Chapter 44

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•Saylor's POV•

I brought my knees up to my chest and cried for about the sixtieth time today. What if he doesn't love me when he comes back. Six months is a long time.
When his mom said she'd do anything to keep us away from each other she meant it. She wasn't kidding at all.
Rylynn walks in my door cautiously. "What?" I say a little more bitter than I had intended to.
"How are you feeling?"
"Oh, you know, just great."
"Maybe, maybe this is for the best. I know you can't see this right now, but maybe he's not the right one. That's why he was sent away. It's a sign."
"Yeah, uh hmm, okay."
"I'm just trying to make you feel better."
"It's not working Rylynn!" I scream, just wanting her to leave.
She does as if she can read my mind, and shuts the door swiftly behind her.
I grab my phone, no text from Braeden. Had he forgotten about me already?
It's probably just the flight. It's taking longer than usual.
Yeah, that's it. He hasn't forgotten about you Saylor. He loves you. He said so himself.
I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with air.
Ow. My stomach starts cramping and I lay down for a while, hoping they're gonna go away.
They continue for a while longer and then stop, suddenly. Oddly, they start up again about two minutes later. Except these ones don't stop. They just keep happening and happening.
I finally force myself to stand up and get dressed, before leaving my house to go to Emma's.
I grab the key under her hanging plant and let myself into her house.
I hear her in her room and make my way up the stairs, I push the door open and shield my eyes.
"Oh my god!" I fall to the floor clutching my eyes.
"Saylor!" She laughs and I hear Kyle do the same.
"My virgin eyes!" I cry.
"We both know that's a lie." She laughs, shutting the door in my face.
She opens it a few minutes later and Kyle heads down the stairs, going into her kitchen.
"Sorry for interrupting, I just didn't expect to see, well that."
"What's that supposed to mean? Did you hear about Kayden?"
"Yeah, if he wants to graduate he has to take summer school. What a loser. And I hear he's not taking it. I guess he's just quitting."
"He gets what he deserves. It couldn't have happened to a better person."
"That's true. I can't believe the way he treated you, he used to be so sweet and now, how many times has he been to juvie in the past two months?"
"It's crazy," she pushes her hair back and starts walking down the stairs.
"You want me to leave so that you can get back to your, you know?"
"Nah, it's okay. So Braeden left this morning?"
"Last night. It sucks, I already feel like it's been years."
"He's only gonna be gone six months."
"That's half a year, Em!" I'm never going to make it.

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