Chapter 47

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•Saylor's POV•

"How's my baby?" I ask Rylynn as she picks at her nails.
"Well, while you were asleep they came in and had some paperwork for you to fill out, but they just said that they'd come back later.
"Saylor, can I ask you something?"
"Who's the father?"
"Braeden." I look at her, but she won't meet my eyes. "What?"
"Nothing," she goes back to picking at her nails. "I just thought you were smarter than that. How many times have we told you that he's bad news?"
"Dude, what are you so uptight about, chill."
"You heard her Saylor, he's only with you because he made a bet with his friend!"
"That was ten months ago!"
"Whatever Saylor, you know everything about life. You don't need anyone's help."
"Rylynn, if you're gonna be like that, just leave. I'm so done with all of you."
"I'm just looking out for you. But you don't want it." She grabs her purse, leaving the room.
I grab my phone and look at my texts.
I have one from Braeden.
B- Hey baby. I love you. Miss you and I'll see you soon.
Even though Emma and I were fighting, I can't help but think what she said about Braeden and Isaac is true. But why would he still be with me?
He won the bet. He won ten months ago. Why is he with me?
And Isaac. Isaac. No wonder he kept wanting to leave Homecoming so early and go back to his house.
But I didn't. I left with Braeden, and now I'm here having his baby.
Braeden's baby.
Oh. My. God.
How is he gonna react? Is he gonna leave me? Am I gonna be left to raise her on my own.
What about names? She still doesn't have a name. I can't just decide without him.
I'll just make it seem like someone else is having a baby.
I quickly dial his number and he answers. "Hey babe. I can't talk right now."
"Hang on, I need a favor."
"Sure. What is it?"
"Okay, so my mom is pregnant, and she's having a girl, so what should we name her?"
"Oh she is? Tell her congrats. And maybe Brianna or Madisyn or Ava."
"Which one do you like best?"
"Okay, thank you. Love you."
"Love you too. Bye." And with that I have my new daughters first and middle name.
What up do about the last name.
I think I'm going to have her take my last name, but I wouldn't want him to be mad if she's not in his name. I'm just going to have her take mine.


"Saylor?" A nurse walks into my room holding a clipboard.
"Hi." I put my phone down and take the lap tray she hands me.
"I'm Aniella and I've got some paperwork here for you to fill out for me please."
"Sure." She hands me the clipboard and sits in the windowsill seat.

Baby's First Name: Madisyn
Baby's Middle Name: Lane
Baby's Surname: Johnson
Mother's Name: Saylor Johnson
Father's Name:

"Mam? Can I leave some of these blank?"
"Yeah, but you'll need to fill them out later for her birth certificate."
"Okay." I'll worry about that later.

Birthdate: June 3
Weight: 11oz

My poor baby. It's partially my fault.
I didn't know I was pregnant so I went to parties. Quite a few of them and came home completely wasted. Then woke up in the mornings with terrible hangovers.
I just figured Braeden had done it so many times he would've known to use protection, so I just never questioned him.
I guess I should've, because now I'm eighteen with a daughter the size of my palm and no one to help me raise her.
What have I gotten myself into?


"Saylor." I look over to see Aniella tap me on the should and I wake up quickly. Is she okay? "Do you want to go see her?"
"Yes!" I nod my head, rapidly, excited to get to see my baby girl.
I get in the wheelchair, even though I know I can walk, and am rolled down the hallway of the hospital.
She rolls me up to the window and I peek in. "See her back there? The one in the purple hat. In the box."
My heart drops as I see she's smaller than I ever possibly imagined. "Is she, okay?"
"Yeah, she's definitely smaller than most babies, but she seems to be a fighter."
"Okay," Is all I can say as I'm wheeled back to my room.
I turn on my tv and watch one of the three channels they have, trying to keep my mind off of my little baby in the incubation box.
"Saylor?" I turn to see Kayden staring at me from the doorway.
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask the same about you," he sits in the seat next to my bed.
"Fair enough," I nod my head and wait for him to speak.
"Hah, I always thought Emma would be the first one of you to end up here."
"Wait either you're saying that you think I'm unattractive, or that Emma is always in someone's bed."
"I'm not saying that, but you're definitely not unattractive. I would hit that."
"Okay, what are you here for?"
"Seems to me as if you're pretty lonely. I mean with Braeden gone and your sister leaving you, along with your parents and then there's Emma."
"How do you know that?"
"You're a very easy person to read Saylor Johnson. When are you going to tell Braeden about your little bundle of joy."
"Kayden, I swear if you tell him I will personally castrate you. I'm going to tell him, when the time is right. And I can't just tell him over the phone, that's not something you can just do. I have to wait to tell him in person. When he comes back I'm going to have a way planned to tell him, and just hope for the best."
"You don't really think he's gonna stay with you, do you? He's not gonna want a child. And if you think he's gonna help you support her, you couldn't be further from reality."
Kayden's right. Braeden wasn't even looking for a relationship. He's not gonna want a kid. Maybe I can just tell her that she's a cousin I adopted, or a project for school.
"You're gonna tell him."
"You are. And if you don't, I will."

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