Chapter 27

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(y/n)'s eyes narrowed at his words but she continued walking to her horse until he grabbed her by the wrist.

"Let go."

"You're freezing. You'll faint from hypothermia on your way back to the castle."

"Oh so now you're worried about me.." she murmured, her voice breaking as she pulled her hand away from him once again.

"Your majesty!" shouted Kirishima while slowly walking towards her. "He is right. Please stay here tonight, we'll warm you up."

Her eyes softened at Kirishima. Glancing at everyone else, she finally sighed and nodded.

"Thank you for your kind hospitality." she said, leaning forward slightly before following Bakugou to his cabin.

As soon as he closed the door he helped her take off her cloak and wrapped a small blanket around her shoulders, even though she refused to be taken care of. Did he really do it out of concern? Or maybe pitty?

"What are you doing (y/n) huh? You're trying to get yourself killed? Why isn't a guard escorting you?"

"I came here to settle things with your friends. When Todoroki told me about Monoma's fake accusations my blood boiled. But I must admit that I also wanted answers from you. And actually, I demand them."

"I already gave you an answer."

"I don't believe it. I find it hard to."

"Well, that's not my problem." he murmured, his voice hinting a tint of sadness.

"We share the same happiness huh? You filthy liar! Since you failed to kill me you thought that it would be a good idea to take advantage of my body and feelings and then leave right?" she shouted, her hands hitting the top of his chest as she spoke. "After I opened up to you! After I allowed myself to trust you!" she sniffled while her eyes gleamed from the tears that had started to well up in them. "After my dead heart finally started beating for you.."

He wrapped his arms around her while gritting his teeth, ignoring her attempts of pushing him away.

"You think I don't know? Everyday I keep thinking about how much I've hurt you! I didn't want to leave you. I didn't! How could you even think that I would ever take advantage of you (y/n)? I've fallen for you, words can't even describe the feelings I have for you!"

"Then why!"

"I can't tell you.. If I do one of us is going to end up dead."

She gasped and her grip on his shoulders tightened. Of course, she wanted to learn more. Why would one of them end up dead? How was that even possible?

"If it's because of what people might say then I don't care Katsuki.. we'll make things work I know we will!"

He cupped her cheeks and stared right into her eyes. Only then did they both realize how much they had missed eachother's warmth and comfort. Only then did he realize how much he loved hearing his name escape her soft lips.

"For now, I can't give you an answer."

She closed her eyes and nodded, letting her forehead land on his chest while he kissed the top of her head gently. She didn't want to question him further. She clearly understood that it was hard for him too.

A soft knock on the door drew their attention and they finally got away from eachother.

"I brought you some tea, your majesty."

"Ah, thank you. I needed some actually." (y/n) smiled while taking a hold of the cup, her red nose and cheeks enjoying the warmth. "You're Mina, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yeah." she chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry. I only know about you because of Katsuki. You're not in any trouble."

Mina smiled at her warmly and signaled for the other guys to come in as well, (y/n)'s eyes widening at their sudden visit.

"Your majesty, Kaminari and Sero." introduced Kirishima.

They bowed at her and she simply nodded.

"I'm sorry, Sero." she whispered, pointing at his bandaged leg.

"It's not your fault, your majesty." he smiled while the others helped him sit on a small stool.

"How are things for you now? I believe you're more busy." asked Bakugou.

"Yes, but not that much. I've changed a lot of things around town. But of course I started with the royal symbol." she smiled proudly.

Bakugou picked up her cloak and studied the expensive material, a smile appearing on his face when he saw the new symbol.

"I had a feeling it was going to be a rose. I didn't expect the sword however, it's a nice touch."

(y/n) rolled her eyes at him and continued sipping from her warm cup of tea.

"Am I the only one who feels weird about this?" asked Kaminari out of a sudden. "The Queen is being all friendly with a bunch of thieves and assassins. Actually, the Queen is here."

(y/n) lowered her cup and sighed.

"I'm as much human as you are." she smiled after looking at everyone's happy faces.

Some hours passed and (y/n) had fallen asleep on Bakugou's bed while the others played card games.

"Alright guys let's wrap things up shall we?"

His friends stood up and said their goodbyes before leaving the cabin. Cleaning after their mess, Bakugou's eyes landed back on (y/n). He sat next to her sleeping figure, pushing some of her soft hair away from her face. His fingers moved from her head to her cheek, where he caressed it gently so that he wouldn't wake her up.

If only he could talk to her. If only they were in the castle cuddled up inside eachother's arms. What did the future hold for those two?

He sighed and covered her up entirely before leaving his cabin, heading to Kirishima's who opened the door seconds after Bakugou's knocks.

"Can I crash here tonight?"

"Yeah." he said, making way for Bakugou to come in.

Kirishima layed a futon on the wooden floors and handed Bakugou a small pillow before tucking himself into bed as well.

"You love her don't you?"

"What's with that question man?" he murmured while turning his back on Kirishima who laughed loudly at Bakugou's red face.

After some seconds Bakugou's lips formed a small smirk and he closed his eyes before whispering,

"Of course I do."

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