After Story (3/5)

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The following morning Bakugou joined Aizawa for a cup of tea while they were talking about plans together. Well, it was mostly Bakugou thinking of the plans. Aizawa was drinking tea and only telling him if his ideas were good or not.

"How about you make a public speech?"

And with that, nobles from all around the country gathered inside the grand hall, the townspeople listening from outside the castle.

Bakugou went up the short steps so that he stood higher than everyone else and took a deep breath.

"As you all know, I am the Queen's official guard. To formally introduce my self, name's-"

Aizawa cleared his throat and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I suppose you're aware of the Queen's current condition, but I assure you that she is in good hands. However I can't help but feel guilty, since I wasn't by her side to prevent the incident from happening."

With a firm nod from Aizawa, Bakugou fixed his posture and his once worried expression got replaced by a confident one.

"I am asking you to trust me. I know many things have been heard about me, some of which are true, but I have changed. I'm not a threat to anyone, especially to her majesty. I'll do my best to find whoever dared touch her, and I'll prove to you that I am much more than what I am believed to be."

He bowed and looked at everyone around the room. What he was mostly glad about, however, was Aizawa's approval.


"You did great. Never knew you had it in you."

"Guess I've been taking mental notes from (y/n)'s public speeches." he smiled.

As they were talking, a noble approached them.

"Hello," he spoke, successfully gaining their attention. "I'd like to invite you over to my house tomorrow for a cup of tea, if that's okay with you."

Bakugou took a second before speaking, but he eventually agreed.

"How about evening then?"

"Fine by me." he said, crossing his arms.

And just like that, the time came.

What are his intentions? he thought. He must surely have some.

Bakugou's attire was more formal than usual, but his sword stood next to him proudly.

The doors opened widely and he was accepted inside, getting greeted by the noble not long after.

"Where should we sit?"

A little voice in his head was telling him to sit outside.

"Outside. I don't think you've told me your name."

"Tomura Shigaraki." the man replied, not turning his head for a second.

From a small entryway, they arrived at the garden. It was beautiful, decorated with flowers and plants. They sat on a nearby table and Shigaraki ordered his servant to bring the two men some tea.

"What kind of flower is that?" Bakugou asked, pointing at a batch of blooming purple flowers.

"Just some silly lillies." Shigaraki said, his gaze focused on Bakugou.

Tea was served and before picking up the teacup Bakugou took a napkin in his hand.


"Why do you always do that thing?"

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