Chapter 21

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From that day, (y/n) and Bakugou would often meet each other at her chamber in late hours so that no other eye caught sight of them.

Something had changed about (y/n). Maybe it was the fact that she had started looking forward to waking up and spending her free time around the castle, since she had him by her side. Her life felt exciting for once, and of course, her heart finally found someone to beat for.

It was the week of her coronation day. She got up early in the morning to write invitations, but a little someone passed an envelope under her door, catching her attention within seconds.

She glanced at it and picked it up gently before reading the small piece of paper that was inside. After reading it, she laughed loudly and folded the paper, putting it in an empty wooden box that she had on her desk.

When she opened the door, she found none other than Bakugou waiting for her with his arms crossed and one of his usual smirks printed on his face. He bowed at her and they silently made their way to the mess hall after passing by some of the guards that were on duty.

"I didn't know you could write poems." she whispered, a slight tone of amusement in her voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he whispered back.

"Oh? Must be one of my other admirers then."

He chuckled and fastened his pace so that he caught up to her.

"I noticed that you tried changing your handwriting. You needn't do that. I like your original one best."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So it was you!" she faked a gasp and he tilted his head backwards while putting his hands inside his pockets, sighing in complete defeat.

(y/n)'s guards opened the large wooden doors that lead to her mess hall and bowed at her appearance while she made her way to the throne.

"I've come with a couple of letters for you, your highness." said the messenger while entering the mess hall after the Princess. "Would you like for me to read them to you?"

"No need. Thank you." she nodded and he left after a quick bow.

Bakugou took his place next to her throne and remained silent while she went through the envelopes.

"Proposals, invitations, paperwork, oh?" her eyes narrowed after landing on an envelope that stood out from the others. "This must be for you."

Bakugou tilted his head in confusion after opening the said envelope, and he read the brief letter in complete silence.

"Is everything okay?" she asked him.

"I'm afraid not." he grit his teeth. "My village got attacked last night and some people got injured pretty badly."

"An attack? By whom?"

"It doesn't say."

He folded the paper and tucked it inside his pocket, (y/n) being kind of sceptical about it but still avoiding to question him further. She had just started to learn how to trust people, so the last thing she wanted was to doubt him.

"I can provide them with food and supplies." she offered, but Bakugou put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly and closed his eyes as if telling her that she needn't do it.

"How about we go on a little trip today?" he recommended, trying to change the subject.

"Sounds good! Where?"

"I might have something in mind." he smirked, looking at her sideways.

Suddenly, the large doors opened and a guard informed the Princess that there were two nobles wanting to talk to her about a major conflict between them. She rolled her eyes and moved her hand carelessly as if telling him to allow them entrance, and the two noblemen walked through the doors.

"Excuse us, your highness." they bowed.

"It's one of those days huh.."


After many hours of fighting, shouting and threatening, the nobles had come to an agreement with splitting their money and properties in half, leaving the Princess gripping her throne in complete annoyance.

She ordered a guard to fetch her a small painkiller from the healer along with a glass of cold water, and then turned her gaze to Bakugou, apologizing for having to cancel their plans.

She then recommended they went to the market for some writing supplies that she needed instead, and of course, he agreed.

"I'm beyond happy that my people get excited whenever they see me now." she exclaimed while making her way back to the castle after about half an hour of looking around the market, but Bakugou simply hummed in response. "Are you okay? You seem a little.. off."

"I'm okay. Just feeling a little tired today." he admitted.

While dropping their horses to the stables, (y/n) noticed that Bakugou didn't put his horse inside its separate place, instead, he tied its straps around a nearby fence. She shook her head and ignored it, ordering one of her servants to prepare a hot cup of tea for her to drink before she went to bed.

"How is your shoulder? Is it healing nicely?"

"Why the sudden interest in my wellbeing?" he teased, resting his hands on his waist.

"Am I not allowed to care?"

They teased eachother for a while longer and when (y/n) arrived to her chamber she cupped his cheek, taking him by surprise.

"What's the matter?" he asked, scanning her worried face.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"No." he replied, putting some of her soft hair behind her ear. "I told you to stop worrying about me."

"I can't help it." she chuckled, wrapping her arms around him for an embrace. "I have some paperwork to finish, you can come in if you want."

"I think I'm gonna have to pass." he said, tightening the embrace while kissing the top of her head. "I was looking forward to sleeping a bit earlier today."

"Oh, of course. Don't let that distract you from your duties as my guard though." she smirked, waving her hand at him as he took some steps backwards.

"By no means, your highness." he winked.


Rushing down the hallways, his cheerful expression turned into one of agony and fear as soon as he entered his room.

He took the folded paper out of his pocket and slammed it on the desk, reading it carefully over and over again.


He brushed his fingers through his hair and after debating with himself for a while, he finally exited his room and jumped through a nearby window, landing directly next to the stables.

After hopping onto his horse, he left the castle with a lantern in his one hand, and prayed that nobody else had seen him instead of some guards and the stable man.

Little did he know, however, that she had watched everything from her room's window while tapping her pointer finger on her chin, her eyes having a tint of anger and disappointment in them.

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