After Story (1/5)

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What a fine morning it was. (y/n) had just finished training when she decided to sit down on a marble bench and relax for a bit.

"Slacking off?" Bakugou teased, handing her a small towel.

"Why, am I not allowed to rest?" she replied, gladly accepting it.

"I watched you. You've become weaker."

"I'm not supposed to be sword training in the first place." she chuckled. "Luckily, I found some time."

"Well, I challenge you to a battle." he spoke loudly, taking his sword off its scabbard.

She looked at him surprised, only to stand up and grab her sword as well.

They kept chasing eachother and interrupting the other soldier's training. Their swords clashed, making them grin at the bone-chilling sound.

"Your majesty." a servant interrupted, a loud sigh escaping (y/n)'s lips.

"Yes?" she asked, throwing Bakugou a saddened smile before turning her whole attention to the servant. Only then did she realize how nervous he looked. "Is everything alright?"

"The noble that stayed the night, well, he is dead."

Her eyes widened as she put her sword inside the scabbard.


"The maids knocked on his door multiple times and when they didn't get an answer they entered freely, only to see his body on the floor."

"Right, okay, can you please send a letter to Aizawa? Ask him to come here immediately."

"Of course, your majesty."


The said noble was someone who (y/n) had a meeting with the previous night. Due to the heavy rain, it was hard for him to return back home with his carriage so the Queen offered him a room to stay.

"Do we have any suspects?" Bakugou asked, sitting on (y/n)'s bed as he waited for her to get changed.

"Well, the guards said that they saw no one enter the hall or his room." she quickly replied, rushing with putting on her boots.

"Must've entered from the window." Bakugou spoke to himself.

(y/n) sighed and signaled for him to follow her, making their way to the mess hall so that they met with Aizawa.
The guard in command entered the hall as well, bowing deeply before taking a few steps near the throne.

"I'm sorry to inform you that we found no clue in the room. No traces behind. What we did notice, however, was a small syringe hole on his neck."

"Some kind of drug to make him go numb. Probably so that he didn't make any noise while being killed." (y/n) murmured, resting her chin on her hand.

"Actually, your majesty, the hole is the only 'wound' found on his body. So his death must've been caused by whatever entered his system."

(y/n) thought to herself for a while.

"I see. Thank you for your service. Let me know if you find anything else."

The guard nodded and left the room.

"We need to send a letter to his family, also make a speech regarding the news." (y/n) stressed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I'll take care of it." Aizawa spoke. "You should be careful around the castle." he warned, glancing at Bakugou as if asking him to never leave her side.

"She'll be safe with me."

(y/n) smiled at him and stood up, heading to the healer's.

"I'm curious to see what kind of plant they used to make him go numb." she honestly spoke.

"You think the healer will know?"

"Well, he was a botanist in his prime years." she smirked.

With a knock on the door, (y/n) was greeted with the old man's warm smile.

"After examining his body I can confirm that the liquid used contained aconite. Fast-acting paralytic. Life threatening if high dosages are used."

"That's right." she sighed, remembering the time she read about it in a book. "Do we happen to have it?"

"No." the healer chuckled. "We can't have such plant near you my dear. What if someone tries to poison you?"

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time." she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"You need to brace yourself. People are going to worry." he calmly said.

"I know.. I'll plan a meeting for tomorrow in the grand hall."


"Thank you for gathering here today." (y/n) smiled, watching as a high amount of nobles and court officials bowed at her powerful presence. "I suppose you're all aware of yesterday's news, and I wanted to assure you that I am still searching for answers as well."

"Your majesty, what happened to my son." the poor mother cried.

Many people raised their hands, waiting for her approval to speak.

"In what conditions did you end the meeting, your majesty?"

"First and foremost, he came over to sign a contract. An acre one, to be exact. We ended the meeting peacefully."

"Are there any suspects?"

"Who was he last seen with?"

(y/n) felt her heartbeat fasten at all the questions.

"Why was your guard the only one who didn't get interrogated?"

The whole room went silent after hearing that question.

"There was no need to interrogate him."

"And why not?"

(y/n) felt anger rise in her. Bakugou noticed, but he remained silent standing next to her.

"My guard is trusted. He would never do such thing. Especially without a reason."

"I don't see why not. He was an assassin after all.." someone whispered.

"Enough!" she shouted.

Everyone flinched at the Queen's loud voice. There was one thing everyone feared. And that was seeing her angry.

"If I may speak for myself, my days of killing people for payment, and other reasons, are over." Bakugou spoke, earning gasps and uneasy looks from everyone. "I am fully dedicated to the Queen. I wouldn't do things that would put her in any danger."

"I'm not buying it." an old man spoke, crossing his arms. "You only came here to kill her majesty to begin with. Who knows what your new motives are!"

"Your majesty, how are you letting yourself get fooled by that peasant!"

People agreed and a loud mumbling noise filled the room once again. Everyone went silent, however, when (y/n) stood up.

"How dare you speak like that to me." she glared, feeling her old, cold self coming back. "I'm not getting fooled by anyone! I trust him with all my heart because.."

She glanced around the room, choking on her own words. Bakugou stared at her surprised.

"Because I am in love with him."

Everyone gasped and glanced at eachother worryingly.

"How can you be in love with a peasant! He is no royalty!"

"Does that mean that you will marry? Will he become King?"

"He is the reason people are booing the crown!"

"We will not accept a filthy killer like him! Ever!"

Bakugou grit his teeth and left the room, the rough voices chasing after him as well.

empty crown // bakugou x reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz