Chapter 39

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•Isaac's POV•

I fill the two cups with punch, which I spiked for a little fun, and walk back to where Saylor was when I left.
But she's gone.
I set the cups down next on a table and head over to Kyle. "Hey man, have you seen Saylor, she's looking hot tonight!" He flips his hair back.
"Dude, I know! She came here with me."
"What? How'd you ever score her?"
"I don't know, but I won't have to deal with her for much longer. After I get what I want tonight, it'll all be over."
"Woah, you're using her?"
"Yeah, well it's more of a contest. Between me and Braeden."
"What kind of contest?"
"Let's say, he bet me that he could get her in bed before I could. And I challenged his bet. There's no way. She hates his guts."
"She's gonna hate you after."
"I really don't care, she's honestly not all that great. Yeah she's hot, but she's not my type."
"I didn't realize you had a 'type' but whatever." He shrugs and bites his tongue.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go find her." I walk off into the crowd and see her staring at someone. Braeden.
He's messing with her on my time. It's my turf. I don't know what he thinks he's doing, but she's mine for the doing.
I walk up to Saylor and drape my arm around her, letting Braeden see.
"Hey Saylor. Having fun?"
"Yep, tons." Her voice cracks as she's saying that, but I really don't care, honestly. After tonight I'm done with her.
"What do you say we leave now, we go back to my place and have some fun? How does that sound, baby girl?" I whisper seductively in her ear.
"I'd actually rather just stay here, if that's okay with you."
"Uh, yeah. That'd be fine too."
"I'm gonna go talk to someone." She says, pulling away from me walking off somewhere.
I turn around and bump into Paige. Good ole Paige. She's great for a one-night-stand every now and then.
"Hey Paige."
"Oh, hey Isaac." She sounds like she's trying to avoid me, but no one can avoid Isaac Brumley.
"How have you been, Paige?"
"Cut the crap, I'm not getting into your bed with you and I'm definitely not going to stand here and have a conversation with you."
"Woah, I just asked how you've been."
"And I know you really don't care how I've been. I don't want you, Isaac."
"Oh, but sweetie," I brush her hair behind her ear, "I know you do." I whisper into her neck.
"I don't," she try's to say firmly but fails
"It doesn't seem that way, Paige. How about we sneak away from all this. I have something I need you to help me with."
"Well, I guess if I was only gone for a few minutes, no one would miss me," she trails off.
"Come on then." I grab her hand and lead her out the gym door to the empty football field.

Wow, I literally didn't want to do this to Saylor, but oops:((

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