Chapter 19

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Many hours had passed and (y/n) was waiting outside the healer's medical room, mentally wishing to hear good news from him.

How bad can it be? she thought. Thank God it was on the shoulder.

As if listening to her prayers, the healer exited the room and chuckled at her stressed face while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Why are you so worried my dear." he said, patting her back.

"Is he okay?" she asked while trying to look behind the half-open doors.

"He got a fever while I stitched his wound, and when I finished treating him further he drifted off to sleep."

"Can I see him?" she asked once again while resting her hand on the doorframe and tiptoeing, but the healer stopped her immediately.

"The wound isn't as pleasant to look at." he chuckled, "and he is shirtless at the moment. Chiyo is cleaning up his wound."

(y/n) sighed and rubbed her forehead before thanking the healer and his wife for their hard work.

"Your highness." a guard bowed and she quickly raised her head to look at him.

"You confirmed it?"

"He was indeed sent from Monoma. We shouldn't take this lightly however, this was attempted assassination."

"I am aware." she gritted her teeth. "Gather plenty of your best guards and wait for me outside with your horses, we'll pay his highness a little visit."


On her way to Monoma's castle, (y/n) and her guards passed by the town's market, everyone gasping and pointing at her while she smiled and waved at them.

"It's you!"

Her eyes landed on the man who had talked to her and Bakugou throughout the whole night at the bonfire. She smirked and put a finger in front of her mouth as if asking him to keep it a secret, and of course, he laughed loudly and bowed.

After a while of riding their horses, the guards finally slowed down when they arrived outside Monoma's castle. His guards raised their swords at (y/n), only for her to scoff at them and take out hers as well.

"Lower your weapons you idiots. Lead me to him."

(y/n) walked down the corridors with four of her guards by her side and opened the wooden doors that lead to Monoma's mess hall. His eyes lit up when they landed on her and he lifted himself up from his throne, slowly walking towards her only to be stopped by her guards mid-way.

She clicked her fingers and one of them threw a large sack of money in Monoma's arms, him struggling to keep his posture from the sudden weight. He let the sack fall down on his feet, mentally wishing he never actually did it, and then glanced up at the Princess once again.

"Here is the money. Take it and do whatever you want. However, if you even think of stepping foot in my kingdom I'll have you executed in the middle of town for everyone to see." she warned, her voice getting deeper as she spoke.

He smirked and bowed at her, his head tilting to the side for a split second before he looked up.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes and turned her back on him, ready to join the rest of her guards that were waiting outside the castle, only for Monoma to speak up again.

"How is that special guard of yours?" he asked, (y/n)'s body freezing in place. "I noticed your skirt and boots are blood-stained. What a pitty."

So he was his initial target huh..

"He is doing excellent. I'm known for having guards full of strength and will power anyways. What a shame would it be, however, if instead of one guard of yours I killed all of them?" she asked, her eyes shining while staring at his flinching figure. "Good evening."


After heading back to the castle, (y/n) got informed that Aizawa was waiting for her at the garden so she walked towards him, only to see him standing next to her beloved roses.

"What a pleasant visit." she smiled as he bowed.

"You went to his castle huh?"


"How much money did you give him?"

"Enough for him to leave us alone."

Aizawa glanced at her while she was brushing her fingers on the red petals, his eyes unwillingly landing on her blood-stained skirt.

"You did it for him?" he asked, tilting his head backwards and looking at the bright sunset.

"I did it for the sake of everyone." she sighed, brushing her fingers through her hair. "You got informed about what happened?"

"I asked the servants. Then I visited that little guard of yours myself."

"Did he wake up yet?"


She chuckled and cut off a rose, raising it up at the sky so that she took a better look at it.

"He is taking his sweet time that's for sure."

"(y/n), I'm in no position to tell you who to be with and not, but you know it's not going to be that easy."

"What are you talking about?" she smiled. "Who said I care about what others think."

"I'm not referring to people's words. However, many others will come after you, or rather, him. For now, focus on your coronation." he said, patting her back before walking away.

Her smile faded and she glanced at him once again, however he was too far away for her to ask for a shoulder to cry on.

She entered the castle and made her way to the medical room, opening the door gently so that she wouldn't wake him up. Sitting at the edge of his bed, she took off her gloves and pushed his hair back, putting a fresh water-soaked cloth on his forehead. She couldn't help but cup his cheek with that blood-stained hand of hers, and she wiped the single water drop that managed to run down his cheek with her thumb.

After some seconds, she stood up again and left her rose next to his glass of water before leaving the room. She checked up on the other two servants that were treated in separate rooms and deeply apologized while lowering her head, offering them some days off work which they gladly accepted after thanking her.

Twisting the doorknob, she entered her room and locked the door within seconds. She rubbed her eyes and after that she took off all her clothes, throwing them into a nearby basket for the maids to wash the next morning.

Filling up her bathtub, she sat down and let the hot water reach the tip of her nose as she relaxed her tensed muscles. She watched the blood that had stained her body turn the water into a faintly different color as she moved her hands around it, watching the small swirls appear and disappeared with each one of her gentle movements.

Some minutes later, she dried herself with a towel and wore her sleeping gown lazily before tucking herself in bed. And when she finished battling her own thoughts, she finally drifted off to sleep.

empty crown // bakugou x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora