barely able to keep up with ChaosCrusadermon's strikes.

"I know." Angewomon said in reply, leaping from behind Sakuyamon, where she charged up an arrow of pink energy and fired, managing to catch ChaosCrusadermon off guard and hit her back.

"But if we are to have any chance in defeating the real ChaosCrusadermon, we have to get strong enough to take down this copy and learn to work as a real team." The Digimon of Light then stated, remaining on her guard as ChaosCrusademon recovered from her attack and lunged at her, slamming her in the chest and knocking Angewomon back.

"Angewomon!" Kari called out in concern, almost feeling her partner's pain, but was relieved when Shurimon stepped in and caught her, making Kari smile, glad to know she could rely on her friends, the same feelings going through Angewomon as she smiled at Shurimon.

But remembering the copy of ChaosCrusadermon was still operational, all the Digimon braced themselves as they prepared to fight it.

"Spiral Masquerade!" It suddenly announced, just as the sashes on its armour shot forward, where Sakuyamon stepped forward and drew upon her mystical power.

"Crystal Sphere!" Sakuyamon called out, casting a barrier of energy around herself, drawing the attack of Crusadermon to her, while protecting the others behind her.

But even with her power, the sashes tore through the barrier, before striking Sakuyamon, making her cry out as each sash struck and slashed her over and over, damaging her being, as well as weakening the strength of Rika and Renamon.

However, ChaosCrusadermon stopped when she heard a voice call out. "Take this! Wing Blade!"

Turning around, the copy of ChaosCrusadermon saw Garudamon releasing a great surge of flame at her, making her face the Digimon of Love as the attacked continued to head right at her.

"Tempest Shredder!" The doppelganger of ChaosCrusadermon then announced, slamming its Pile Bunker into the ground, creating a powerful surge of wind in between itself and Garudamon, to which the flames were swallowed in the winds and were added with ChaosCrusadermon's attack.

And before Garudamon could react, ChaosCrusadermon let out a loud yell as it redirected the flaming winds back at her, where the combined attacks struck Garudamon and knocked her down.

"Garudamon, are you ok?" Sora called out, feeling the same concern and empathy Kari felt when Angewomon was harmed.

"I'll be fine." Garudamon replied reassuringly and look at Angewomon said"I just wish we had the power to reach our Mega forms, Phoenixmon and Ophanimon, when we fought against ChaosDiaboromon."

With her words, Angewomon nodded and said in reply. "I wish that as well, but we mustn't force it. When the time is right, I am confident that power will awaken once again."

Knowing she was right, Garudamon nodded in reply, before focusing back upon ChaosCrusadermon, who kept up with her speed and strength as she took on MegaKabuterimon, Rosemon, Zudomon and Gryphonmon.

"Horn Buster!" MegaKabuterimon called out, releasing a powerful blast of energy from his horn, which ChaosCrusadermon countered by blocking with her Pile Bunker, before striking the insect Digimon with a right hook.

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