Chapter 1

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a few months after the Digidestined and Tamers fought against ChaosDiaboromon and his army, both worlds were now safe and back to normal

The Digidestined's world was running smoothly and the Digidestined and Digimon couldn't be happier, for each other and themselves due to their loving relationships.

While the older Digidestined continued their college classes, with most now deciding on the path they wanted to take, the future of the younger Digidestined looked just as promising.

Davis continued to stay true to his word about opening his own noodle cart, to which he had gotten a job at Digitamamon's restaurant.

And though he started at the bottom with tasks such as dish washing and bathroom cleaning, he remained determined, a quality Digitamamon rather liked in the boy and gave Davis his chance to share his cooking skills with the Digital World.

As for Kari she started to started to study to be a teacher Kari had always been good with kids and wanted to help future generations be the best they could be.

Plus, she got a quick hand on how to handle children in arguments when Davis and Yolei would get on each other's nerves and throats when they were younger.

Davis and Kari remained a couple, as did Veemon and Gatomon, who were a little further in their relationship when compared with their partners, to which Gatomon's stomach had expanded, showing she was pregnant and baring Veemon's Digi-Egg.

As for TK, while his grades remained the same, he had taken to writing stories, mostly fictional ones.

He remembered Matt reading him stories when he was young and wanted to share that same joy to others, to which he wrote about his adventures with Patamon, Tai, Davis and the others.

And while he still lived at his mother's, TK was not alone.

Not only did he have Patamon to keep him company, but Catherine and Floramon were with him, for they had moved to Japan shortly after their romances with the Digidestined and Digimon of Hope, it was arranged that the two could stay with TK because TK's mother, Nancy Takaishi, not only was a kind and generous woman, but was also glad to know her son had found someone to love, to call his love.

And due to her love and TK's support, Catherine had started her dream, to become a gardener, and had already finished several jobs, getting great feedback from her clients, who recommended her to their friends.

Though it was hard work, Catherine was not alone, for she had the help of her Digimon partner, Floramon, as well as Patamon and TK, who did whatever they could in assisting Catherine, making her very happy, especially when TK would take his shirt off from working up a sweat.

Yolei and Ken's lives remained relatively the same, for Ken was still being scouted for colleges due to his high intellect, something Yolei was very proud of and knew that with Ken in college, they would see less of each other, but she still supported him in whatever decision he would make for his future.

Lastly on the younger Digidestined side, Cody had taken after his grandfather and began to teach Kendo classes, passing on the fine martial art and what he had learnt to those wishing to unlock their full potential, become great fighters or just have fun and make new friends.

And just like most of the other Digidestined and Digimon, he too was in a loving relationship with Noriko, to which the pair hadn't gone beyond making out in their relationship, still being younger than the others, but it didn't bother them, they still liked each other's company.

Meanwhile, things in the Tamer's world had settled down and had resumed before ChaosDiaboromon and his forces had attacked.

Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta were still attending high school, with each following classes that would benefit in helping them achieve their dream jobs.

Takato was more focused on artistic and creative classes, wishing to get a career in drawing or animation, for he had many ideas he wanted to share, mainly designs for new Digimon and adventures for the Digidestined, as well as characters he had imagined.

Rika, after being encouraged by her friends, especially Renamon and Takato, opened up and revealed she wanted to major in music, which they all supported her in, something she thanked them for, as she was able to express her thoughts and feelings, with many students finding Rika's singing amazing and causing many of the boys and a few girls to gain a crush on the redhead, however, her heart belonged to Takato.

Henry had followed in his father's footsteps and attended computer classes, studying hard so one day he too could be a programmer, already impressing his teachers with his genius and his friends, especially when he used his skills to make a virtual Guilmon on his laptop.

Jeri decided she wanted to become a teacher, helping in bringing knowledge to future generations and was supported by those close to her, mainly Henry, who helped her make the final choice, making her grateful she had such a caring boyfriend.

Kazu, loving being a Digimon Tamer and being seen as a hero, made up his mind and went into law enforcement, while Kenta, knowing not only the dangers Kazu and the rest of his friends often put themselves though wanted to help them, as well as others, went into medicine.

And while Ryo remained part of the Tamer's team, he had headed back to the Digital World with Cyberdramon, to clean up the mess ChaosDiaboromon had made and to make sure no other threats such as that ever rose again.


Within the dark Dimension stood two shadowed figures looking at screen, showing the defeat of ChaosDiaboromon by the Digidestined and the Tamers

"I can not believe it. ChaosDiaboromon got destroyed by six weak humans and their Digimon pets." Said one of shadowed figures.

"We will pick up where he had failed. It is our turn to show the Digital World who rightfully owns it, something ChaosDiaboromon couldn't achieve, right KingEtemon?" The other figure, who was somewhat bigger than the first then said in reply.

"That's right PrinceMamemon." The first figure replied as they stepped out of the shadows, revealing the Digimon to look like Etemon, however his fur was pure gold compared to his orange furred counterpart and wore a crown and a cape.

"They will fear our power." KingEtemon replied, before saying. "And I have two soldiers to get the job done. Come forward my warriors."

With KingEtemon's command, two shadowed figures came out of shadows.

"Did you do call us, KingEtemon?" One asked as both knelt before the self-claimed king.

"I did. I want you two to visit Gennai and Azulongmon." KingEtemon replied, gaining a sly smirk as he then said. "The real chaos has risen.

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