Chapter 32

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^^Saylor's Dress^^

•Braeden's POV•

"Saylor, wake up."
She groans and brings her head out of my side. "What?"
"Don't you wanna go get breakfast before they stop serving it?"
"Oh, yeah."
She gets up and changes in front of me. Tease. Two can play at this game. I change and she smiles, trying not to stare. "Go ahead, get a good look at this."
"Shut up." She laughs and grabs her purse, "come on."
I walk over to the door, pressing he against it, kissing her passionately, lifting her hands above her head.
I move my lips to her neck and she breaks away, "okay, now before this goes anywhere further, we should leave."
We walk to a little cafe and she orders pancakes, while I order an omelette.
She points at something and I look out into the distance.
"Look at the way the sun reflects on the water. It's so pretty."
"I've seen prettier." I mutter staring at her, not really paying attention.
"Shut up." She slaps my arm and I put my card into the folder to be picked up.

(Later that Week)

"Baby, let me take you out, tonight."
"I'm tired baby, I just wanna sleep."
"Common, it's our last night." I whine to her, and she frowns.
"We can go out anytime."
"But not at the beach. Please?"
"Fine." She groans, "what do I wear?"
"Get dressed up. We're going someplace nice."
"Ugh." She drags herself into the bathroom and about an hour later she comes out.
She's showered, put on a long, navy blue dress, curled her hair, and is now wearing makeup.
"You look beautiful baby." I place my hands on her head, bringing her forehead to my lips and kiss her head as she leans back and takes me all in.
"You don't look too bad yourself."
"Let's go, I already have reservations at seven."
She drags herself to the truck and gets in.
I walk up to the podium which a man stands behind. "Reservation for 2, James."
"Ah, yes. Braeden?"
"That's me."
"Follow me."
He walks us past the indoor part of the restaurant, and leads us outside to a candle lit table looking out over the water with champagne.
"Enjoy." He lifts the lid off of the silver plate and rolls a cart away.
"This is beautiful Braeden. How do you afford all of this?"
"I'm not going to college. I don't have to worry about my funds."
"Braeden, you always have to ruin the moment don't you?" She snaps and I give her a weird look.
"You can't expect to raise a family on minimum wage. You don't even have a job! Where do you even get this money from?"
"Does it matter? I'm trying to do something nice for you, but you don't seem to appreciate it!"
"I'm sorry Braeden, I'm just totally exhausted."
"I know, I'm sorry I dragged you here. I should've just let you sleep." I say rolling my eyes. She never appreciates what I do for her.
"Braeden, I think I'm full, let's just go home tonight. I don't wanna be at the beach anymore. Or maybe it's more like I don't wanna be around you."
"I'll leave your butt right here and won't come back for you. Have fun walking home in heels and a dress."
I stand up and leave her sitting at the table staring at me.
She doesn't need to know my family's income.
My dad left me right after I was born, I could have siblings out there, younger and older, I never knew.
Until I found out.
It was a freak accident, I was driving and I saw this car wreck.
Some guy was pretty banged up and flagged me down. I pulled over and noticed this guy looked similar to me, and I asked him his name.
Said he was Marcus James and he was running from child support. He never pays and left the middle class mother (barely) to raise the kid on her own. Some woman named Amanda, and it hit me.
I was the kid, Amanda was my mom, and Marcus was my dad. Is. Marcus is my dad.

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