Chapter 46

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•Emma's POV•

I feel my phone buzz and pull it out of my pocket, Kyle.
I slide the bar over and answer, "Hey."
"Hey baby, wanna come over?"
"Yeah, hang on, I'm at the mall with Saylor. I'm leaving now." I watch as Saylor's jaw drops and she pushes me away.
"Sorry, my boy comes first."
"Ew, couples."
"You just miss Braeden."
"I do, and it sucks. It's been two weeks and I feel like I'm going to die already."
"You're not gonna die, Saylor."
"I am," she starts spazzing and I laugh. "Em-m-a, help" she acts like she's gasping for air, so I continue walking. I hear a thud behind me and see her on the floor.
"Okay, Saylor, you can get off of the floor know. I understand you're going to die."
She doesn't move so I kick her sick gently, "Saylor, get up. You're embarrassing me."
She doesn't even flinch. "Saylor," I say more sternly. "Saylor!"
She doesn't move so I pick her up and pull out my phone, dialing 9-1-1.
Five minutes later the paramedics arrive and she's lifted onto a stretcher. I ride in the back of the ambulance calling her parents and sister.
We arrive at the hospital and her parents are waiting as she's rushed into the ICU, still unconscious.
"Emma, what's wrong with her?" Her sister says, clearly very nervous.
"I don't know! We were just as the mall and she started spazzing and she collapsed on the floor." I feel my cheeks becoming wetter and wetter, as I wait anxiously for my best friend.


"Saylor?" The nurse walks into the waiting room, and speaks.
"That's us," her dad speaks.
"Ah, yes. Well she is stable now. Would you like to see them?"
She's probably just sharing a room with someone else. How inconsiderate.
We follow the nurse into the room and I see what they meant by they: Saylor was pregnant, that's why she passed out, and she's now a mother.


I wake up in the windowsill and stand up to stretch my cramped back.
Saylor's twiddling her thumbs and her parents aren't in the room, only Rylynn and myself.
"Saylor," I say and she looks at me.
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
"I didn't know," she says simply shrugging her shoulders and going back to playing with her fingers.
"Really? How do you not know you're pregnant?"
She turns her head, placing her hands in her lap. "Are you seriously mad at me? Really? Because I didn't tell you I was having a child that I didn't know about?"
"How do you not know? It's only so obvious!"
"Let's not do this here," Rylynn tries to settle things between us, but I'm not done talking about this.
"No. She's right. Why didn't I tell her about my baby, just like she didn't tel my she was meeting up with Kayden every night for some 'fun'?"
"How do you know about that?" I hiss, shocked that anyone knew.
"I have my resources. You think I don't know what you're doing? How stupid do you think I am?"
"Guys, stop." Rylynn folds her arms, scolding us both.
"It's alright." Saylor keeps talking, "I guess some secrets are meant to be kept. Like when you secretly had that abortion last year!"
"Saylor!" Rylynn says loudly, "that's enough."
"I can't believe you would bring that up! I was young! I didn't know what I was doing!" I yell.
"Save it. I don't care anymore. I thought we were friends but I guess I thought wrong. I don't need you. I have other friends."
"Like who? Braeden's gone, Kayden hates you, Isaac only wanted to get in your pants. and I hope you know Braeden's only with you because he made a bet with Isaac, about who could get you in bed first! That's okay, you don't care. Kyle won't talk to you anymore, I'll make sure of that, and you're parents are mad at you for having a baby! That's why they aren't here! You're an embarrassment to them!"
"Get out of my hospital room! Before I call security and have them escort you!" Saylor points to the door.
"Gladly!" I yell walking out, slamming the door, earning dirty looks from nurses and doctors around me.
They think I care. Saylor thinks I care? They are both horribly mistaken.

//A/N: that was crazy//

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