Chapter 14

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Motioning for him to sit across from her, (y/n) handed Bakugou the quill. He dipped it inside the black ink and before he made contact with the paper, he suddenly stopped.

"You know how to write right?"

"Yes," he rolled his eyes, "I just dont know what to write."

"Start by telling them that you are doing well here. Then ask them abou how they are doing, and your mind will think about more things to say along the way." she smiled, crossing her arms and legs.

He sighed and after some seconds, he finally started writing down some quick words. (y/n) was watching curiously but couldn't quite read what he was writing because he was basically covering the paper with his arms.

"Done." he said.

"Let me see."


"What? Why not!"

He blushed and looked away, carefully covering the paper with his palm without smudging the ink. Truth is, he was embarrassed about the fact that he had a bad hand writing and he didn't want the Princess to look at his possible vocabulary mistakes. She clearly understood though, and with a reassuring smile she softly pushed his hand away, grabbing the paper carefully with the tips of her fingers.

'Katsuki here,

I'm doing fine. I'm fed, treated well and I have my own room. Let me know what's happening over there.'

She chuckled and let the paper down, glancing up at him.

"You sound like some kind of dog."

"H-Hey! It is nice and simple." he blushed.

"It's like I'm forcing you to write it."

"Fine, I'll write another one." he grunted, ready to take the paper only for her to grab it first.

"It's fine, I'm just teasing you." she chuckled and started heating up the sealing wax. "I really like your handwriting by the way. It's so.. you."


She hummed for a second while putting the letter inside the small envelope.

"Tough, but with a sweet heart. Just like this letter. The writing might seem careless and rough, but has a loving meaning behind it."

He scanned her relaxed face while she poured the melted wax on top of the envelope, pressing it down with a monogram stamp of her initials.

"What does the color of the wax mean?"

"This green color means friendly correspondence, and the stamp I used to press it down with shows my name's initials. This is not a formal letter, hence why I used it." she said while showing it to him. "Anything else you would like to include?"

"I'd like to send some bottles of that cold mountain water that you have. Something's happening with our faucets over there and we haven't had clean water for ages."

(y/n) thought to herself for a moment before nodding at him and standing up, making her way to her messenger.

"You can wait for me here. I have some stuff to do."


A week later, (y/n)'s messenger entered the mess hall and after a deep bow he handed her the letter that she was looking forward to read for a while now. She dismissed him and turned her gaze to Bakugou who was playing with his fingers, waiting for her to read the letter out loud.

'Dear Bakugou, Mina here!

We are happy to hear that you are doing okay, even though we still wish that you were here with us instead of over there. We are all doing fine, especially now. Some men came to our village and replaced our old faucets with some new ones, leaving us with pure, ice-cold water! We don't really know why they did it in the first place, but we don't mind now. Kirishima is sending his regards to the Princess. Hope to see you soon.'

She placed the letter inside the envelope once again and handed it to him, only to see him staring at her surprised.

"It was you, wasn't it? The one who sent the men."

"You wished for them to have clean water right?"

He smiled and bowed, thanking her for her simple act of kindness. She chuckled and before she managed to say another word, the doors opened widely and Uraraka entered the hall with some of her helpers.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt you (y/n)."

"It's fine, Ochako." she stood up and straightened her dress, facing Bakugou with a tired smile. "I have to choose new drapes and carpets for my coronation day. It's going to take place in another room but the mess hall has the same height measurements."

"Also help design your dress and robe, we need to take your measurements again, there are a lot of things to do!"

"Yeah yeah.." she sighed, making her way to Uraraka's side.

Bakugou watched her pointing at random places around the large hall while talking to Uraraka about every little detail that she considered important and smiled to himself, crossing his arms and sitting on her throne's arms. She glanced at him and raised her brow, him instantly getting away from it and bowing.

"You can't have black decorations! It's considered bad luck." exclaimed Uraraka seriously.

"Fine! Let's just-"

A deafening explosion shook the whole castle and made everyone fall down to their knees, shouting and covering their bodies. Bakugou ran by (y/n)'s side and brought her head closer to his chest while waiting for the castle to stop shaking.

As soon as everything got calmer, guards entered the room and rushed towards the Princess, helping her stand up.

"Your highness, are you okay?" one of them asked.

"Yeah." she stood up and touched Bakugou's shoulder, a quick smile forming on her lips as if thanking him before she ran outside, ignoring the guards telling her that it was too dangerous.

Taking out her sword, she gripped it and looked around carefully, the guards and Bakugou joining her not long after.

"Be careful with your movements. Don't want you stepping on a bomb." she smirked, her eyes landing on the green-colored smokes coming from behind the castle. "That asshole." she murmured, turning to look at her guards who were staring at her surprised. "Not a single word about what I said to Aizawa!"

They all nodded and followed behind, Bakugou catching up to her while glancing around, trying to make sure that there was no more danger around.

"If he messes up my coronation I will have you murder him while he is too busy stuffing his ass with cakes and tea."

"And I'll do it gladly."

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