Chapter 3

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(Photo is of Kayden)

"Ah!" I yelled out in pain and the belt buckle once again hit my back. I felt my face get wet as the door finally slammed and they left.
They didn't untie me, just left me tied against my bed. There's a sandwich by my bed and a cup of water, but there's no way I can reach it.
I know if by the time they come back in I haven't eaten it, they'll take it. I have to try.
The rope rubs my wrists raw and I feel the skin split. Finally, I grab the sand which and I'm free from the ropes.
I open the window and crawl out making sure to close it behind me.
I run to my girlfriend's house, collapsing on her front porch.

When I wake up I'm in her guest bedroom and I have bandages around my wrists and the cuts on my back have been cleaned. The door opens and she steps in the door. "Hey Maddy."
"Hi baby. You're parents called, they were really concerned about where you went. They told you to come home before five. It's four now."
I hadn't told Maddy, even thought she was my girlfriend, about the abuse I get at home. I couldn't have her tell and then my parents beat me more.
"Okay." I attempt to sit up but my back gives out.
"What happened to you?"
"I was going on a hike and fell down a hill and tried grabbing onto some branches, but missed so it cut my wrists up." I had gotten pretty good at this lying thing.
"Well I'll drive you home. Come on."
I know I better obey her otherwise she'll ask questions about why I don't want to go home.
She drive me home and walks me to the door. "I found him passed out on the porch, he told me he had been on a hike and he fell down a hill and rolled all the way to the bottom."
"Well I'm glad you found him, thank you so much." I walk inside slowly and they shut the door. My dad looks out the window watching her drive away and gives my mother a signal. She slap me in the face and I fall to the floor. "Get up! Pack your things! We're moving. You can't run off like this, she's suspicious now."
"Can I at least tell her we're leaving?"
"Shut up and pack your things!" Dad yells in my face and I walk as fast as I can to my room. I out my two shirts into a duffel bag along with a teddy bear that my deceased Grammy gave me when I was a baby before my mom and my dad abused me.
I got in the backseat of the car, buckling the belt and falling asleep, unknowing where we were headed.


"Get up!" I'm yanked out of the car and I grab my bag before walking into a house. "Unpack your things and go to sleep you start school on Monday so we don't have to see you!"
I know that this wasn't at all why we moved, it wasn't my fault, there's another reason, I just have no idea what that reason is.
I curl up on the floor because I have no mattress and fall asleep.

•Later That Evening•

"Eat!" I feel a head of cabbage hit me in the head. She knows I don't like cabbage, that's exactly why she gave it to me. I can't wait till I'm eighteen and I can finally leave this hell hole.
I always thought that I would run away with Maddy and we would get married, I thought she would be the one.
We would start a family and I would give that little boy or girl everything. I'd work to provide nice things for them and I'd make sure that our child would never have to go through what I did.
I'm still not sure where I'm at, but I'll find out Monday and hopefully I'm not too far away from Maddy and I can get back to her.

I start pealing off part of the cabbage from the head a slowly eat. I hate cabbage.
What is that noise? I pull back the drape and see a party going on next door. I open the window and slip out, walking over to the house. I go to knock on the door but it's already open. I walk in slowly and some girl comes up handing me a red cup.
I look around and see a girl with black hair pointing me out to her friend. The girl comes over and starts talking to me. "Do you go to our school?"
"I'm not sure?"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean yeah, sorry I've already had a couple drinks."
"Oh," she smiles, "no worries. I'm Emma and her over there, the brunette, that's my best friend Saylor."
"I'm Kayden."
"Come on, I'll introduce you two."
"No that's okay." I try pushing away but she pulls me over to her friend.
"No need to be shy. Saylor, Kayden. Kayden, Saylor."
"It's nice to meet you." She shakes my hand and I feel my wrist begun to hurt again. "Are you okay? Did u hurt you?"
"No! I really like this song!"
"Oh! Me too!" Emma shouts over the baring music.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find Braeden!" The brunette girl leaves, I forgot her name.
"Braeden is her boyfriend, he's nice."
The girl returns with a girl and I'll admit, he wasn't the type of expect to see her with, he was scary looking and he had a really large tattoo on his right fore arm below his shoulder. He kept snaking his hands down her back and touching her butt, making me flinch.
Is that how guys treat girls here? Where ever I am. They touch them like they're toys? And the girls are okay with it? What?

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